Archiv: Dick Durbin

26.04.2023 - 14:18 [ ]

Stop CSAM Act: Neues Gesetz in den USA könnte Verschlüsselung schwächen

Hinzu kommt laut der Bürgerrechtsorganisation auch ein neuer zivilrechtlicher Anspruch, der Privatklagen gegen Internetunternehmen und App-Stores wegen der „Förderung oder Erleichterung“ der Ausbeutung von Kindern, des „Hostings oder Speicherns von Kinderpornografie“ oder des „Zugänglichmachens von Kinderpornografie für jedermann“ ermöglichen soll. Dies geschehe alles auf der Grundlage eines sehr niedrigen Fahrlässigkeitsstandards, so die EFF.

Außerdem wird ein Benachrichtigungs- und Löschsystem geschaffen, das von einem neu geschaffenen Ausschuss für den Schutz von Kindern im Internet beaufsichtigt wird und von den Anbietern verlangt, Inhalte auf Anfrage zu entfernen oder zu deaktivieren, noch bevor eine administrative oder gerichtliche Entscheidung vorliegt, dass es sich bei den Inhalten tatsächlich um CSAM handelt.

Damit geht das geplante Gesetz lange nicht so weit wie die europäische Chatkontrolle oder der britische Online Safety Act, welche derzeit von den Anbietern verlangen, die Kommunikationsinhalte und gespeicherte Dateien vor der Verschlüsselung zu durchsuchen. Dennoch sieht die EFF in den Formulierungen des Gesetzes große Fallstricke:

26.04.2023 - 13:43 [ Techdirt ]

Senator Durbin’s ‘STOP CSAM Act’ Has Some Good Ideas… Mixed In With Some Very Bad Ideas That Will Do More Harm Than Good


It’s “protect the children” season in Congress with the return of KOSA and EARN IT, two terrible bills that attack the internet, and rely on people’s ignorance of how things actually work to pretend they’re making the internet safer, when they’re not. Added to this is Senator Dick Durbin’s STOP CSAM Act, which he’s been touting since February, but only now has officially put out a press release announcing the bill (though, he hasn’t released the actual language of the bill, because that would actually be helpful to people analyzing it). (…)

Notice what’s not talked about? It’s not mentioned how much law enforcement has done to actually track down, arrest, and prosecute the perpetrators. That’s the stat that matters. But it’s missing.

26.04.2023 - 13:22 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

The STOP CSAM Act Would Put Security and Free Speech at Risk


– It makes it a crime for providers to “knowingly host or store” CSAM or “knowingly promote or facilitate” the sexual exploitation of children, including the creation of CSAM, on their platforms.

– It creates a new civil claim and corresponding Section 230 carveout to encourage private lawsuits against internet companies and app stores for the “promotion or facilitation” of child exploitation, the “hosting or storing of child pornography,” or for “making child pornography available to any person”—all based on the very low standard of negligence.

– It requires providers to remove (in addition to reporting and preserving) “apparent” CSAM when they obtain actual knowledge of the content on their platforms.

It creates a notice-and-takedown system overseen by a newly created Child Online Protection Board, requiring providers to remove or disable content upon request even before an administrative or judicial determination that the content is in fact CSAM.


Because the law already prohibits the distribution of CSAM, the bill’s broad terms could be interpreted as reaching more passive conduct like merely providing an encrypted app.


Not every platform will have the resources to fight these threats in court, especially newcomers that compete with entrenched giants like Meta and Google.

26.04.2023 - 13:14 [ US Senate Committee on the Judiciary ]

Durbin Introduces Stop CSAM Act to Crack Down on the Proliferation of Child Sex Abuse Material Online


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today introduced the Strengthening Transparency and Obligation to Protect Children Suffering from Abuse and Mistreatment Act of 2023 (STOP CSAM Act), legislation to crack down on the proliferation of child sex abuse material online. To combat this horrific crime, the STOP CSAM Act supports victims and increases accountability and transparency for online platforms.

07.12.2020 - 19:12 [ ]

Power struggle sparks tensions among Senate Democrats

Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.), who was recently reelected as Democratic whip for the next Congress, immediately threw his hat into the ring to succeed her. Durbin is third in seniority among Democrats on the committee behind Feinstein and Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.), who previously chaired the committee and is the top Democrat on the Appropriations Committee.

But the move drew grumblings because Durbin already holds the No. 2 position in the caucus and Democrats’ top spot on the Appropriations subcommittee for defense spending, an influential post that gives him sway over the Pentagon’s $700 billion budget.

08.03.2020 - 17:49 [ Dawn Papple / ]

If Joe Biden Wins The Nomination But Suffers Cognitive Decline, The DNC Could Get Their Coronation Afterall

Consider how the Democrats fill vacancies on their tickets:

“Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.”

So, to be clear, the vacancy would be decided by Tom Perez (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Steny Hoyer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Jim Clyburn (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Chuck Schumer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Dick Durbin (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), and the DGA will decide on their own who will be our Democratic nominee.

05.02.2019 - 13:50 [ ]

US senators urge Evo not to be re-elected

“Bolivia is heading in a very dangerous direction, aligning itself with illegitimate and illegal regimes, including that of (Nicolás) Maduro in Venezuela. It is important that all parties respect the Constitution of Bolivia, which includes limits on mandates,” said Republican Senator Ted Cruz. The resolution, led by Democratic lawmaker Bob Menéndez, calls on Latin American democracies, including Bolivia, to respect “the peaceful regular transfers of power through elections.”

05.02.2019 - 13:43 [ ]

US-Senatoren gegen Wiederwahl von Evo Morales in Bolivien

Am 1. Februar präsentierten Bob Menéndez und Dick Durbin von den Demokraten und Ted Cruz von den Republikanern auf der ersten Sitzung des US-Senats im neuen Jahr einen Resolutionsentwurf, in dem die bolivianische Regierung aufgerufen wird, „die demokratischen Prinzipien zu respektieren“. Nun befasst sich der außenpolitische Ausschuss des Senats mit dem Entwurf, um in den kommenden Tagen eine Entscheidung zur Abstimmung zu treffen. Hochrangige bolivianische Politiker zeigten sich empört und bezeichneten den Vorstoß der Senatoren als Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten Boliviens.