Archiv: Daily Express (media)

10.07.2021 - 16:59 [ ]

If Covid hadn‘t been politicised, lockdown would be over, says JUDY FINNIGAN

If the scientists are so unsure that double-jabbed bodies are protected from the worst effects of Covid, ie ICU and death, then what the hell was all the fuss about when they were invented late last year?

Covid is no longer a matter of public health. It’s been politicised. Reputations have been staked. Pompous men are using you and me as pawns. It’s like Brexit. We just want to get on with our lives but the scientists and politicians don’t seem to care about that.

01.04.2021 - 00:28 [ ]

Brexit MEP‘s controversial vaccine theory – but do YOU agree with him?

Boris was elected in December 2019 on the promise of reclaiming our freedoms from Brussels, that did not give him the mandate to permanently change how our society works. The State has more power now than at anytime since the Second World War and it’s hungry for more.

That 80 seat majority that Brexiteers gifted Boris is being used to ram ever more authoritarian diktats down our throat in the name of „protecting us“.

Where is the so-called libertarian Boris? The man with famously flexible principles has abandoned the core political philosophy that powered his rise – personal responsibility.

27.03.2021 - 14:00 [ ]

What‘s the point of a BRILLIANT vaccine if we remain prisoners in our homes? JUDY FINNIGAN

I’m getting very tired of various scientific oddbods turning up on the news and telling us our future. This is invariably gloomy, speculating about how new variants will not allow us to have holidays abroad this summer.

The latest – unbelievably – is Professor Neil Ferguson, who was so publicly caught flouting his own lockdown advice last year by inviting his mistress over for a spot of nooky.

Shamed for a bit, he’s now back on his high horse, saying summer holidays are not for the rest of us.

24.12.2018 - 18:36 [ ]

MPs repeat call for ‚Cliff‘s Law‘ to stop suspects being named before charge after Gatwick drone front pages

Anna Soubry MP (pictured) said the couple “should not have been named in the media”, adding that a new law was “needed” to make it a criminal offence to name suspects before charge unless it is in the interests of justice.

The pair were pictured on the front pages of the Mail on Sunday, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Sunday Express and Sunday People yesterday morning, as well as on numerous news websites.

26.11.2018 - 14:42 [ Alan Sked ‏/ Twitter ]

The Daily Express is backing May and her deal. Another paper to give a miss.