Archiv: Ashraf Ghani

21.08.2021 - 11:28 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on Evacuations in Afghanistan

Now, Justin Sink of Bloomberg.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You just said that you would keep a laser-focus on counterterrorism efforts and that you don’t see as great of a threat of terrorism from Afghanistan as other parts of the world. But if you and your administration so badly misassessed how quickly the Taliban would sweep through Afghanistan and we no longer have an embassy there from which to run intelligence operations, how can you at all be confident of your assessment of the risk of terrorism and the ability of the U.S. to conduct over-the-horizon missions to keep it in check? Can you tell Americans that they’re safe and will remain safe from terror attacks in Afghanistan?

THE PRESIDENT: I think you’re comparing apples and oranges. One question was whether or not the Afghan forces we trained up would stay and fight in their own civil war they had going on.

No one — I shouldn’t say “no one” — the consensus was that it was highly unlikely that in 11 days they’d collapse and fall, and the leader of Afghanistan would flee the country.

18.08.2021 - 17:44 [ ]

Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani revealed to be in United Arab Emirates after fleeing ‘with helicopter full of cash’

A spokesman for the Russian embassy in Kabul, Nikita Ishchenko, was quoted as saying: “The collapse of the regime…is most eloquently characterised by how Ghani escaped from Afghanistan: four cars were filled with money, they tried to shove another part of the money into a helicopter, but not everything fit.

Asked by the Associated Press about how he knew the details of Ghani’s departure, Mr Ishchenko said “well, we are working here,” without offering any more details.

16.08.2021 - 16:34 [ Michael Landon, Veteran, 12 tours Afghanistan / Twitter ]

Twitter Afghans friends. Many of you have been afraid to follow us for fear of retribution by @ashrafghani & his gang of thieves. He‘s fled so fear no more. We‘ll be working w/ Dept. of Treasury to freeze assets of all his aides & hold them accountable.Please send us your input.

15.08.2021 - 19:50 [ Washington Post ]

Afghan president flees country after Taliban enters Kabul, a sign the government has collapsed

In a sign that the government had collapsed, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country, Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Afghan High Council for National Reconciliation, confirmed in a video shared online.

15.08.2021 - 19:40 [ ]

Afghanistan: Taliban capture Mazar-e-Sharif, government’s last northern stronghold

The fall of Mazar-e-Sharif, the country‘s fourth-largest city, which Afghan forces and two powerful former warlords had pledged to defend, hands the insurgents control over all of northern Afghanistan, confining the Western-backed government to the centre and east.

14.08.2021 - 15:07 [ Hindustan Times ]

Taliban seizes Logar province near Kabul, launch attack on Mazar-e-Sharif


The Taliban seized a province just south of Afghanistan‘s capital and launched a multi-pronged assault early Saturday on a major city in the north defended by powerful former warlords, Afghan officials said.

The insurgents have captured much of northern, western, and southern Afghanistan in a breakneck offensive less than three weeks before the United States is set to withdraw its last troops,

14.08.2021 - 15:04 [ Hadees Pardes / Twitter ]

President Ghani arrived in #MazareSharifcity, Balkh province, this morning where he will meet officials to discuss the security situation in the north, an official said. #Afghanistan


14.08.2021 - 15:03 [ ]

Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum leaves for Mazar-e-Sharif


Marshal (Afghan National Army) Abdul Rashid Dostum on Tuesday left Kabul for Mazar-e-Sharif after the fall of the eighth province Baghlan to the Taliban. Ehsan Nairo, Dostum´s spokesman, confirmed the news and said that the trip to Mazar-e-Sharif was coordinated with the help of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

04.04.2021 - 20:11 [ Reuters ]

Afghan leader proposes peace road map in three phases – document

A senior government official said Ghani has already shared his road map with foreign capitals.

