Archiv: Tesla (corporation)

29.01.2023 - 20:32 [ Bert Walther / Nitter ]

Schlapphüte offen für neue Technologien…

28.03.2021 - 11:24 [ Portal ]

Lithium-Förderung: Bolivien nimmt Verhandlungen mit Deutschland wieder auf

Im Oktober 2019 hatte der damals noch amtierende Ex-Präsident, Evo Morales, das Joint Venture zwischen dem staatlichen bolivianischen Unternehmen YLB (Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos, Bolivianische Lithiumvorkommen) und ACISA (ACI Systems Alemania), einem Firmenableger von ACI Systems, gestoppt. Vorausgegangen waren Proteste von Anwohnern und lokalen Bürgerkomitees aus der Region Salar de Uyuni gegen das Projekt. Sie befürchteten erhebliche Umweltschäden wie Auswirkungen auf das Grundwasser.

18.09.2020 - 19:30 [ WDR ]

Big Brother Awards 2020: Bundesländer und Tesla erhalten Negativpreis

Der Bielefelder Datenschutzverein Digitalcourage hat am Freitag den Negativpreis «Big Brother Award» verliehen. Er geht in diesem Jahr unter anderem an den US-Autobauer Tesla und zwei Bundesländer.

09.08.2020 - 09:18 [ The Barents Observer ]

Russian Indigenous groups call on Elon Musk not to buy battery metals from Nornickel

06.08.2020 Tesla is a world leader in electric cars, while Nornickel is a global leader in environmental damage. This doesn’t match, claims Aborigen Forum, a network of independent experts, activists and Russian indigenous groups who see their homeland being destroyed by pollution.

12.05.2020 - 18:31 [ Tagesschau ]

Streit mit Behörden: Tesla produziert wieder – trotz Verbots

Die Verhandlungen, wann und wie Tesla sein Werk in Kalifornien wieder hochfahren darf, dauerten Firmenchef Musk offenbar zu lange. Seit heute läuft die Produktion wieder – entgegen aller Corona-Verbote.

12.05.2020 - 18:21 [ Elon Musk / Twitter ]

Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules. I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.

12.05.2020 - 18:18 [ Elon Musk / Twitter ]

Yes, California approved, but an unelected county official illegally overrode. Also, all other auto companies in US are approved to resume. Only Tesla has been singled out. This is super messed up!

12.05.2020 - 18:10 [ Washington Post ]

Tesla’s Elon Musk reopens factory, defying county orders and daring officials to arrest him

FREMONT, Calif. — Tesla’s Elon Musk is in a showdown with California officials over the reopening of a major factory, one of the most prominent examples of a powerful business defying health orders that require all but essential activities to cease.

Musk continued to ramp up production at the company’s Fremont facilities Tuesday, where the company produces its Model 3 and Model Y electric vehicles.

30.04.2020 - 07:20 [ @elwalvador / Twitter ]

Elon Musk‘s „What the fuck“ rant on shelter in place from the Tesla conference call:

21.08.2018 - 09:15 [ Third Man Records / Twitter ]

“It’s been a thought of mine for a few years now that I would love to do a free concert for the employees at the Fremont factory. I am a huge fanatic and supporter of everything @Tesla has been doing since day one.” – #JackWhite

21.08.2018 - 09:11 [ Rolling Stone ]

Jack White Stages Free Concert for Tesla Employees at California Plant

(18.8.2018) Jack White staged a private concert for Tesla workers Friday at the electric-car manufacturer’s plant in Fremont, California, where the rocker also test drove an upcoming Tesla model.

21.08.2018 - 08:24 [ ]

Saudi Arabia Might Not Fund Elon Musk‘s Take-Tesla-Private Plans After All

In August alone the entrepreneur has become the subject of an SEC investigation, made a dubious Twitter announcement about taking his company Tesla private, and gave a teary interview to the New York Times, causing Tesla shares to plummet.

Now it looks like the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund, the main candidate to take Tesla private, might actually invest in a Tesla rival instead.

21.08.2018 - 08:18 [ Elon Musk / ]

Update on Taking Tesla Private

(13-8.2018) I left the July 31st meeting with no question that a deal with the Saudi sovereign fund could be closed, and that it was just a matter of getting the process moving. This is why I referred to “funding secured” in the August 7th announcement.

21.08.2018 - 08:01 [ ]

Here‘s Why JP Morgan Reversed Course On Tesla

In the course of just under two weeks, J.P. Morgan’s Tesla analyst Ryan Brinkman increased his price target for Tesla from $195 to $308 and then reversed course back to $195 this morning, all while keeping an underweight rating.

21.07.2018 - 11:55 [ Upguard ]

Short Circuit: How a Robotics Vendor Exposed Confidential Data for Major Manufacturing Companies

The data was exposed via rsync, a common file transfer protocol used to mirror or backup large data sets. The rsync server was not restricted by IP or user, and the data set was downloadable to any rsync client that connected to the rsync port.

21.07.2018 - 11:48 [ New York Times ]

‘Big Red Flag’: Automakers’ Trade Secrets Exposed in Data Leak

He’s a rarity in the industry: a security sleuth who doesn’t hack. Instead, he searches communication ports and the internet’s hive of connected devices to find information inadvertently made public. His discoveries have included medical records, airport security files, hotel bookings, a terrorist screening database and 87 million Mexican voter registration records. Once the sensitive information has been secured, he publicly discloses that the data had been revealed.

Mr. Vickery found Level One’s data through an exposed backup server.

21.07.2018 - 11:22 [ ]

Bericht: Datenleck bei Autobauern – auch VW betroffen

Das 157 Gigabyte umfassende Datenleck sei diesen Monat von einem Sicherheitsforscher entdeckt worden und habe Branchenschwergewichte wie Volkswagen, Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Fiat Chrysler und Tesla betroffen, schrieb die „New York Times“ am Freitag online.

12.05.2018 - 20:03 [ InteGritty ‏/ Twitter ]

Elon Musk whining on Twitter but admitting SpaceX and Tesla were started with $4.9 billion in public funds that he grifted while cutting the public out of all decision-making and profit was a nice surprise. America = subsidize the rich, privatize profits