Archiv: Capitol Hill Police

30.07.2021 - 08:11 [ Fox News ]

Dozens of House Republicans, staffers march maskless to Senate floor to protest mask mandate

Dozens of House Republicans and their staffers marched maskless out of the House to the Senate floor in protest of the new mask mandate for the lower chamber.

The lawmakers and their staffers traveled across the Capitol on Thursday to protest the fact that Capitol Police have instructed officers to arrest staffers and visitors who don‘t wear masks and refuse to leave the House.

03.04.2021 - 00:03 [ ]

Washington: Angriff auf Polizisten am US-Kapitol

Der Fahrer, der anschließend mit einem Messer aus dem Wagen stieg, wurde erschossen, wie sie weiter berichtete. Er habe zuvor nicht auf Warnrufe der Sicherheitskräfte reagiert. Weitere Angaben wollten die Beamten aus ermittlungstaktischen Gründen nicht machen.

02.04.2021 - 20:27 [ CNN ]

US Capitol is on lockdown after Capitol Police officers injured outside the building

(US Capitol Police) is responding to the North Barricade vehicle access point along (Constitution) Avenue for reports someone rammed a vehicle into two USCP officers. A suspect is in custody. Both officers are injured. All three have been transported to the hospital,“ USCP said in a tweet Friday.

04.03.2021 - 08:08 [ Ben Siegel / Twitter ]

Democrats are changing the House floor schedule this week given security concerns around March 4th and potential activity targeting the Capitol. The House will vote tonight on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, instead of tomorrow.

(9 hours ago)

04.03.2021 - 08:05 [ ]

Nach Warnung vor Angriff: US-Abgeordnete sagen Sitzung ab

(Online seit heute, 0.18 Uhr)

Wegen der Sicherheitsbedrohung nehme man Abstand von der Zusammenkunft, teilte ein demokratischer Berater gestern mit. Die Kapitalpolizei hatte zuvor unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstinformationen gewarnt, dass Extremisten erneut das Kapitol stürmen wollen.

Das Repräsentantenhaus sollte heute über ein Gesetz zur Polizeireform debattieren und abstimmen.

04.03.2021 - 07:59 [ New York Times ]

Capitol Police Warn of Threat on Thursday, and House Cancels the Day’s Session

(March 3, 2021)

The “possible” plot, as described by the Capitol Police, appeared to be inspired by the pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon, according to a senior administration official who reviewed the intelligence warning. Intelligence analysts had spent weeks tracking online chatter ……..

08.01.2021 - 09:16 [ CNN ]

Capitol Police officer on life support after pro-Trump riot, union official says

Papathanasiou told WUSA — a local Washington, DC, television news station — that the officer died. Later Thursday, the Capitol Police released a statement stating no officers had died as a result of Wednesday‘s riot.

Papathanasiou retracted his statement to WUSA and told CNN the officer was still on life support.
„He had a stroke. I think he‘s on life support. We‘ve got some misinformation on that. He‘s on life support from what I‘m hearing,“ Papathanasiou told CNN.

08.01.2021 - 09:15 [ New York Times ]

Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage

Officer Brian D. Sicknick died at about 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, the Capitol Police said in a statement. He had been with the agency since 2008.

Mr. Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday and “was injured while physically engaging with protesters,” the agency’s statement said, although officials didn’t immediately elaborate on the nature of his injuries or how he interacted with the crowd. After sustaining the injuries, Mr. Sicknick returned to his division office, collapsed, and was taken to the hospital.

07.01.2021 - 10:03 [ Susan Hennessey, CNN National Security and Legal Analyst, Former IC attorney / Twitter ]

But does that just mean 3 people had totally random medical emergencies? Reactions to tear gas? It‘s just oddly vague.

07.01.2021 - 09:13 [ Sebastian Gorka DrG / Twitter ]

Who killed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit in Congress today? I want to know. America must be told.

07.01.2021 - 08:54 [ Patriots.exe / Twitter ]

Breaking: Patriots.exe is first to release the footage of Video of Ashli Babbitt being murdered including shooter #CapitolHill