21.03.2021 - 20:06 [ Al Jazeera ]

US defence boss Austin meets Afghan president in unannounced trip

United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has met Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in a previously unannounced visit to Kabul.

17.05.2020 - 15:30 [ France24 ]

Afghanistan’s President Ghani signs power-sharing deal with rival Abdullah

„The Political Agreement between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah has just been signed,“ said Sediq Sediqqi, Ghani‘s spokesman, on Twitter. Abdullah would lead the council for peace talks with the insurgent Taliban and his team members would be included in cabinet, Sediqqi added.

24.03.2020 - 06:24 [ Tagesschau ]

Konflikt um Präsidentenamt: USA kürzen Hilfen für Afghanistan

Er hatte dort Staatschef Ashraf Ghani sowie dessen Erzrivalen Abdullah Abdullah getroffen, die seit der Wahl im vergangenen Jahr beide die Präsidentschaft für sich beanspruchen.

Die USA seien „enttäuscht“ über das Verhalten der beiden afghanischen Rivalen, erklärte Pompeo. Deren Versäumnis, eine Einheitsregierung zu bilden, habe die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Afghanistan „beschädigt“.

23.03.2020 - 15:48 [ ]

Mike Pompeo lands in Afghanistan to salvage Taliban treaty

Pompeo will meet Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his rival, ex-Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, who also proclaimed himself president after results of the September vote were published with a months-long delay.

The Kabul-Taliban prisoner swap, which is one of the steps outlined in the Doha agreement will allegedly be at the top of the agenda,

25.02.2020 - 01:13 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: U.S. wants Afghan president to postpone planned inauguration -sources

The United States wants Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to defer his second-term inauguration over concerns it could inflame an election feud with his political rival and jeopardize U.S.-led peacemaking efforts, two sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

29.11.2019 - 01:37 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Trump makes surprise visit to US troops in Afghanistan, says talks with Taliban ongoing

In his first trip to the site of America‘s longest war, Trump arrived at Bagram Air Field shortly after 8:30 p.m. local time Thursday and spent 3½ hours on the ground, serving turkey, thanking the troops and sitting down with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani before leaving just after midnight.

18.08.2019 - 12:52 [ CNN ]

Deadly blast rips through wedding in Afghanistan, killing 63 people

The Afghan Taliban denied any responsibility for the attack, with spokesman Zabiullah Mojahid saying they condemn the suicide attack on civilians.

The venue is in western Kabul, an area home to many of Afghanistan‘s Shiite Hazara minority. It is also near the Darul Aman palace, where President Ashraf Ghani is expected to celebrate Afghan Independence Day on Monday.

18.08.2019 - 12:48 [ ]

Afghanistan wedding hall blast: more than 60 killed, 180 injured

Afghanistan’s president, Ashraf Ghani, said on Sunday the Taliban could not escape blame for the “barbaric” suicide bomb attack.

“The Taliban cannot absolve themselves of blame for they provide platform for terrorists,” Ghani said in a post on Twitter.

14.08.2018 - 00:03 [ Fox News ]

Taliban travel from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan for talks

(11.8.2018) Last week, Afghan security forces reportedly rescued scores of Afghan Uzbeks who had declared their allegiance to IS when they came under attack by Taliban fighters in northern Afghanistan not far from the border with Uzbekistan. The rescued Uzbek warriors declared they would join the peace process. Most of those rescued were Afghan Uzbeks loyal to Afghanistan‘s Vice President Rashid Dostum who had gone over to IS after Dostum fell out with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and fled to Turkey in May last year.

Coincidentally their rescue from the Taliban came just days after Dostum returned to Afghanistan and reconciled with Ghani‘s government.

07.06.2018 - 11:05 [ Reuters ]

Afghanistan announces unconditional ceasefire with Taliban after peace meeting

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Thursday announced an unconditional ceasefire with the Taliban until June 20, coinciding with the end of the Muslim fasting season, but excluded all other militant groups, such as Islamic State.