Daily Archives: 19. August 2018

19.08.2018 - 20:57 [ Scott E. Forbush / National Center for Biotechnology Information / National Institutes of Health ]


(15. Januar 1957) Probably all the established variations with time of cosmic-ray intensity are directly or indirectly due to solar influences.

19.08.2018 - 20:50 [ National Center for Biotechnology Information / National Institutes of Health ]

Cosmic Influence on the Sun-Earth Environment

(Dezember 2008) Since the early days of human civilization we have looked at the sky and tried to understand the environment of the Earth and the Universe [1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]. We are continuously collecting data for different environmental parameters. Sudden heat or cold waves, tornados, erratic rainfall and snowfall are being observed and their forewarning has been attempted. Efforts have been made to understand the influence of stars and the Sun, which, although they are distant objects in space, can influence the environment of the Earth. Extragalactic cosmic rays measured as neutron counting rate, represent an energy spectrum, which is being received by the solar system from the distant stars; the particles of cosmic rays are atom –nuclei with almost light velocity [6, 7]. The effects of the Sun on the environment of the Earth were found to be modulated by the geomagnetic field and the ionizing potential of the cosmic rays [8]. Earth directed Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) and its effects on the thermosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere have been studied. During Earth directed CME a beam of electrons (plasma) is pumped towards the Earth [9]. This beam of electrons is highly conductive and generates an electric field that is transmitted to Earth‘s natural plasmosphere and ionosphere. This thin layer of changed electric field further influences the ionosphere and atmosphere of the earth [24]. Since a beam of electrons is carried by an electric current, a magnetic disturbance would be produced. Starbursts are caused by a special variety of neutron star known as a magnetar. These fast-spinning, compact stellar bodies create intense magnetic fields that trigger explosions, which are known as starbursts. Starbursts cause the Sun to develop low Planetary Indices (Kp) and low Electron flux (E-flux) conditions for the Sun-Earth Environment.
If the electron flux from the sun is low, with the subsequent rise in cosmic rays simultaneously anomalous snowfall and lowering of the atmospheric temperature has been observed. It would be possible to understand the movement of clouds and snowfall, as well as atmospheric moisture, if we could efficiently calculate the influence of space weather and cosmic influence on the thermosphere and atmosphere of the Earth [12]. Based on the same hypothesis it was found that an abnormal rise and sudden fall in E-flux, Kp index and atmospheric temperature has the possibility of triggering earthquakes in active fault areas of the Earth due to temporary changes in the magnetic field of the Earth. The whole process was expressed as a precursor of earthquakes in active fault areas.

19.08.2018 - 20:16 [ PerspectaWeather.com ]

More evidence of an increase in cosmic rays as sun approaches minimum

(26.5.2017) “Spaceweather.com” has led an effort for more than two years to monitor radiation levels in the stratosphere over California with frequent high-altitude helium balloon flights. These balloons contain sensors which detect X-rays and gamma-rays in the energy range 10 keV to 20 MeV and are produced by the crash of primary cosmic rays into Earth‘s atmosphere. These energies span the range of medical X-ray machines and airport security scanners. The findings confirm the notion that indeed cosmic rays have been steadily increasing over California as solar cycle 24 heads towards the next solar minimum. In fact, there has been a 13% increase of stratospheric radiation over California from March 2015 to May 2017.

19.08.2018 - 20:14 [ Bartol Research Institute - University of Delaware ]


Emissions of matter and electromagnetic fields from the Sun increase during high solar activity, making it harder for Galactic cosmic rays to reach Earth. Cosmic ray intensity is lower when solar activity is high.

19.08.2018 - 20:10 [ AOL.com ]

Scientists say the sun is expected to be unusually cool 2050

(8.2.2018) The study published in the Journal Astrophysical Journal Letters found that the sun is likely to be seven percent cooler.

19.08.2018 - 20:08 [ Washington Post ]

Sun activity is in free fall, but you shouldn’t expect a new little ice age

(11.11.2013) “Solar activity is declining very fast at the moment,” Mike Lockwood, a professor of space environmental physics at Britain’s Reading University, said, “we estimate faster than at any time in the last 9,300 years.”

19.08.2018 - 20:04 [ BBC ]

Has the Sun gone to sleep?

(17.Januar 2014) Scientists are saying that the Sun is in a phase of „solar lull“ – meaning that it has fallen asleep – and it is baffling them.

