Archiv: Katalonien / Catalonia

16.11.2023 - 21:14 [ El Pais ]

Pedro Sánchez, the political survivor who keeps resisting against all odds

He faces almost no internal criticism and on Friday he will take office for the third time as prime minister of Spain, after having managed to win an investiture vote inside parliament with 179 votes, more than the previous ones, and with broad cross-party support. If we add all the parties that have backed him — PSOE, Sumar, Catalan Republican Left (ERC), Junts, Bildu, Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), Galicia Nationalist Bloc (BNG), Canaries Coalition (CC) — there are 12.6 million votes behind the new progressive government.

05.05.2022 - 20:16 [ New York Times ]

Spain Says Cellphones of Prime Minister and Defense Minister Were Hacked


Officials said the devices were breached by the Pegasus spyware, made by an Israeli company, which is intended to track illegal behavior but has been misused by some governments.

05.05.2022 - 20:01 [ ]

Spaniens Geheimdienst bespitzelte Separatisten

Bei der Überwachung kam die israelische Spähsoftware Pegasus zum Einsatz.

Für jeden dieser Fälle habe CNI-Chefin Paz Esteban heute in einer parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission eine richterliche Erlaubnis vorgelegt, berichtete die Zeitung „El Pais“.

02.05.2022 - 16:14 [ ]

Handy-Attacke mit Pegasus-Software: Spähangriff auf Spaniens Regierungschef

Bolaños machte keine Angaben dazu, ob die spanischen Behörden über Hinweise auf den Ursprung der Abhöraktion verfügen oder ob sie aus dem Ausland erfolgte.

Es sei aber absolut sicher, dass es sich um eine Attacke von außen handele, weil weil in Spanien alle Eingriffe von offiziellen Einrichtungen und mit juristischer Genehmigung erfolgen“, fügte der Minister hinzu.

02.05.2022 - 16:05 [ Haaretz ]

Spanish Prime Minister, Defense Minister Hacked Using Israel‘s Pegasus Spyware in 2021, Officials Say

Israel‘s NSO Group, the cyber offensive firm which developed Pegasus, said it was unfamiliar with the details of the specific case and, as a software provider, cannot know who the targets of its customers are.

Spain’s government is under pressure to explain why the cellphones of dozens of people connected to the separatist movement in the northeastern Catalonia region were infected with Pegasus between 2017 and 2020, according to cybersecurity experts’ group Citizen Lab.

29.04.2019 - 07:30 [ El Pais ]

GENERAL ELECTION 2019: Socialist Party wins general election but falls short of an absolute majority

Pedro Sánchez took the highest number of seats in Congress, but will need the support of Unidas Podemos and regional parties if he is to form a government

29.04.2019 - 07:27 [ ]

Pattstellung nach Parlamentswahl in Spanien

Zum Zünglein an der Waage werden womöglich nationalistische Parteien aus dem Baskenland oder Katalonien, die dem linken Lager mit ihren Mandaten zu einer Mehrheit verhelfen könnten. Doch hatte der Streit um die Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen der Region Katalonien dazu geführt, dass Sanchez als Chef einer Minderheitsregierung seinen Haushalt nicht durchbringen konnte und Neuwahlen ansetzen musste.

21.11.2018 - 09:05 [ / Facebook ]

Ryan Heath, POLITICO’s Political Editor, sits with the foreign minister to discuss a multitude of hot topics including Catalonia, the Spanish political economic landscape, Brexit and the 2019 European election.


21.11.2018 - 09:03 [ ]

Spanish foreign minister: UK will split before Spain

And he reiterated Spain’s insistence that negotiations over the future relationship between Gibraltar and the EU should be handled separately to those with the U.K.

“I am very much [more] worried about the unity of the United Kingdom than the unity of the Kingdom of Spain. I think the United Kingdom will split apart before the Kingdom of Spain,” he said, in an apparent reference to movements in both Scotland and Northern Ireland to leave the U.K. over its EU departure.

21.11.2018 - 08:56 [ ]

Brexit SPLIT: UK will BREAK UP and Scotland should rejoin the EU, says Spanish minister

Spain has faced its own independence claim from the region of Catalonia, which voted to separate in a referendum dubbed illegal by Madrid. The Spanish government has always opposed Scotland being allowed to join the EU, apparently worried that it would start a precedent for newly independent European states to join, encouraging Catalan separatists.

11.10.2018 - 23:31 [ El ]

Catalan Parliament censures king Felipe VI and calls for the abolition of the monarchy

That wasn‘t the only bill the Parliament passed today. With 90 votes in favour from JxCat, PSC, En Comú and CUP, ERC‘s bill condemning Francoism and the rise of the far-right sailed through. Notably, however, both Ciutadans and PP abstained. The text restates the chamber‘s commitment to „democracy and freedoms“ and urges the Catalan government to eliminate any and all Francoist and fascist symbolism from public spaces, official buildings and monuments.

08.05.2018 - 15:04 [ EL PAÍS ]

Catalan Republican Left rejects fresh leadership bid by Carles Puigdemont

At a meeting held Monday night in Barcelona, the ERC, whose leader Oriol Junqueras is being held in pre-trial custody in a Madrid prison in connection with the rebellion probe, confirmed that it wants to avoid a fresh election and that it also wants to avoid disobeying existing laws.