Daily Archives: 24. Dezember 2018

24.12.2018 - 18:36 [ pressgazette.co.uk ]

MPs repeat call for ‚Cliff‘s Law‘ to stop suspects being named before charge after Gatwick drone front pages

Anna Soubry MP (pictured) said the couple “should not have been named in the media”, adding that a new law was “needed” to make it a criminal offence to name suspects before charge unless it is in the interests of justice.

The pair were pictured on the front pages of the Mail on Sunday, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Sunday Express and Sunday People yesterday morning, as well as on numerous news websites.

24.12.2018 - 18:29 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Gatwick drone investigation: Former suspects hit out at ‚disgusting‘ accusation in tearful statement

“The way we were initially perceived was disgusting although those who knew us did not doubt us for a second.

We were both released without charge or further action. We are totally overwhelmed by the support we have received from people all over the world and we would like to thank everyone single one who has done that.“

24.12.2018 - 16:58 [ Feedex ‏/ Twitter ]

CNN RSS: Gatwick airport drones investigation focuses on damaged device

via cnnbrk cnn Retweet

24.12.2018 - 16:32 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Gatwick ‘drone’ sighting investigated by cops turns out to be lights on a CRANE

The Surrey Police officers were called to investigate a red light „hovering“ over a bus station in Redhill – around six miles from the airport.
But when they arrived, they found the mysterious beam was just a warning light on top of a crane.

24.12.2018 - 16:19 [ Standard.co.uk ]

Gatwick airport drone chaos: Army deploys tactics used in fight against Isis to tackle drones

(23.12.2018) Transport Secretary Chris Grayling would not give details of what measures had been put in place, but said some of them were “military capabilities”, adding: “There are a range of measures which are there today which should give passengers confidence that they are safe to fly.”

The first departure from Gatwick this morning was a Norwegian flight to the capital of Lapland, Rovaniemi — described as the “official Hometown of Santa Claus” — which left at 6.34am.

24.12.2018 - 16:10 [ theGuardian.com ]

Gatwick airport: Suggestion that drone did not exist down to ‚poor communications‘

The conference call was joined by the Cabinet Office minister, David Lidington – Theresa May’s de facto deputy; the home secretary, Sajid Javid; the security minister, Ben Wallace; and the defence minister Stuart Andrew.

Lidington was said to have pressed for the Home Office and the Ministry of Defence to update their rapid deployment protocols for signing off requests for military assistance.

24.12.2018 - 14:01 [ thHill.com ]

Supreme Court halts contempt order against mystery company fighting subpoena

A lower court last week upheld the subpoena after the company, which is owned by a foreign government, argued that it was immune from criminal proceedings under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and that the subpoena was unenforceable because it would require “the Corporation” to violate “Country A’s” domestic law.

24.12.2018 - 11:58 [ BBC ]

Syria conflict: Macron criticises Trump‘s withdrawal decision

The US said the Islamic State (IS) group had been defeated, a claim disputed by allies and US politicians.

France, a key part of the US-led coalition against IS in Syria and Iraq, said its troops would remain in Syria.

24.12.2018 - 11:54 [ Haaretz ]

With Immunity From the System, Israeli Forces Risk Adopting Ethos of a Gang

The Justice Ministry department is also investigating another serious incident that occurred on Saturday. A 17-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem was shot to death near the West Bank settlement of Beit El when he tried to flee an IDF force that ordered him to halt. Contrary to the IDF’s initial claim, the army has now confirmed that he is not suspected of trying to commit an attack. Once again, the soldiers’ fingers proved too quick on the trigger when Palestinian lives were at stake.

24.12.2018 - 11:49 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Russia signals end of Israel tensions with high-level delegation

(20.12.2018) The Russian delegation is expected to tour the Israel-Lebanon border on Thursday, and will view the four cross-border terror tunnels exposed by the IDF since it had launched Operation Northern Shield. In addition, the delegation will meet with members of the Knesset‘s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committees for a classified discussion on the security situation on the northern border and a meeting with the National Security Council will also be held. The delegation heads will also meet with Soviet-born Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein.

