Daily Archives: 26. Oktober 2022

26.10.2022 - 07:50 [ Biorxiv.org ]

Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2


The goal of this paper is to address the question whether SARS-CoV-2 originated from an animal-to-human spillover or from experiments performed in a laboratory. In the latter scenario, it is possible that evidence exists for manipulation of the viral genome by common laboratory techniques. SARS-CoV-2 is a large RNA virus. To create infectious versions of CoVs, the entire 30kb RNA genome is reconstructed in DNA by in vitro genome assembly (IVGA). IVGA has been used to create reverse genetic systems for modified and chimeric RNA viruses for more than 20 years (Yount et al, 2000). Most importantly, IVGA methods can leave genetic fingerprints, and we find those fingerprints in the genome of SARS-CoV-2.

26.10.2022 - 07:36 [ ntv Nachrichten / Nitter ]

Neue Studie sorgt für Wirbel: Deutscher Forscher: Sars-CoV-2 kommt zu 99,9 Prozent aus Labor


26.10.2022 - 06:52 [ ORF.at ]

UNO-Sicherheitsrat besprach Vorwürfe zu „schmutziger Bombe“

Der stellvertretende russische UNO-Botschafter Dmitri Poljanskij bekräftigte nach der Sitzung indes den russischen Vorwurf, dass die Verwendung einer „schmutzigen Bombe“ eine „sehr ernste Gefahr“ sei, „eine ernsthafte Bedrohung“. Die Ukraine habe „die Fähigkeiten“ und „die Gründe dafür, weil das Regime von (Wolodymyr, Anm.) Selenskyj eine Niederlage vermeiden und die NATO in eine direkte Konfrontation mit Russland verwickeln“ wolle, sagte er.

26.10.2022 - 06:16 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told

(27 August 2022)

Lockdown – closing schools and much of the economy while sending the police after people who sat on park benches – was the most draconian policy introduced in peacetime. No. 10 wanted to present it as ‘following the science’ rather than a political decision, and this had implications for the wiring of government decision-making. It meant elevating Sage, a sprawling group of scientific advisers, into a committee that had the power to decide whether the country would lock down or not. There was no socioeconomic equivalent to Sage; no forum where other questions would be asked.

So whoever wrote the minutes for the Sage meetings – condensing its discussions into guidance for government – would set the policy of the nation. No one, not even cabinet members, would know how these decisions were reached.

26.10.2022 - 06:09 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Rishi Sunak is just the start. The great lockdown scandal is about to unravel


For some time, I’ve been trying to persuade Rishi Sunak to go on the record about what really happened in lockdown. Only a handful of people really know what took place then, because most ministers – including members of the Cabinet – were kept in the dark. Government was often reduced to a “quad” of ministers deciding on Britain’s future and the then chancellor of the exchequer was one of them. I’d heard rumours that Sunak was horrified at much of what he saw, but was keeping quiet. In which case, lessons would never be learnt.

His speaking out now confirms much of what many suspected. That the culture of fear, seen in the Orwellian advertising campaign that sought to terrify the country, applied inside Government.

26.10.2022 - 05:48 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Rishi Sunak replaces third of Liz Truss‘s Cabinet as he vows to fix mistakes of her premiership

Three were given their old jobs – Dominic Raab, the Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary, Mr Gove, the Communities Secretary, and Steve Barclay, the Health Secretary.