Daily Archives: 25. Februar 2024

25.02.2024 - 07:10 [ Law for Palestine ]

Accountability Now: Palestinians Sue German Government officials for Enabling the Genocide in Gaza

Berlin – 23 February 2024

Today, a group of German lawyers – representing families of two Gazans – is filing a criminal complaint against German Government officials[1], for the crime of aiding and abetting genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by providing Israel with weapons and issuing related export permissions. They are supported by civil society organisations ELSC (European Legal Support Center), PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy) and Law for Palestine under the Justice and Accountability for Palestine Initiative. The charges are being filed at the Office of the Federal Prosecutor in Karlsruhe (‘Generalbundesanwaltschaft’).

In a historic ruling on 26 January 2024 in the case filed by South Africa against Israel for the crime of Genocide, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures against the “serious risk” of genocide and stated that the latter is “plausibly taking place”.

25.02.2024 - 07:00 [ NewArab.com ]

German lawyers file genocide complicity case against German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

German lawyers representing Gaza Palestinian families have filed a criminal complaint against German officials – including Chancellor Olaf Scholz – for supplying Israel with weapons that they say aid and abet Israel‘s ongoing genocide in their homeland.

Prosecutors from the Federal Prosecutor‘s office in Karlsruhe will examine the case, and if it goes ahead will open an investigation and question government officials including Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Finance Christian Lindner, and members of the Bundessicherheitsrat, the government body that authorizes Germany‘s arms export licenses.

25.02.2024 - 06:40 [ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) / Büro des Hohen Kommissars für Menschenrechte ]

Arms exports to Israel must stop immediately: UN experts


“The need for an arms embargo on Israel is heightened by the International Court of Justice’s ruling on 26 January 2024 that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza and the continuing serious harm to civilians since then”, the experts said. The Genocide Convention of 1948 requires States parties to employ all means reasonably available to them to prevent genocide in another state as far as possible. “This necessitates halting arms exports in the present circumstances”, the experts said.

The experts welcomed the suspension of arms transfers to Israel by Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and the Japanese company Itochu Corporation. The European Union also recently discouraged arms exports to Israel.

The experts urged other States to immediately halt arms transfers to Israel, including export licenses and military aid. The United States and Germany are by far the largest arms exporters and shipments have increased since 7 October 2023.

25.02.2024 - 04:06 [ Commmunist Party of Israel ]

Far-Right Minister Says ‘Proud’ of Destruction in Gaza

Israel’s Minister May Golan expresses pride in the “ruins” of besieged Gaza and claims that Palestinian babies will grow up to tell their grandchildren what the Jews did.” “I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza and that every baby even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did when their families were murdered, raped and their civilians were kidnapped,” she said during a Knesset session held on last Monday, February 19, after the motion to impeach MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) was defeated.

25.02.2024 - 03:45 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: ‚My unborn baby was dead before I even knew the gender‘

The walk seemed endless. It felt like we were not in Gaza any more. Nothing looked recognisable. We were walking in a wasteland with snipers, tanks, and soldiers all around amid the mass destruction.

Since I have a prosthetic knee and I was pregnant, I could not catch up with the rest. I had to stop every hour to rest, which made the journey altogether even harder for me and my children.

When we reached the Israel-erected checkpoint along the route, it beeped as I passed it.

I knew it was because of my prosthetic knee and that’s what I told the soldiers, but they did not care. …

25.02.2024 - 03:15 [ Doctors Without Borders ]

MSF to UN Security Council: The people of Gaza need an immediate and sustained ceasefire now

„Meeting after meeting, resolution after resolution, this body has failed to effectively address this conflict,” Lockyear said. “We have watched members of this Council deliberate and delay while civilians die. This death, destruction, and forced displacement are the result of military and political choices that blatantly disregard civilian lives. These choices could have been—and still can be—made very differently.

The consequences of casting international humanitarian law to the wind will reverberate well beyond Gaza. It will be an enduring burden on our collective conscience. This is not just political inaction—it has become political complicity.“

25.02.2024 - 03:12 [ Antiwar.com ]

Doctors Without Borders Slams US for Vetoing Gaza Ceasefire Resolution at UN


The head of the international medical charity Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) slammed the US for vetoing a Gaza ceasefire resolution in testimony at the UN Security Council on Thursday and detailed the horrors Palestinian children are facing in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli siege.

“We are appalled by the willingness of the United States to use its powers as a permanent Council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate and sustained ceasefire,” said MSF Secretary-General Christopher Lockyear.

25.02.2024 - 02:44 [ NewArab.com ]

Ignoring ICJ, Israel accelerates genocide by targeting UNRWA and Gaza‘s healthcare

It ruled on several provisional measures, including that Israel must abstain from genocidal acts, bring accountability for the normalised genocidal rhetoric from state level to civil society, and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But just hours after the verdict, not only did Israel resume its indiscriminate attacks, it took it even further by going after UNRWA, the UN agency that serves as a lifeline for millions of people in Gaza.

25.02.2024 - 02:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Sexual abuse and beatings: A Palestinian mother‘s ordeal in Israeli custody

The group of women spent 11 days in this facility, during which Hussain was taken for interrogation twice, an experience no less traumatising.

„They asked me many questions about my family, my husband and my siblings,“ Hussain recalled.

„The soldiers kept threatening to hurt my children, shouting at me that if I don‘t tell the truth, they will torture and kill my kids.

„They kept asking about my brothers and sisters. One of my brothers is a lawyer and two others are professors and one is a doctor and one barber. They are working people, they have no connection to anything else. They kept insisting that they were ‚activists‘, and when I asked what they meant, they said I knew the answer.

„During the interrogations, they tied me to a chair and a female soldier stood next to me, kicking me and shoving me with her weapon to answer properly.

„They also asked about my social media accounts and I told them I only had Facebook. They threatened they would keep watching me on it.“

After suffering in this undisclosed detention facility for 11 days, Hussain was then moved again, this time to a prison…….

25.02.2024 - 01:46 [ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ]

Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls


Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received. “We are shocked by reports of the deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in places where they sought refuge, or while fleeing. Some of them were reportedly holding white pieces of cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or affiliated forces,” the experts said.

The experts expressed serious concern about the arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, including human rights defenders, journalists and humanitarian workers, in Gaza and the West Bank since 7 October. Many have reportedly been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, denied menstruation pads, food and medicine, and severely beaten. On at least one occasion, Palestinian women detained in Gaza were allegedly kept in a cage in the rain and cold, without food.

“We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online.

25.02.2024 - 00:20 [ Tablet Magazine ]

Gaza in the Minds of Israelis


Since 2005, as Dotan Halevy, one of the anthology’s editors puts it in the introduction, a generation has grown up in Gaza “that knows nothing of Israel” (and in Israel, a generation that “knows nothing of Gaza”). Unfortunately, that generation of Israelis is now getting to know Gaza too well. During the Oct. 7 assault, hundreds or even thousands of the Strip’s civilians streamed into southern Israel. They plundered and, alongside the Hamas fighters, murdered and raped—while their faces shone with profound joy.