19.08.2018 - 20:00 [ PerspectaWeather.com ]

Weakest solar cycle in more than a century now heading towards next solar minimum

(1.2.2016) The current solar cycle, #24, is the weakest solar cycle in more than a century and it is now heading towards the next solar minimum phase which would be the beginning of solar cycle #25. The last solar minimum phase lasted from 2007 to 2009 and it was historically weak. In fact, it produced three of the most spotless days on the sun since the middle 1800’s (bar graph below).

19.08.2018 - 19:38 [ iflscience.com ]

The Sun Is Turning Blank And We’re Not Quite Sure Why

(3.5.2018) We do know the Sun goes through variations, so there‘s nothing to be too worried about. But it is quite unusual, especially as we’re not even really sure what causes solar cycles. Maybe the Sun is just taking some well-deserved time off. After 4.6 billion years, who could blame it?

19.08.2018 - 19:30 [ Wikipedia (deutsch) ]


… den planetaren Wellen zugrunde liegende physikalische Prinzip ist die Erhaltung der potentiellen Vortizität. Wenn ein Flüssigkeitsteilchen in der Luft oder dem Wasser an der Oberfläche einer rotierenden Kugel senkrecht zur Rotationsachse verschoben wird, ist es der Corioliskraft ausgesetzt, deren Parameter …

… Die sich ändernde potentielle Vortizität ruft eine rückstellende Kraft hervor, die proportional zur Verschiebung aus der Ausgangslage des Teilchens ist. Dies führt zu einer meridionalen Schwingung mit einer westwärts gerichteten Phasengeschwindigkeit…

…approximierten das Problem in kartesischen Koordinaten auf der sogenannten Beta-Ebene…

… einen barotropen und ein ganzzahliges Vielfaches an baroklinen Rossby-Radien R R = c f {\displaystyle R_{\mathrm {R} }={\frac {c}{f}}} R_{{\mathrm {R}}}={\frac {c}{f}}, die durch die jeweiligen Phasengeschwindigkeiten der entsprechenden langen Welle auf der nichtrotierenden Erde und den Coriolisparameter gegeben …

19.08.2018 - 19:23 [ Nature.com ]

Declining solar activity linked to recent warming

(6.10.2010) An analysis of satellite data challenges the intuitive idea that decreasing solar activity cools Earth, and vice versa. In fact, solar forcing of Earth‘s surface climate seems to work the opposite way around — at least during the current Sun cycle. (…)

Contrary to expectations, the net amount of solar energy reaching Earth‘s troposphere — the lowest part of the atmosphere — seems to have been larger in 2007 than in 2004, despite the decline in solar activity over that period.

The spectral changes seem to have altered the distribution of ozone molecules above the troposphere.

19.08.2018 - 19:08 [ ann-geophys.net ]

On the solar cycle dependence of winds and planetary waves as seen from mid-latitude D1 LF mesopause region wind measurements

(März 1998)

Two mechanisms of the development of the wave are discussed: Salby (1981a,b) proposes that the quasi-2-day wave is a resonant ampliÆcation of the antisymmetric (3,3)-normal mode. Plumb (1983), however, suggests that the wave appears due to baroclinic instability near the summer stratospheric wind jet. The climatology of the quasi-2-day wave at Collm was described in detail by Jacobi et al. (1997c), who also pointed out that an influence of the 11-year solar cycle on its amplitude could be seen.

In the following, mesopause wind data measured at the Collm Observatory of the University of Leipzig are investigated with respect to a possible solar cycle dependence.

19.08.2018 - 19:07 [ Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik e.V. an der Universität Rostock ]

Influence of the 11-year solar cycle on planetary wave structures in the stratosphere and mesosphere

(2011) The stationary wave structures in the spatial distribution of stratospheric ozone have a significant influence on the local radiative heating and therefore on planetary wave propagation, temperature, circulation and trace gas distributions in the stratosphere and mesosphere. We show that these effects of O3* , which is the zonally asymmetric component of ozone, are modified by the 11-year cycle in solar irradiation,

19.08.2018 - 17:25 [ Potsdam Institute / Youtube ]

Rossby waves and extreme weather

(15.4.2016) Learn how giant airstreams high in the sky get trapped sometimes – leading to devastating weather extremes on the ground. Copyright: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK and Climate Media Factory. This video was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). PIK research on the subject: – Evidence for wave resonance as a key mechanism for generating high-amplitude quasi-stationary waves in boreal Summer

19.08.2018 - 17:09 [ National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research / ScienceDaily.com ]

Scientists link California droughts, floods to distinctive atmospheric waves

(6.4.2017) Wavenumber-5 consists of five pairs of alternating high- and low-pressure features that encircle the globe about six miles (10 kilometers) above the ground. It is a type of atmospheric phenomenon known as a Rossby wave, a very large-scale planetary wave that can have strong impacts on local weather systems by moving heat and moisture between the tropics and higher latitudes as well as between oceanic and inland areas and by influencing where storms occur.

