Archiv: Abwahl (kommt ja praktisch nie vor in Demokratien) / Vote-Out (usually never happens in democracies)

21.04.2024 - 06:10 [ SPD Berlin ]

SPD Berlin Mitgliederbefragung zum Landesvorsitz

Drei Kandidat*innen-Teams nahmen im ersten Wahlgang an der Mitglieder­befragung teil:

Jana Bertels und Kian Niroomand: 3020 Stimmen (36,11%)
Nicola Böcker-Giannini und Martin Hikel: 4034 Stimmen (48,24%)
Luise Lehmann und Raed Saleh: 1309 Stimmen (15,65%)

Damit kommt es zu einer Stichwahl zwischen den beiden bestplatzierten Teams.

10.04.2024 - 16:32 [ Times of Israel ]

Of course Netanyahu should go – in an orderly process that gives our enemies cause for fear


And therefore, as was the case when he insisted on continuing to run the country while in the midst of a corruption trial, and as was the case when he pressed on with his assault on Israeli democracy and briefly fired that defense minister, so too, now, it falls to a potential few good men and women within his own coalition base to tell him that his presence is harming Israel, that his policies empowered and emboldened Hamas, and that far from being uniquely capable of ensuring Israel has the practical and diplomatic room to destroy Hamas, he is almost uniquely incapable of doing so.

10.04.2024 - 16:30 [ New York Times ]

Netanyahu Must Go


Israel must destroy Hamas as a military and political force in the territory while minimizing harm to civilians. It must do what it can to rescue its hostages without jeopardizing the overriding goal of destroying Hamas. It must, by diplomacy or force, push Hezbollah back from Lebanon’s southern border, so that 60,000 Israelis can return safely to their homes in the north. It must take the battle directly, as it did last week in Damascus, to Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s patrons, whether in Syria, Qatar or Iran.

And for all of that to happen effectively, Benjamin Netanyahu must go.

30.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Times of Israel ]

In surprise close call, Lapid holds on to party leadership by a mere 29 votes

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid beat out opponent MK Ram Ben Barak by the skin of his teeth in Thursday afternoon’s Yesh Atid primary, the party’s first leadership contest since it was founded by Lapid in 2012. (…)

Ben Barak had not presented a strong challenge to the longtime leader, stating repeatedly that he does not differ materially in his policy outlook from Lapid and is mainly running in order to promote the “democratization” of the party, which has been under the same leadership for over a decade.

04.10.2023 - 09:42 [ Tristan Snell / Twitter ]

Democrats + 7 MAGA Republicans removed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Democrats + 7 moderate Republicans could make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker.

04.10.2023 - 09:36 [ CircleBackEugene / Twitter ]

„Here is a look at what comes next after the US House of Representatives for the first time in its history booted its speaker out of the job“ He was voted out, not booted. Eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats. It‘s called democracy.

04.10.2023 - 08:59 [ MSNBC Public Relations / Twitter ]

Rep. @Ilhan Omar to @KatiePhang: “The fact that McCarthy has become known as chief liar, whether it is within his conference or within the Democrats, really sealed his fate.“ Watch via @MSNBC.

04.10.2023 - 08:43 [ Associated Press ]

Speaker McCarthy ousted in historic House vote, as scramble begins for a Republican leader

Next steps are highly uncertain with no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority. Action is halted in the House until next week, when Republicans try to elect a new speaker.

04.10.2023 - 08:22 [ KTLA 5 / Youtube ]

House makes history, removes Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

The mutiny, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), came days after McCarthy averted a government shutdown by putting a stopgap measure on the floor that garnered Democratic support — a move that infuriated hardline Republicans. In the final 216-210 vote, seven Republicans joined Gaetz to unseat McCarthy.

Every Democrat in the chamber also voted to boot McCarthy, refusing to help protect him from his unruly conference. McCarthy said he would give Democrats nothing if they were to vote to help him.

04.10.2023 - 08:17 [ ZDF ]

US-Repräsentantenhaus : McCarthy als Vorsitzender abgewählt

Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat in einer historisch einmaligen Abstimmung seinen Vorsitzenden Kevin McCarthy abgesetzt. Nach einer Rebellion in den Reihen der Republikaner votierte am Dienstag eine knappe Mehrheit in der Kongresskammer dafür, McCarthy von seinem Posten zu entfernen.