Archiv: Gavin Newsom

01.05.2024 - 23:20 [ NBC Los Angeles ]

Delayed police response at UCLA “unacceptable,” Newsom says

Gov. Gavin Newsom Wednesday criticized law enforcement‘s slow response to violent brawls that broke out between pro-Palestinian protesters and counter demonstrators on the UCLA campus Tuesday night.

“The limited and delayed campus law enforcement response at UCLA last night was unacceptable – and it demands answers,” Newsom said in a statement. “As soon as it became clear that the state assistance was needed to support a local response, our office immediately deployed CHP personnel to campus.”

30.09.2023 - 05:33 [ ]

Who could Newsom pick to replace Feinstein? Oprah Winfrey might make sense

There has been talk that former talk show host and current magazine and book publisher Oprah Winfrey might be of interest. Winfrey, though, would have to take more than a year away from her many lucrative enterprises if she did this.

09.11.2021 - 05:58 [ ]

Gavin Newsom‘s wife, California Democrats bristle at questions about governor‘s continued absence

The governor‘s office originally said Newsom would not make the trip due to „family obligations,“ and when reached for comment Monday, offered no additional details on why the governor backed out.

09.11.2021 - 05:54 [ Zero Hedge ]

California Governor Out Of Public Sight Since Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has remained out of public sight since getting a CCP virus vaccine booster shot on Oct. 27.

The governor’s spokesperson said on Oct. 29 that Newsom planned to participate in the climate conference virtually, but a delegation schedule released later did not feature any virtual events with Newsom.

15.09.2021 - 08:14 [ ORF ]

Kalifornien: Mehrheit gegen Abberufung Newsoms

Konservative Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen hatten den Recall initiiert. Für eine Abwahl hätten mehr als die Hälfte der Wähler mit Ja stimmen müssen.

14.09.2021 - 19:08 [ Washington Post ]

California governor recall election: Will voters oust Gavin Newsom?

If 50 percent or more vote against the recall, Newsom will retain his office and the results of the second question will not matter. If Newsom is recalled, the winner on the second question will become governor, even if the votes against a Newsom recall outnumber those for the top alternative candidate.

14.09.2021 - 19:03 [ ]

Vertrauensabstimmung in Kalifornien: Demokraten-Hochburg in Gefahr?

Newsom hatte an einer Geburtstagsparty von Lobbyisten im Luxusrestaurant „French Laundry“ im Weinanbaugebiet Napa Valley teilgenommen. Ohne Maske, ohne Abstand, erzählt Politikjournalist Scott Shafer vom Radiosender KQED in San Francisco im ARD-Interview.

Die Weinrechnung betrug 12.000 Dollar. Das Ganze hat jemand auf Video aufgenommen. Und das zu einer Zeit, als Newsom erklärte, jeder müsse zuhause bleiben und eine Maske tragen und sich isolieren. Das war heuchlerisch und ein schwerer Fehler und das vermutlich teuerste Abendessen seines Lebens.

08.12.2020 - 01:02 [ CNN ]

New Covid-19 stay-at-home orders set to take effect Sunday night for millions of Californians

Some 27 million people in the Southern California and San Joaquin Valley regions will be affected after both regions triggered a mandate issued by Gov. Gavin Newsom last week requiring new restrictions if a region‘s hospital intensive care unit capacity drops below 15%.

19.06.2020 - 08:59 [ Los Angeles Times / Youtube ]

Californians must wear face masks in public under coronavirus order issued by Newsom

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday ordered all Californians to wear face coverings while in public or high-risk settings, including when shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care, following growing concerns that an increase in coronavirus cases has been caused by residents failing to voluntarily take that precaution.

23.05.2020 - 08:04 [ Chuck Callesto / Twitter ]

One-Third of US COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes.. Governors who FORCED COVID-19 patients into Nursing Homes…

Gavin Newsom (D) CA

Andrew Cuomo (D) NY

Gretchen Whitmer (D) MI

Tom Wolf (D) PA

06.05.2020 - 14:47 [ LA Times ]

Photos of raucous protests around the state | Demonstrators demand stay-at-home order be lifted

Raucous protests erupted around California this week as demonstrators demanded that Gov. Gavin Newson’s stay-at-home order be lifted.

03.05.2020 - 10:14 [ LA Times ]

Facing protests, Newsom says easing stay-at-home rules could be ‘days’ away

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday faced the most intense pressure yet to lift restrictions on daily life, with a series of raucous protests around the state, a legal tussle with Orange County over closing its beaches and a rural Northern California county that defied his stay-at-home order and opened up for business.

03.05.2020 - 10:10 [ ABC News ]

Remote Northern California county defies stay-at-home order

Modoc County moved Friday to reopen hair salons, churches, restaurants and the county’s only movie theater. There haven’t been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 among 9,000 residents, but the reopening came with strict social distancing limits.

03.05.2020 - 10:05 [ the Hill ]

Battle erupts in California over when to open

The debate over how soon to ease restrictions and start opening California has pitted local and state officials against one another in one of the states hit hardest by the coronavirus outbreak. It comes as other states such as Georgia and Texas are moving faster to open up their economies.

02.05.2020 - 12:22 [ ]

Kalifornien: Tausende demonstrieren für Lockerungen

Es gab gestern Proteste in mindestens elf Städten des US-Bundesstaats, darunter die Hauptstadt Sacramento sowie San Francisco, Los Angeles und San Diego. Die Proteste richteten sich auch gegen die Entscheidung von Gouverneur Gavin Newsom, einige Strände zu schließen.

Die meisten Demonstrierenden, die in Sprechchören „Öffnet Kalifornien“ und „Freiheit“ riefen, trugen keine Schutzmasken und hielten sich nicht an die Abstandsregeln.

02.05.2020 - 12:20 [ ABC7 News Bay Area / Youtube ]

Reopen California protests at state capitol against coronavirus lockdown — WATCH LIVE

Protesters frustrated with ongoing shelter-in-place restrictions in California due to the novel coronavirus pandemic are gathering at the state capitol in Sacramento.

02.05.2020 - 12:18 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Tensions escalate in California: Cities file lawsuits against Gov. Newsom

People protest state‘s stay-at-home orders; William La Jeunesse reports.

01.05.2020 - 10:18 [ LA Times ]

This California county might defy the state and lift stay-at-home order Friday

Modoc County, in the northeastern corner of California, is one of the least-populated counties in the state, with fewer than 9,000 residents. It plans to allow all businesses, schools and churches to reopen starting Friday, as long as people stay six feet apart, according to a statement signed by the county health officer, sheriff-coroner, chair of the Board of Supervisors, and other county officials.

01.05.2020 - 10:14 [ the Hill ]

California county to defy statewide stay-at-home order, allow businesses to reopen

Modoc County, Calif. — sparsely populated and located in the northeast corner of the state — is planning on reopening schools, hair salons, churches, restaurants and its lone movie theater on Friday, in direct defiance of Gov. Gavin Newsom‘s (D) statewide stay-at-home order.

01.05.2020 - 10:13 [ LA Times ]

Huntington Beach mounts legal fight against Newsom closure of O.C. beaches

The Huntington Beach City Council voted Thursday night during an emergency session to seek an injunction against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order to close Orange County beaches.

01.05.2020 - 10:12 [ LA Times ]

All state and local beaches in Orange County must temporarily close, Gov. Gavin Newsom says

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday directed the temporary “hard close” of state and local beaches in Orange County after thousands of Californians flocked to the shoreline there over the weekend in defiance of a statewide stay-at-home order enacted to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

20.03.2020 - 17:19 [ New York Times ]

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California Orders Californians to Stay at Home

In making the announcement, Mr. Newsom has taken the most drastic step of any state leader to slow the spread of the coronavirus.