The slow-moving Rossby waves at times become almost stationary. When they do, the result can be persistent weather patterns that often lead to droughts, floods, and heat waves.

19.08.2018 - 16:56 [ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research . ]

Planetary waves, first found on Earth, are discovered on Sun

(27.3.2017) for a brief period, from 2011 to 2014, scientists had the unprecedented opportunity to see the Sun‘s entire atmosphere at once. During that time, observations from NASA‘s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which sits between the Sun and Earth, were supplemented by measurements from NASA‘s Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) mission, which included two spacecraft orbiting the Sun. Collectively, the three observatories provided a 360-degree view of the Sun until contact was lost with one of the STEREO spacecraft in 2014. McIntosh and his co-authors mined the data collected during the window of full solar coverage to see if the large-scale wave patterns might emerge.

„By combining the data from all three satellites we can see the entire Sun, and that‘s important for studies like this because you want the measurements to all be at the same time,“ said Dean Pesnell, SDO project scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. „They’re pushing the boundary of how we use solar data to understand the interior of the Sun and where the magnetic field of the Sun comes from.“

19.08.2018 - 16:12 [ Phys.org ]

Waves similar to those controlling weather on Earth have now been found on the Sun

(7.5.2018) The existence of Rossby waves in stars was predicted about forty years ago.

19.08.2018 - 16:02 [ theGuardian.com ]

The big heatwave: from Algeria to the Arctic. But what’s the cause?

(22.7.2018) “Yes, it is hard not to believe that climate change has to be playing a part in what is going on round the globe at present,” said Dann Mitchell of Bristol University. “There have been some remarkable extremes recorded in the past few weeks, after all. However, we should take care about overstating climate change’s influence for it is equally clear there are also other influences at work.”

19.08.2018 - 15:53 [ Phys.org ]

Are Rossby waves to blame for Earth‘s magnetic field drifting westward?

(16.5.2018) Humans first became aware of the Earth‘s magnetic field over 400 years ago, and since that time, have been taking measurements of it. As time passed, it became clear that the field was moving in a westerly direction—and nobody knew why. The actual reason is still not known—Bardsley is proposing a new idea: Somehow, Rossby waves in the Earth‘s outer core cause the magnetic drift.

19.08.2018 - 15:51 [ Massachusetts Insitute of Technology ]

Study: Hole in ionosphere is caused by sudden stratospheric warming

(6.8.2018) Geospace research has long established that certain changes in the atmosphere are caused by the sun’s radiation, through mechanisms including solar wind, geomagnetic storms, and solar flares. (…)

One of the more scientifically interesting large-scale atmospheric events is called a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), in which enormous waves in the troposphere — the lowermost layer of the atmosphere in which we live — propagate upward into the stratosphere. These planetary waves are generated by air moving over geological structures such as large mountain ranges; once in the stratosphere, they interact with the polar jet streams.

19.08.2018 - 14:39 [ Wikipedia ]

Upper-atmospheric models: Planetary waves

According to a report in New Scientist[4] many researchers are in consensus that Rossby waves are acting against the jet stream’s usual pattern and holding it in place. Upper atmospheric studies using National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data indicates that during July 2010 these upper air stream patterns were most frequently observed in the Northern Hemisphere.[5] Examination of the climatology data over the same period of time indicates that these wild planetary wave meanderings[6] are not a normal aspect of our regional climate patterns. Meanwhile, ongoing research studies at the University of Reading show that unusual patterns in the polar jet stream are more common during a period of low activity in the solar cycle when the observed sun spot activity and their associated solar flares are at their minimum.

19.08.2018 - 14:34 [ SpaceWeatherArchive.com ]

A Mystery in the Mesosphere

(15.8.2018) Harvey and her colleagues are still working to understand how the extra water got up there. One possibility involves planetary wave activity in the southern hemisphere which can, ironically, boost the upwelling of water vapor tens of thousands of miles away in the north. The phenomenon could also be linked to solar minimum, now underway. It is notable that the coldest and wettest years in the mesosphere prior to 2018 were 2008-2009–the previous minimum of the 11-year solar cycle.

