Archiv: Northern Command (Israel)

26.08.2024 - 21:22 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel said to push US to present credible military threat or attack Iran’s nuclear sites

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited the Northern Command headquarters earlier today with his American counterpart, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

19.01.2024 - 09:36 [ ]

Israeli Military Chief Says Lebanon War Likely in Coming Months

Lt. Gen Halevi said he believes Israel will be starting the war with more advantages than in the past, and that lessons learned in Gaza will be applied to the situation in Lebanon. Tens of thousands of troops are reportedly being readied for the new offensive.

The comments echo those of Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin, the head of northern forces, who said earlier this week that he believes the troops are “ready” for the war in Lebanon, and could start “tonight, if necessary.”

11.10.2023 - 15:53 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

We are documenting Israel‘s use of what is believed to be phosphorus munitions in Sahl al-Mari & Shebaa Farms in Lebanon. The use of such munition is internationally prohibited under the Geneva Conventions against civilian targets or even military targets in civilian areas (1/2)

13.08.2023 - 16:05 [ Times of Israel ]

‘The time to fight is now’: Masses nationwide rally against overhaul for 32nd week

Levin, who at various times headed the IDF Northern Command, commanded the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and served as deputy director of the Mossad spy agency, accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of wanting to hand the country over to criminals.

“Bibi wants to give the keys to the country to a group of awful ministers, some of whom are convicted criminals and draft dodgers, to ministers who encourage massacring Palestinians subject to our rule, to a racist minister who loots the state budget and blocks funds for Arabs, just because they are Arabs. To a justice minister who wants one branch of government and no independent judiciary,”

13.08.2023 - 15:53 [ Haaretz ]

32nd Week of Israel’s Pro-democracy Protests: „Choose Democracy!“ Ex-IDF General Calls on Army Chief to Back Rule of Law in Looming Conflict With ‘Gov’t of Criminals’

At the main Kaplan Street protest in Tel Aviv, former Israeli General, Amiram Levin called on defense leaders to stand up to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who “are trying to drag you into war crimes.”

“If the terrible moment comes when you will be required to decide between the court and a government of criminals – Choose democracy! We will all stand behind you, fearlessly and unreservedly,” said Levin.

26.08.2020 - 06:57 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Strikes Hezbollah Targets After Troops Fired on From Lebanon, Military Says

The military struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon after troops were fired upon from across the border, the military said early Wednesday, after announcing a „security incident“ at the border late Tuesday evening.

No soldiers were hurt, the army said.

04.09.2019 - 17:11 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Almost Dragged Into War With Hezbollah Due to Operational Failure

What’s particularly worrying about this story is that the ambulance shouldn’t have been there. As part of Northern Command’s preparations, for the past several days soldiers have been using back roads that aren’t vulnerable to flat-trajectory weapons from Lebanon.

Yet for reasons still unknown, the ambulance crew, under the command of a doctor, didn’t take the safer route. Perhaps the crew made a navigational error, or perhaps it wasn’t familiar with the orders in detail. But whatever the reason, the doctor and his crew were driving on a road that was vulnerable to Hezbollah fire.