Archiv: Republican National Convention 2020 / Nominierungsparteitag der Republikanischen Partei vor US Präsidentschaftswahlen

21.08.2021 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

Pompeo Delivers R.N.C. Speech From Israel, With Eye Toward 2024


No sitting secretary of state had previously addressed a national political convention in at least 75 years.

28.08.2020 - 07:04 [ Fox News ]

Rudy Giuliani: Don‘t let Democrats do to America what they did to New York City

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks at the final night of the 2020 Republican National Convention.

28.08.2020 - 06:48 [ ]

Fact Check: Trump‘s Address To The Republican Convention, Annotated

If the left gains power they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms.

Biden is a trojan horse for socialism. If Joe Biden doesn’t have the strength to stand up to wild-eyed Marxists like Bernie Sanders and his fellow radicals, and there are many, there are many, many, we see them all the time, it’s incredible, actually, then how is he ever going to stand up for you? He’s not.

28.08.2020 - 06:45 [ ]

Trump hielt Nominierungsrede

„Zu keinem Zeitpunkt zuvor standen die Wähler vor einer klareren Wahl zwischen zwei Parteien, zwei Visionen, zwei Philosophien oder zwei Agendas“, sagte Trump. „Diese Wahl wird darüber entscheiden, ob wir den amerikanischen Traum retten oder ob wir zulassen, dass eine sozialistische Agenda unser geliebtes Schicksal zerstört“. Biden sei ein „trojanisches Pferd der Linken“, so Trump.

26.08.2020 - 06:55 [ New York Times ]

Pompeo Delivers R.N.C. Speech From Israel, With Eye Toward 2024

No sitting secretary of state had previously addressed a national political convention in at least 75 years.

25.08.2020 - 13:15 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

Last week was the Republican convention, this week is Trump’s convention, and Sunday is the

25.08.2020 - 05:55 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

Every cable news pundit told you that you definitely shouldn’t pick @BernieSanders in primaries because Republicans will call him a socialist, Marxist & communist. These are literally the words used to describe Biden tonight at #RNC2020. That’s what they call us no matter what!

25.08.2020 - 04:26 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

Watch live: President Trump speaks at RNC

(8 hours ago)

President Trump is scheduled to speak at RNC Monday, 12:30PM ET.

25.08.2020 - 04:24 [ Basler Zeitung ]

Republikanischer Parteitag: «Sie benutzen Covid, um Wahl zu stehlen»

«Sie benutzen Covid, um eine Wahl zu stehlen», sagte Trump. «Sie benutzen Covid, um unser Volk, unser ganzes Volk, um eine freie und faire Wahl zu betrügen.»

Zum Abschluss der weitgehend virtuellen Veranstaltung wollte Trump ursprünglich am Donnerstag mit einer Rede im Weissen Haus die Nominierung annehmen.

25.08.2020 - 04:18 [ Forbes ]

Trump Claims Democrats Are ‘Using Covid’ To ‘Steal The Election’ In First Convention Speech

President Trump set a dark tone in his first speech of the Republican National Convention on Monday, accusing Democrats of exploiting the pandemic to steal the election, and calling the push for mail-in voting the “greatest scam in the history of American politics,” even as he joked himself about serving “12 more years” in office.

25.08.2020 - 02:21 [ PBS NewsHour / Youtube ]

WATCH LIVE: 2020 RNC Night 1 | Direct Feed featuring Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, Jr.

Tonight is the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention. The RNC events begin at 8:30 p.m. EDT and will feature the following speakers:

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina
Donald Trump, Jr., the president‘s son
U.S. Rep Jim Jordan of Ohio
U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana
Nikki Haley, former UN ambassador and governor of South Carolina