Daily Archives: 29. März 2022

29.03.2022 - 06:30 [ Bundestag.de ]

Bundestag entscheidet über die Corona-Impfpflicht

Liveübertragung: Donnerstag, 7. April, 9 Uhr

Die Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages entscheiden am Donnerstag, 7. April 2022, über verschiedene Initiativen zum Thema Corona-Impfpflicht nach einer etwa 70-minütigen Debatte

29.03.2022 - 06:16 [ Engadget.com ]

CRISPR gene-editing experiment may have impacted twins‘ brains

(February 21, 2019)

But no one knows how the method may have affected the minds of the Chinese twins at the center of the issue. One scientist involved in the study, University of California, Los Angeles neurobiologist Alcino J. Silva, said the „mutations will probably have an impact on cognitive function,“ but it‘s impossible as yet to predict the precise effects. The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique has previously been linked with unintended DNA damage.

29.03.2022 - 06:10 [ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ]

China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced

(February 21, 2019)

The twins, called Lulu and Nana, reportedly had their genes modified before birth by a Chinese scientific team using the new editing tool CRISPR. The goal was to make the girls immune to infection by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Now, new research shows that the same alteration introduced into the girls’ DNA, deletion of a gene called CCR5, not only makes mice smarter but also improves human brain recovery after stroke, and could be linked to greater success in school.

29.03.2022 - 05:49 [ Alliance for Natural Health ]

The WHO pandemic treaty: a backdoor to global governance?

(23 February 2022)

If the pandemic treaty were to come into effect in 2024, you can guarantee even higher global health surveillance using real-time sequencing for both diagnostics and epidemiology. This would be based on ever-more portable technologies with increasingly rapid turnaround times.

But don’t just think mRNA injections or intranasals. Or gene editing technologies based on CRISPR for diagnostics. Think CRISPR to enhance the immune response will likely see an entry. This is a facet of transhumanism, as is digital surveillance.

29.03.2022 - 05:00 [ Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News ]

A CRISPR Kitty? Gene Editing Breathes New Life into the Hypoallergenic Cat

As described by Sarah Zhang in The Atlantic, applying biotechnology to tackle cat allergies is not a new feat. From immunity transfer using egg-yolk coating on Purina’s cat food to cat vaccines that reduce shedding of Fel d 1, the goal of a true hypoallergenic cat remains on the industry’s radar. Is CRISPR genetic therapy next on the list?

29.03.2022 - 04:20 [ ORF.at ]

Gentechnikerinnen basteln an allergenfreien Katzen

Die Sequenzen unterscheiden sich relativ stark, das Gen ist aus evolutionärer Sicht also nicht allzu stabil – und somit auch nicht allzu bedeutsam für die Katzen. Und das macht es zu einem Kandidaten für die „Genschere Crispr“, die die Biotechnologie seit einigen Jahren revolutioniert hat. Mit Crispr können Forscherinnen und Forscher das Erbgut verändern und etwa unliebsame Abschnitte herausschneiden.