Archiv: "Team Jorge" affair / Tal Hanan

15.02.2023 - 22:12 [ Haaretz ]

Cambridge Analytica‘s Israeli Black Ops Team – Exposed at Last

The emails now being published – which were obtained in the course of the investigation by The Guardian – raise questions about the whistleblower’s memory lapses during her testimony in the British Parliament. They show that Kaiser, who had been Cambridge Analytica’s business development director, had been in contact with Hanan for a number of years and she in fact put him in touch with the company she worked for.

15.02.2023 - 21:47 [ ]

French broadcaster BFMTV suspends presenter amid disinformation scandal

He was suspended last month, after a member of Team Jorge suggested to undercover reporters that the group was secretly behind a BFMTV news report about the Monaco yachting industry.

The report, broadcast last year, suggested sanctions imposed against Russian oligarchs were damaging the yachting industry in the Mediterranean principality.

15.02.2023 - 21:38 [ ]

‚Team Jorge‘ unmasked: the secret disinformation team who distort reality – video

A covert team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media have been exposed in a new investigation. The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym ‚Jorge‘. In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team explained how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking methods to access Gmail and Telegram accounts

15.02.2023 - 09:34 [ ]

Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

The investigation reveals extraordinary details about how disinformation is being weaponised by Team Jorge, which runs a private service offering to covertly meddle in elections without a trace. The group also works for corporate clients.

Hanan told the undercover reporters that his services, which others describe as “black ops”, were available to intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. He said they had been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe.

15.02.2023 - 09:13 [ Haaretz ]

Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel‘s Agents of Chaos and Manipulation

Team Jorge, this investigation believes, works with a residential proxy provider, in order to provide its avatars with local digital identities in the form of real IPs that cannot be found by social media sites.

Team Jorge also seems to work with a cellular provider that serves AIMS in a similar manner, likely giving avatars their local numbers and supplying the infrastructure needed to grant them SMS verification.

The deliberately misleading technical infrastructure also serves to hide such actors. The process creates another layer of plausible deniability between, in this case, Team Jorge, the client and the campaign’s content, and helps them further mask the truth. Or, as Hanan put it in one presentation: „My signal is from Indonesia, the WhatsApp from Hong Kong, Telegram from Germany. And none of them are my numbers.“

15.02.2023 - 08:12 [ Haaretz ]

The Israelis Destabilizing Democracy and Disrupting Elections Worldwide

From a small office building, a group of Israelis is spreading global disruption

15.02.2023 - 07:56 [ ZDF ]

Desinformations-Firma aus Israel : Team Jorge: Wahlmanipulation auf Bestellung?

Team Jorge ist eine israelische Firma, die nach eigenen Angaben im Auftrag von Politikern und reichen Privatpersonen weltweit hackt und manipuliert. Die Firma behauptet, sie habe mit verdeckten Kampagnen in 33 nationale Wahlkämpfe und Referenden eingegriffen, angeblich in 27 Fällen „erfolgreich“ im Sinne ihrer Kunden, vor allem in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika.