Archiv: Miguel Diaz-Canel

12.01.2024 - 13:00 [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Cuba ]

Cuba supports South Africa‘s claim before the International Court of Justice against Israel‘s genocide in Palestine

The Republic of Cuba has been a State Party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide since 1953 and, in accordance with the commitments undertaken therein, has the obligation to prevent and punish genocide.

In this regard, expresses its support for the claim of the Republic of South Africa to initiate proceedings against Israel in the International Court of Justice, in connection with the violations by that country of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

26.09.2023 - 06:58 [ ]

Linksregierungen in Lateinamerika fordern globalen Norden heraus

New York. Die links-gerichteten Präsident:innen aus Lateinamerika haben bei der 78. Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen grundlegende Veränderungen der globalen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Ordnung gefordert. Sie übten scharfe Kritik am internationalen Finanzsystem und am Krieg in der Ukraine, die in ihren Augen den Kampf gegen Armut, Ungleichheit und Klimawandel verhindern.

21.08.2023 - 13:44 [ ]

Präsident von Kuba besucht Afrika und nimmt am Gipfel der Brics-Gruppe teil

Seit 1975 hat Kuba die Kräfte der Regierung der Volksbewegung zur Befreiung Angolas (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, MPLA) unter der Führung von Agostino Neto bei der Bewahrung der Unabhängigkeit entscheidend unterstützt. Rund 300.000 Kubaner nahmen an der Seite der Angolaner an diesem Kampf teil, 2.855 kamen bei Gefechten ums Leben, 204 weitere bei der Erfüllung ziviler Aufgaben.

23.03.2021 - 13:17 [ teleSUR ]

Cuban President Rejects OAS Lies and Manipulation

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel described as a „depressing show of lies“ the public hearing organized on March 18 by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (IACHR-OAS) in which opponents of the Havana government took part.

12.11.2018 - 02:28 [ Prensa Latina ]

Presidents of Cuba and Laos Hold Official Talks

During his only day in the Lao People‘s Democratic Republic, the Cuban head of State also met with Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith and the speaker of the National Assembly, Pany Yathortou.

The Cuban president is on a tour that included a brief stopover in France and then official visits to Russia, the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea, China and Vietnam.

24.09.2018 - 00:13 [ Reuters ]

Cuba‘s new president makes first trip to old Cold War foe United States

Diaz-Canel, who took over the presidency from his mentor, Raul Castro, in April, will address the UNGA Nelson Mandela Peace Summit on Monday and the General Assembly on Wednesday, according to state-run outlet Cubadebate.