19.08.2018 - 13:32 [ National Snow and Ice Data Center ]

New study explains Antarctica’s coldest temperatures

(25.6.2018) That preliminary study has been revised with new data showing that the coldest sites actually reach -98 degrees Celsius (-144 degrees Fahrenheit). The temperatures are observed during the southern polar night, mostly during July and August.

When the researchers first announced they had found the coldest temperatures on Earth five years ago, they determined that persistent clear skies and light winds are required for temperatures to dip this low. But the new study adds a twist to the story: Not only are clear skies necessary, but the air must also be extremely dry, because water vapor blocks the loss of heat from the snow surface.

19.08.2018 - 13:31 [ boingboing.net ]

Coldest temperature ever recorded makes Earth „almost like another planet“

Nearly 15 degrees colder than the previous record-breaking coldest temperature, which was -128 degrees in 1983 near the South Pole, the temperature in Antarctica dropped to -144 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperatures this low make Antarctica „almost like another planet,“ says lead researcher Ted Scambos at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, quoted in Forbes.

Taking just a few breaths of air this cold would kill you.

19.08.2018 - 12:57 [ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ]

Watching the Sun for Space Weather

(10.8.2018) “Space weather occasionally occurs in tandem with extreme terrestrial weather,” according to scientists from NCEI, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), and other institutions in an open access Space Weather journal article. “When it does, the struggle to mitigate the impacts to life and property can be dramatically intensified. This one-two punch landed on the socioeconomically and technologically diverse communities of the Caribbean islands during the September 2017 hurricane season.”

19.08.2018 - 12:26 [ Express.co.uk ]

Atmosphere MYSTERY: Researchers BAFFLED by strange clouds in the mesosphere

(16.8.2018) Still, it remains unclear why there is so much water vapour so late in the year.

One theory is to do with the upcoming solar minimum.

The sun follows cycles of roughly 11 years where it reaches a solar maximum and then a solar minimum.

During a solar maximum, the sun gives off more heat and is littered with sunspots. Less heat in a solar minimum is due to a decrease in magnetic waves.

19.08.2018 - 11:16 [ Washington Post ]

The sun is spotless and serene: What does it mean?

(30.7.2018) Solar Cycle 24 was average size but significantly smaller than its predecessors of the past 30 years.

19.08.2018 - 10:32 [ Korea Broadcasting System (KBS) ]

Erstmals seit fast einem Monat keine tropische Nacht in Seoul

In Seoul hat in der Nacht auf Freitag erstmals seit fast einem Monat keine tropische Nacht vorgeherrscht.

Laut dem Wetteramt fiel die Temperatur in der Hauptstadt in der Nacht auf 22,1 Grad. Eine tropische Nacht herrscht vor, wenn die Temperatur ab 18.01 Uhr bis 9 Uhr am nächsten Tag nicht unter 25 Grad sinkt.

19.08.2018 - 09:41 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Telling the Truth About Defects in Technology Should Never, Ever, Ever Be Illegal. EVER.

(15.August) If corporations can simply silence researchers who don‘t play ball, we should expect them to do so. There is no shortage of CEOs who are lulling themselves to sleep tonight with fantasies about getting to shut their critics up.(…)
EFF has sued the US government to overturn DMCA 1201 and we just asked the US Copyright Office to reassure security researchers that DMCA 1201 does not prevent them from telling the truth.

19.08.2018 - 09:40 [ comresglobal.com ]


Q13: Please imagine for a moment that a new political party has been created with one single aim – to put pressure on the main political parties to conclude Brexit as quickly and as fully as possible. To what extent, if at all, might you consider voting for such a party?
Base: all respondents

Would consider: 52 %
Would not consider: 29 %
Don‘t know: 19 %

19.08.2018 - 09:32 [ Express.co.uk ]

Hard Brexit SHOCK: Labour Leave voters back NEW PARTY forcing clean break from EU – poll

MOST voters in Labour-held constituencies which backed Brexit in 2016 would consider backing a single-issue political party pushing to leave the EU “as quickly and as fully as possible”, a new poll has found.

19.08.2018 - 09:09 [ Tim Shorrock ‏/ Twitter ]

Astonishing graphic from @CNN, identifying civilian massacres in Yemen with the bomb makers – Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. This should be standard in war reporting. Searing images.

