Archiv: Antonio Tajani

18.02.2023 - 15:46 [ Reuters ]

China‘s Xi plans ‚peace speech‘ on Ukraine invasion anniversary, Italy says


Antonio Tajani told RAI Radio 1 that he used a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Rome on Thursday to urge Beijing to use all its powers to persuade Russia to end the war while ensuring Ukraine‘s independence.

21.10.2022 - 22:45 [ ]

Italien: Postfaschistin Meloni hat Regierungsauftrag

Neun Minister und Ministerinnen stellt Melonis Partei FdI, jeweils fünf die Lega und Forza Italia, fünf Ministerien werden zudem mit Technikern und damit als parteilos eingestuften Experten besetzt.
Vizepremier und Außenminister wird wie erwartet Ex-EU-Parlamentspräsident Antonio Tajani und damit die Nummer zwei von Forza Italia.

15.03.2019 - 19:04 [ New York Times ]

‘I’m Not a Fascist’: E.U. Leader Apologizes for Comments on Mussolini’s Legacy


His apology followed a radio interview on Wednesday in which he appeared to offer a positive slant on Mussolini’s dictatorship.

“I’m not a fascist, I was never a fascist, and I don’t share his political convictions,” Mr. Tajani told Radio 24, an Italian broadcaster. “But we have to be honest: Mussolini built roads, bridges, buildings, sports facilities; he has developed many parts of our Italy.”

14.03.2019 - 14:57 [ ]

La polemica, Antonio Tajani: „Mussolini? Ha fatto anche cose positive“

„Mussolini? Fino a quando non ha dichiarato guerra al mondo intero seguendo Hitler, ha fatto delle cose positive“. Lo ha detto Antonio Tajani nel corso di un‘intervista ai giornalisti di La Zanzara, su Radio 24, che ne hanno mandato in onda alcuni estratti.

14.03.2019 - 14:55 [ Guido Fawkes ]

European Parliament President Says Mussolini Did Positive Things

Tajani is from the European Parliament’s centre-right federalist ‘European People’s Party’ grouping of Merkel, Varadkar, and Juncker. If a Eurosceptic had said what Tajani said there would be uproar…

26.11.2018 - 10:12 [ ]

‚Italians will SUFFER!‘ Tajani WARNS ‚isolated‘ Italy change budget or face CONSEQUENCES

He said: „Italy seems to me isolated.

„Italy must not threaten. It seems that the government has understood the mistakes, but we will see if it will change.

„If it doesn’t, Italians will suffer. We‘ll see. I do not think there‘s a desire to change, but we‘ll see.“

25.06.2018 - 09:34 [ ]

Antonio Tajani: „Der Europäischen Union droht der Todesstoß“

„Nach dem Vorbild der Vereinbarung mit der Türkei, durch die die Balkanroute geschlossen werden konnte, muss die EU mindestens sechs Milliarden Euro investieren, um die Mittelmeerroute zu schließen“, schreibt Tajani in einem Gastbeitrag für die Zeitung Die Welt. Außerdem müssten die Europäer enger mit Transitländern wie Marokko, Tunesien und Algerien zusammenarbeiten.