Archiv: theocracy

16.06.2020 - 13:41 [ ]

Full text of the letter from House Democrats warning Israel about annexation of the West Bank

We remain steadfast in our belief that pursuing two states for two peoples is essential to ensuring a secure, Jewish, democratic Israel able to live side-by-side, in peace and mutual recognition, with an independent, viable, de-militarized Palestinian state.

Unilateral annexation would likely jeopardize Israel’s significant progress on normalization with Arab states at a time when closer cooperation can contribute to countering shared threats. Unilateral annexation risks insecurity in Jordan, with serious ancillary risks to Israel. Finally, unilateral annexation could create serious problems for Israel with its European friends and other partners around the world. We do not see how any of these acute risks serve the long-term interest of a strong, secure Israel.

As committed partners in supporting and protecting the special U.S.-Israel relationship, we express our deep concern with the stated intention to move ahead with any unilateral annexation of West Bank territory, and we urge your government to reconsider plans to do so.


16.06.2020 - 13:35 [ ]

Stop Calling Israel a Jewish Democracy


The looming annexation of the West Bank will create a one-state reality, forcing American elites to choose between a commitment to the country’s Jewishness and democratic values.

05.06.2019 - 06:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Lapid says Netanyahu turning Israel into Iran by agreeing to gender segregation

TV report uncovers draft agreement between Likud and ultra-Orthodox parties to change law barring discriminatory separation between men and women in public

29.12.2018 - 20:42 [ ]

Waning Support for Netanyahu Hits His Party in the Gut

An Israel Television News Company survey found that 52 percent of the public does not wish to see him return to the Prime Minister’s Office, while 34 percent do. Not so long ago, the numbers were reversed, in his favor. Something has apparently dented this support.

29.12.2018 - 20:41 [ ]

Former Israeli General Jumps Into 2019 Race To Challenge Netanyahu

ESTRIN: What Benny Gantz did today was form a new party called Israel Resilience. The word in Hebrew, (speaking Hebrew), indicates a toughness. And he used the word in a speech last month when he offered veiled criticism of the current leadership. There had been a lot of speculation that Gantz might run for office. When pollsters asked Israelis who they‘d vote for, Gantz came in second even before he announced his candidacy. Gantz hasn‘t spelled out his political platform yet, but Israeli commentators believe he‘ll brand himself a centrist.

29.12.2018 - 20:40 [ ]

Israel attacks Hamas targets after Gaza rocket lands in open terrain

The army said that …

26.12.2018 - 12:09 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Attorney General Must Decide Now on Netanyahu

This is a very problematic message, to say the least. If Netanyahu is dragging a whole country into an early election in the hope of preceding the attorney general’s decision on the corruption investigations, then Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit’s decision to continue the process as if there were no election is tantamount to burying his head in the sand.

26.12.2018 - 12:02 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Elections – Netanyahu Tells Settler Leaders: The Left Will Try to Take Power With the Media‘s Help

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told settler leaders on Wednesday that the left will try to take power in the upcoming elections „using the media and others.“

„They can‘t be allowed to succeed,“ Netanyahu said at a meeting in Jerusalem, adding that a left-wing election victory „will be a clear danger to the settlement enterprise.“

26.12.2018 - 11:57 [ ]

Israel‘s Extensive Syria Strike Signals: Business as Usual Despite Trump and Putin

The strike in the Damascus area was likely aimed at a specific target such as Iranian weapons depots, but it has a wider geopolitical context

25.12.2018 - 21:47 [ Haaretz ]

Behind the Scenes of Netanyahu‘s Decision to Go to Early Election

That morning Netanyahu had taken part in a ceremony swearing in the new Bank of Israel governor, Amir Yaron, and also held a lengthy meeting with the army‘s ombudsman, Maj. Gen. (res.) Yitzhak Brik. At 1:30 P.M., half an hour behind schedule, the meeting with the party heads began.

25.12.2018 - 21:40 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Day after election called, Netanyahu green lights new settler homes

A day after announcing new elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu worked to advance and approve 2010 new settler homes.

Separately he has fast-tracked the retroactive authorization of illegally built settler homes on private Palestinian property.

25.12.2018 - 21:35 [ Haaretz ]

April 9 Election Heralds Final Decisive Battle in Israel‘s War of the Worlds

Netanyahu‘s personal scorched earth campaign against the rule of law is now the battering ram of the right‘s assault on democracy

02.05.2018 - 11:54 [ Haaretz / ]

Under Cover of Iran, Netanyahu Just Took Three New Steps Toward Fascism

As the prime minister spoke, however, as a war-anxious nation and an attentive, approving White House hung on his every word, a little over 30 miles up the road, in Jerusalem, a mortal threat to Israel was being assembled under our very noses. In the Knesset, no less. A set of three time bombs, complex, deadly, radioactive.

Each of them a step toward annihilating Israel as we have come to know it. Each of them a step toward dictatorial rule, toward fascism. Each of them approved by – spurred by – Netanyahu himself.