19.08.2018 - 09:04 [ Bundeskanzlerin.de ]

Im Wortlaut: Pressestatements von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und dem russischen Präsidenten Putin

BUNDESKANZLERIN MERKEL: Meine Damen und Herren, ich heiße den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin herzlich in Schloss Meseberg willkommen. Dadurch ist die Möglichkeit gegeben, dass wir heute den Gesprächsfaden von Sotschi wieder aufnehmen und die Gespräche fortsetzen können. Ich denke, angesichts der Tatsache, dass es weltweit so viele und auch so ernste Konflikte gibt, unterstreicht das die Möglichkeit, Lösungen zu finden. Wir haben Verantwortung Deutschland, aber vor allem auch Russland; denn Russland ist ständiges Mitglied des Sicherheitsrates. Deshalb sollten wir daran arbeiten, Lösungen zu finden.

19.08.2018 - 09:02 [ Bundeskanzlerin.de ]

Kanzlerin empfängt Putin: Internationale Krisenherde im Blick

Ein weiteres großes Gesprächsthema war der Syrien-Konflikt. Zunächst müsse es darum gehen, dass es bei den Kämpfen um Idlib nicht zu einer humanitären Katastrophe komme, betonte Merkel. „Wir beobachten, dass die Kampfhandlungen zurückgehen, aber damit ist natürlich noch keine Friedensordnung geschaffen.“ Deutschland wolle als als Mitglied der sogenannten „Small Group“ dafür einsetzen, einen politischen Prozess in Gang zu bringen.

19.08.2018 - 08:27 [ Kleine Zeitung ]

Ein Tanz, ein Arbeitsgespräch, eine Ansprache: Putin in Gamlitz

+++ Putin stieg um 14.08 Uhr mit einem Blumenstrauß in Gamlitz aus +++ Um 16.23 Uhr verließ der russische Präsident Österreich schon wieder +++ Stau wegen Putin auf der A9 +++ Im Gasthof Tscheppe wurde ausgelassen weitergefeiert +++ Treffen politisch umstritten +++ Der Liveticker zum Nachlesen!

19.08.2018 - 08:23 [ ORF.at ]

Bericht: Österreich von Geheimdiensten ausgeschlossen

Laut „Washington Post“ werde Österreich seit der Razzia von anderen Geheimdiensten ausgeschlossen. Zitiert wurde ein führender europäischer Geheimdienstler, der allerdings anonym bleiben wollte.

19.08.2018 - 03:00 [ Mother Jones ]

Donald Trump Lashes Out at “Loudmouth” John Brennan

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that Brennan would “go down as easily the WORST [CIA director] in history & since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack.” Trump—who last year revealed what the Washington Post described as “highly classified information” to Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting—added that Brennan “cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!”

19.08.2018 - 02:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Trump gegen seine eigene Administration?

(14.8.2018) Wenn Präsident Trump beim Wort genommen werden soll, dass er den Dialog „ohne Vorbedingungen“ mit den Führern Russlands, Nordkoreas, des Iran und anderer Länder begrüßt, wäre es klug, die weitere Beschäftigung derjenigen in seinem Dienst zu überdenken, die ihn bei jedem Schritt unterminieren. Sonst ist es schwer zu glauben, dass der Präsident aufrichtig ist. Hoffen wir, dass er den Dialog dem Konflikt vorzieht und die Flügel derjenigen unter ihm stutzt, die versuchen, ihn in die andere Richtung zu drängen.

19.08.2018 - 02:40 [ Radio Utopiie ]

Das Treffen zwischen Trump und Putin

(20.7.2018) Wenigstens ein paar Prominente reagierten positiv auf Trumps Bemühungen um Diplomatie statt Konfrontation. Sowohl Ron Paul als auch sein Sohn, Senator Rand Paul, unterstützten den Präsidenten. CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer sprang fast durch den Bildschirm in einem verzweifelten Versuch, Senator Paul dazu zu bringen, Trump wie alle anderen Republikaner anzuprangern. Und meine Freundin, die ehemalige Abgeordnete Cynthia McKinney, schrieb auf Facebook: „Ich hoffe, dass Trump von den quatschenden Naybobs des Negativismus nicht abgeschreckt wird. Ich bin schockiert über alle diese schwarzen Kriegshetzer, die im Fernsehen vorgeführt werden, um die Wortspenden auszuspucken, die ihnen zugeteilt wurden. Beachten Sie, die Kritiken sind alle genau gleich, Dem wie Repub.“

19.08.2018 - 02:21 [ Press TV ]

Trump says has ‘nothing to lose’ in meeting with foreign leaders: It’s a good thing!

Trump released a nearly minute-long video on Twitter on Saturday, defending his meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“I’ve said for a long time, if you’re president, you should meet with foreign leaders. You have nothing to lose and you have a lot to gain,” he said. „Nothing bad can happen, it‘s only going to be positive, especially if your president knows what he‘s doing.“