Daily Archives: 16. September 2018

16.09.2018 - 21:03 [ antikrieg.com ]

Der Deich bricht

Erst vor einem Monat traf Deutschlands Außenminister Maas, auch bekannt als „gut gestylter NATO-Callboy“, den Frontmann der Weißen Helme Raed al-Saleh, dem die Einreise in die USA verweigert wurde, und versprach ihm mehr Geld. Maas lobte auch die jüngste Evakuierung von weißen Helmen aus dem Gebiet von Quneitra und Daraa nach Israel, die nur ein weiterer Betrug war. Israel benutzte den Deckmantel der weißen Helme, um eine Reihe von Kommandanten der Terroristen zu evakuieren, die es jahrelang in seinem Krieg gegen Syrien bezahlt und ausgerüstet hatte.

16.09.2018 - 21:00 [ Moon of Alabama ]

The Dike Breaks – Netherland Ends Support For „White Helmets“ Terrorist Propaganda

The Netherland just announced that it is ending its support for al-Qaeda‘s propaganda gang, the „White Helmets“. It also ends its support for the so called Free Syrian Police. Last week the Netherlands shut down its „non lethal“ support for the Free Syrian Army after Dutch news organizations found that members of these groups were accused of terrorism by their General Prosecutor.

16.09.2018 - 15:13 [ alarabiya.net ]

Germany ‘cannot rule out’ longer-term military role in Middle East

Von der Leyen spoke during a visit to the Azraq air base in Jordan where some 300 German troops support a refuelling plane and four Tornado warplanes that fly reconnaissance missions as part of U.S. led-coalition operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Asked if Germany needed a strategic base in the Middle East, von der Leyen said, “First we must bring this deployment to a successful end. I don’t want to rule the idea out, let me put it this way.”

16.09.2018 - 14:54 [ Wikipedia ]

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the British Commonwealth circling the globe; the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific. To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate along lines that the Hungarian-born Romanian Aurel Popovici and others had proposed for the dissolved multinational Empire of Austria-Hungary. According to Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-Europe would encompass and extend a more flexible and more competitive Austria-Hungary, with English serving as the world language, spoken by everyone in addition to their native tongue. He believed that individualism and socialism would learn to cooperate instead of compete, and urged that capitalism and communism cross-fertilise each other just as the Protestant Reformation had spurred the Catholic Church to regenerate itself.

16.09.2018 - 14:32 [ Vera Van Horne ‏/ Twitter ]

Interesting democracy: Merkel advocates a military operation against Syria, when 63% of Germans are against it.

16.09.2018 - 14:23 [ Carl Bildt, Co-Chair European Council on Foreign Relations @ecfr. Among many other things. / Twitter ]

Interesting to see that Berlin prepares the ground for taking part in kinetic action in Syria if there is use of chemical weapons in Idlib or elsewhere.


16.09.2018 - 14:07 [ Straits Times ]

Germany‘s Merkel backs air strikes on Syria as ‚necessary and appropriate‘

(14.4.2018) German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday (April 14) backed air strikes by the United States, France and Britain as a „necessary and appropriate“ action to warn Syria against further use of chemical weapons.

16.09.2018 - 14:05 [ Indian Express ]

Germany to start work on trade, China, Syria war: Angela Merkel

(5.3.2018) Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she would work with France to tackle pressing issues such as trade policy and the war in Syria after the Social Democrats (SPD) voted to join a coalition government with her conservatives. Merkel welcomed the vote by a majority of SPD members that ended more than five months of political deadlock in Europe’s largest economy after an inconclusive election and said the right-left government must quickly get to work.

16.09.2018 - 08:21 [ China Xinhua News ‏/ Twitter ]

Chinese envoy calls for international synergy to fight terrorism in #Syria. Syria‘s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity must be respected, he says


16.09.2018 - 08:09 [ 21stcenturywire.com ]

Erdogan, Putin to Meet Monday in Sochi as Turkey Moves More Weapons into Syria

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to meet Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Monday, amid reports of a heavy Turkish arms drop into Syria in recent days.

16.09.2018 - 07:53 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok…“

(28.Juni 2008) Was aber weder die EU, noch die NATO, die Oberschicht von Russland oder China begreift: sie sitzen nicht nur im Glashaus, sie sitzen auf einer Glaspyramide.

Die totalitären Hirngespinste abgehobener Eliten sind nichts wert und haben keinen Bestand gegen den Geist der Demokratie, wenn er erst einmal aus der Flasche ist. Genau das ist bereits geschehen.

16.09.2018 - 07:40 [ RT ]

Lawrow in Berlin: „Die Potentiale aller Staaten des eurasischen Kontinents zusammenlegen“

(15.9.2018) Lawrow erinnerte an Dmitri Medwedews Vorschlag einer „Paneuropäischen Sicherheitsstruktur“, die dieser zusammen mit der Idee einer neuen euroatlantischen Friedenscharta von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok im Juni 2008 bei seinem Antrittsbesuch in Berlin unterbreitet habe.

16.09.2018 - 07:34 [ Hartmut Richter ‏/ Twitter ]

Berlin-Besuch: Sergej Lawrows fragwürdige Groß-Eurasien-Rhetorik – WELT

16.09.2018 - 07:24 [ Tek Kili ‏/ Twitter ]

Deutsche Lektionen für #Erdogan: – Job als Türsteher vor Toren d EU bringt gutes Geld, billige Arbeitskräfte und immer Grund für Erpressung.

(21.8.2018) – Bombardierst du Kurden, bekommst du Panzer. – Geiselnahmen lohnen sich, gern Deutsche, für die anderen interessiert sich niemand.

16.09.2018 - 07:16 [ Xinhua ]

Turkey, Russia, Germany, France agree on political solution in Syria‘s Idlib

(15.9.2018) „It is everyone‘s common belief that the solution in Idlib must be political rather than military,“ Ibrahim Kalin told reporters after hosting a meeting in Istanbul with officials from the three states.

He said there was a general consensus that the consequences of an attack on Idlib would be severe, including triggering a new wave of migration.

16.09.2018 - 07:08 [ Al Jazeera ]

Turkey warns Europe of ‚new wave‘ of Syrian refugees from Idlib

(15.9.2018) Kalin said that there is a general consensus that the consequences of a full-scale military attack on Idlib will cause humanitarian crises and a new wave of refugees.

He said on Friday that his government seeks to maintain Idlib‘s current status, protect civilians, and prevent a humanitarian crisis in Idlib.

16.09.2018 - 07:02 [ Sarah Abdallah ‏/ Twitter ]

Israel violates Syria’s sovereignty and bombs Damascus International Airport, and nobody even bats an eyelash. But the legitimate, secular Syrian government moves to retake its own land from Al-Qaeda jihadists in Idlib & the entire world goes totally mad.

16.09.2018 - 06:57 [ Xinhua ]

Officials of Turkey, Russia, Germany, France meet in Istanbul over Syria‘s Idlib

(14.9.2018) Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov, German chancellor‘s foreign policy adviser Jan Hecker and French president‘s diplomatic adviser Philippe Etienne joined the meeting hosted by Turkish presidential advisor Ibrahim Kalin, Turkey‘s state-run broadcaster TRT Haber said.

According to the broadcaster, the main agenda of the meeting, also attended by technical experts from the four states, is setting the program and other details of a summit meeting of leaders of the four countries in the upcoming days.