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04.08.2023 - 09:14 [ Haaretz ]

Crisis, Coup, Dictatorship? Netanyahu‘s Assault on Israel‘s Democracy, the Protest Movement and What’s Next

Suiting the unprecedented times, all 15 justices of the Supreme Court will sit in September to decide the fate of the law. All eyes will be on the court in Jerusalem, not least those of Israel’s extraordinary pro-democracy protest movement, which has vowed to protect the rule of law, while the prime minister serially refuses to state for the record that he will commit to the court’s ruling.

Beyond Israel’s borders, the world is watching this momentous battle against illiberalism and autocracy, whether as inspiration or as a portent for their own societies.

01.08.2023 - 09:19 [ ]

Netanyahu still not committing to abiding by Supreme Court ruling

Netanyahu, who has refused to answer questions from the Israeli media has been giving interviews to American Networks. „I think we have to follow two rules. One is that Israeli governments abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court and the at the same time the Supreme Court respects the basic laws which are the closes thing we have to a constitution. I think we should keep both principles.“

22.04.2023 - 13:52 [ ]

New ‘magical thinking’ law puts everyone’s privacy at risk, warns Signal president

Ms Whittaker said the video offered “scientifically unsubstantiated claims”. But she said that the video had also “pulled the veil off the intentions behind this bill”, and that it had made clear the legislation “really is attacking encryption”.

“It appears to me that there’s a little bit of desperation – and now they’ve taken the gloves off,” she told The Independent. “And they are saying the quiet part loud, which is that we don’t want more encryption.”