Archiv: David Morales

25.07.2023 - 13:55 [ ]

Ecuador: Spionageberichte von UC Global über Rafael Correa sollen an CIA gegangen sein

UC Global wurde ursprünglich von der ecuadorianischen Regierung unter Correa mit der Sicherheit in der Botschaft des Andenstaates in London betraut, in der Julian Assange 2012 Zuflucht suchte. Im Schatten ihres eigentlichen Auftrags belauschte die Firma damals mehrere Gespräche zwischen Assange und seinen Anwälten und Besuchern, kopierten die Daten ihrer elektronischen Geräte und gaben die erlangten Informationen an den US-Auslandsgeheimdienst CIA weiter. Im August 2022 verklagten deshalb Anwältinnen von Assange und zwei Journalisten den CIA, dessen Ex-Chef Mike Pompeo und UC Global.

19.07.2023 - 20:54 [ ]

A Spanish security company allegedly spied on Rafael Correa at the request of the CIA | The newspaper El País published documents from a case pending in Madrid

In another part of the article published by the Spanish newspaper it is stated that Morales allegedly spied on Correa’s two daughters through computer viruses installed on his phones in 2014 when he was still in government. The two iPhone 5s delivered by UC Global to Sofia and Anne had “Trojan horses” from the Tradesegur company installed. These Trojans allowed full control over their messages and conversations while the girls studied in France without their parents knowing.

18.07.2023 - 17:50 [ El Pais ]

Spanish company that spied on Assange allegedly informed CIA about meetings held by Latin American leaders

David Morales, owner of the Spanish security company UC Global, S.L., which spied on Julian Assange during the Wikileaks founder’s time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also allegedly spied for the CIA on meetings held in 2018 by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (2007-2017), with former presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay – Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff and José Mujica – according to a new examination of his MacBook laptop ordered by Spanish Judge Santiago Pedraz, who has been investigating Morales for three years.

06.01.2021 - 08:09 [ El Pais ]

New leads suggest CIA spied on Assange to secure his extradition to the US

The Spanish High Court’s investigation is currently stalled. Six months after Judge De la Mata requested judicial cooperation from US authorities, asking them for identifying information about the IPs that accessed UC Global’s servers, the US justice system has yet to respond. US prosecutors demanded to know the judge’s sources, and De la Mata sent additional information, but no reply has been forthcoming.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom has also failed to comply with De la Mata’s request to take statements from the lawyers who were spied on while working with Assange.

25.07.2020 - 15:48 [ Consortium News ]

CIA ‘Obsessed’ With Former UK Envoy Who Will Testify in Spying-on-Assange Case

The former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange says he was the “top target” of the 24/7 surveillance of Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London by the Spanish security company UC Global, which, according to press reports and court documents, shared the surveillance with the CIA.

Craig Murray said he has been contacted by an attorney in the spying case on Assange and that he will be going to Madrid to testify. The founder of UC Global, David Morales, was arrested over the surveillance (including privileged Assange-lawyer conversations) and is on trial.

Murray told former CIA analyst Ray McGovern in an email, shared with Consortium News with Murray’s permission, that the CIA was “obsessed” with him.

12.04.2020 - 08:54 [ ]

WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer, 37, who fell in love with him while helping his fight against extradition to the US

Now, in a world exclusive interview, Miss Morris reveals how:

Assange watched both children being born in London hospitals via live video link and met Gabriel when he was smuggled into the embassy;

They believe American intelligence agencies tried to steal Gabriel‘s DNA from a nappy after becoming suspicious that Assange was his father;

25.02.2020 - 18:24 [ ]

Verteidiger berichten von Vergiftungsplänen gegen Julian Assange

Das Anwaltsteam sagt, es habe Kontakt zu mehreren Whistleblowern aus dem Umfeld von UC Global und wolle diese als Zeugen anführen. Ihrer Aussage nach sei der Chef von UC Global, David Morales, bei Gesprächen mit nicht näher genannten US-amerikanischen Stellen dabei gewesen, bei denen die Frage diskutiert worden sei, ob man gegen Assange nicht auch „extremere Maßnahmen“ ergreifen könne.

25.02.2020 - 18:11 [ Daily Mail ]

US ‚plotted to kill Julian Assange and make it look like an accident‘: Spies discussed kidnapping or poisoning WikiLeaks founder in Ecuadorean embassy, extradition trial hears

Referring to witness two‘s evidence, Mr Fitzgerald said: ‚There were conversations about whether there should be more extreme measures contemplated, such as kidnapping or poisoning Julian Assange in the embassy.‘

Reading from a witness statement, Mr Fitzgerald continued: ‚David (Morales) said the Americans were desperate and had even suggested more extreme measures could be applied against the guest to put an end to the situation.‘

27.09.2019 - 14:37 [ El Pais ]

Spanish security company spied on Julian Assange in London for the United States

Morales ordered his workers to install microphones in the embassy’s fire extinguishers and also in the women’s bathroom, where Assange’s lawyers, including the Spaniard Aitor Martínez and his closest collaborators, would meet for fear of being spied on. The cyberactivist’s meetings with his lawyers, Melynda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzón, were also monitored.

The UC Global S. L. team was also ordered by its boss to install stickers that prevented the windows of the rooms that the WikiLeaks founder used from vibrating, allegedly to make it easier for the CIA to record conversations with their laser microphones. They also took a used diaper that from a baby that was on occasions taken to visit the activist in order to determine if the child was his by a close collaborator.

27.09.2019 - 14:31 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

MAJOR SCOOP by El Pais: US intelligence had cameras, microphones concealed throughout Ecuador‘s London embassy, including in diplomats‘ bathroom. The US was not just spying directly on Assange but also on Ecuador‘s diplomats inside their own embassy.