Daily Archives: 10. Juni 2022

10.06.2022 - 21:33 [ Marco Gallina / Tichys Einblick ]

Verfassungsschutzbericht: Der Bürger unter Generalverdacht

Weil es nicht mit dem Phänomen der Corona-Proteste umgehen kann, ruft das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz einen neuen Phänomenbereich ins Leben. In diese Kategorie rückt der Staat jeden Bürger, der den Staat kritisch sieht – und schafft damit eine Rückkehr des Tatbestands der Majestätsbeleidigung.

10.06.2022 - 21:22 [ Vera Lengsfeld / Reitschuster.de ]

Der Verfassungsschutz wird zur Staatssicherheit

Wir dachten, mit dem Sturz des SED-Regimes seien diese Zustände überwunden.

10.06.2022 - 20:43 [ Reese Oxner, breaking news reporter @texastribune / Nitter.net ]

Breaking: DPS confirms to @TexasTribune that on day of the Uvalde school shooting, a teacher shut the door the gunman later entered from but its automatic lock malfunctioned. DPS is investigating why. This contradicts earlier DPS statements that the teacher left the door open.


10.06.2022 - 19:40 [ Texas Tribune ]

Waiting for keys, unable to break down doors: Uvalde schools police chief defends delay in confronting gunman

Eventually, a janitor provided six keys. Arredondo tried each on a door adjacent to the room where the gunman was, but it didn’t open.

Later, another key ring with between 20 and 30 keys was brought to Arredondo.

“I was praying one of them was going to open up the door each time I tried a key,” Arredondo said in an interview.

None did.

Eventually, the officers on the north side of the hallway called Arredondo’s cellphone and told him they had gotten a key that could open the door.

The officers on the north side of the hallway formed a group of mixed law enforcement agencies, including U.S. Border Patrol, to enter the classroom and take down the shooter, Arredondo said.

10.06.2022 - 19:30 [ CNN ]

Uvalde school police chief says he didn‘t keep officers from breaching massacre scene and didn‘t consider himself the commander, report says

I didn‘t issue any orders,“ he told the Tribune, though the outlet reports the chief did instruct officers to start breaking the outside windows of other classrooms and begin evacuating students. „I called for assistance and asked for an extraction tool to open the door“ of one of the classrooms where the shooting happened, he said.

Arredondo „assumed that some other officer or official had taken control of the larger response,“ the Tribune wrote.