24.12.2018 - 11:06 [ breakingisraelnews.com ]

‘No Reason to Panic’ Over US Decision to Withdraw Troops From Syria Says Former Israeli General

“Trump’s declaration on US forces withdrawal from Syria is a significant step, but there’s no reason to panic,” posted Yadlin in a Twitter thread. “2000 US troops came to Syria to fight against ISIS and had no authorities to act against Iran.”

The “authorities” Yadlin appears to be referencing is the Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed by Congress that allows the United States to fight those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. It does not include Iran.

24.12.2018 - 10:43 [ Kansas.com ]

Israel confounded, confused by Syria withdrawal, Mattis resignation

Combined with the departures of Chief of Staff John Kelly and Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Israeli officials are scrambling to determine who is left in the White House who can convince President Donald Trump to think of Israel before taking such drastic security moves, as Mattis successfully did in the past, U.S. and Israeli officials said.

“There is no question that Israeli officials are concerned about the U.S. pulling out,” said Dan Shapiro, U.S. ambassador to Israel in the Obama administration. “It was done without any meaningful consultation with them.”

24.12.2018 - 06:19 [ Michael Elgort ‏/ Twitter ]

What a surprise. The technology that allowed to protect Gatwick Airport & helped to identify those who launched criminal drones was developed in Israel & sold to UK. A reminder, that BDS wants you to be less protected. @Ostrov_A @HenMazzig @LahavHarkov


24.12.2018 - 06:10 [ AnotherGreen ‏/ Twitter ]

#GatwickDrones Police now saying „possibility that there may not have been any genuine drone activity in the first place“, and at present there is ‚no available footage of the drones‘

24.12.2018 - 06:05 [ BBC ]

Gatwick drones pair ‚no longer suspects‘

Det Ch Supt Jason Tingley said no footage of a drone had been obtained.

24.12.2018 - 06:00 [ BBC Breaking News ‏/ Twitter ]

Police investigating Gatwick Airport disruption say damaged drone has been found and is being forensically examined

24.12.2018 - 05:58 [ Standard.co.uk ]

Gatwick disruption latest: Police find damaged drone as arrested pair are released without charge

Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingey, of Sussex Police, confirmed to Sky News that officers had found the damaged drone.

He said: „I can say yesterday we recovered a damaged drone close to the perimeter of Gatwick Airport… and we will be doing everything we can with regards to progressing a forensic examination of that drone.

24.12.2018 - 05:46 [ AINonline.com ]

German-owned ATC Provider Takes Control of Gatwick Tower

(1.3.2016) ATC tower services at London’s Gatwick Airport are being provided by a subsidiary company of German air navigation service provider DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung following an official transfer of responsibility on March 1. The wholly owned DFS subsidiary—Air Navigation Solutions (ANS)—replaces UK NATS as tower services provider at the country’s second-largest airport.

24.12.2018 - 05:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

Single European Sky: Flugsicherung des Londoner Flughafen Gatwick unter Aufsicht der deutschen Regierung

(27.7.2014) Die Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS), eine staatliche Behörde des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI), wird das Flughafen-Management, die Aufsicht, die Befugnisse über dem Luftraum des internationalen Flughafens Gatwick in London von der nationalen britischen Luftsicherung NATS Holdings ab Oktober 2015 für die nächsten zehn Jahre bis 2025 im unteren Luftraum übernehmen.

24.12.2018 - 05:16 [ bazonline.ch ]

Hinter dem Gatwick-Chaos soll ein Paar aus der Nachbarstadt stecken

Von einem terroristischen Hintergrund waren die Behörden bislang nicht ausgegangen. Es gebe auch keine Hinweise darauf, dass eine ausländische Regierung ihre Finger im Spiel habe, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Freitag vor Bekanntgabe der Festnahmen.