Archiv: Delegationen / delegations

08.04.2024 - 18:04 [ International Court of Justice / Internationaler Gerichtshof ]

Public sitting held on Monday 8 April 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Salam presiding, in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)

The Government of the Republic of Nicaragua is represented by:

HE Mr Carlos José Argüello Gómez, Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Nicaragua to the international organizations based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, member of the International Law Commission,

as Agent and Counsel;

Mr Alain Pellet, Emeritus Professor of the University Paris Nanterre, former Chairperson of the International Law Commission, member and former President of the Institut de droit international,

Mr Daniel Müller, Founding Partner of FAR Avocats, member of the Paris Bar,

as Counsel and Advocates;

Ms Claudia Loza Obregon, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua,
Mr Ysam Soualhi, PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Angers,

as Assistant Counsel;

Ms Sherly Noguera de Argüello, Consul General of the Republic of Nicaragua,

as Administrator;

Ms Kassandra Gómez Pineda, First Secretary, Permanent Representation of the Republic of
Nicaragua to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,

Mr Pedro Hernández Balladarez, Financial Administrative Officer, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,

HE Mr Ammar Hijazi, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates for Multilateral Affairs of the State of Palestine,

HE Mr Omar Awadallah, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates for the United Nations and Specialized Agencies of the State of Palestine,

Mr Federico Argüello Noguera,

as Members of the Delegation.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is represented by:

Ms Tania von Uslar-Gleichen, Legal Adviser and Director-General for Legal Affairs, Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany,

as Agent;

Ms Wiebke Rückert, Director for Public International Law, Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany,

10.01.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Minister Lamola leads South Africa’s delegation to the Hague

The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Mr Ronald Lamola (MP) will lead South Africa’s delegation to Peace Palace (International Court of Justice) in the Hague.

The South African delegation comprises of South Africa’s distinguished diplomats and officials namely:

Director General in the Presidency Ms Phindile Baleni Director General of the Department of International Relations and Co-operation Mr Zane Dangor;
Director General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Advocate Mashabane; (former Deputy Ambassador for South Africa to the United Nations); and
Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of South Africa Advocate Nokukhanya Jele.

The South African delegation will be joined by senior political figures from progressive political parties and movements across the globe which include amongst others Jeremy Corbyn the Former leader of the opposition in the United Kingdom.

10.01.2024 - 11:55 [ Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services in the Republic of South Africa / Twitter ]

Minister Lamola leads South Africa’s delegation to the Hague The South African delegation will be joined by senior political figures from progressive political parties and movements across the globe which include amongst others Jeremy Corbyn.

28.07.2021 - 17:56 [ The White House ]

President Biden Announces Presidential Delegation to the Republic of Peru to Attend the Inauguration of His Excellency José Pedro Castillo Terrones

The Honorable Miguel Cardona, United States Secretary of Education, will lead the delegation.

06.07.2021 - 18:26 [ The Hill ]

Top Democrat leads bipartisan trip to Middle East

The delegation will visit the Al Udeid Air Base, home of U.S. central command in the Middle East, where members will assess the Iranian threat, U.S. regional security posture and meet with deployed U.S. military personnel.

25.06.2021 - 14:54 [ Portal ]

Die zapatistische „Reise für das Leben“ in Europa hat begonnen

Die Delegation ist am 2. Mai von Isla Mujeres, Mexiko, an Bord des Segelschiffes „Die Strahlratte“ nach Europa losgefahren. Es ist die erste Etappe der zapatistischen „Reise für das Leben“.

24.10.2020 - 04:09 [ Xinhuanet ]

Peace in Afghanistan to enhance regional connectivity: Pakistani PM

An Afghan parliamentary delegation, headed by Rahmani, arrived in Pakistan on Friday to discuss relations between the two parliaments and Pakistan‘s role in the Afghan peace process, and also to boost economic ties.

17.05.2018 - 12:52 [ KBS ]

Xi spricht Unterstützung für Dialog zwischen Nordkorea und USA sowie Denuklearisierung aus

Der Delegationsführer Pak Thae-song, ein Vizevorsitzender des Zentralkomitees der Partei, antwortete, die Beziehungen zwischen Nordkorea und China seien durch die historischen Treffen der höchsten Parteiführer beider Länder in eine neue Phase eingetreten.

Die nordkoreanische Delegation war am Montag in Peking eingetroffen. Sie besuchte Zhonguancun, das chinesische Silicon Valley, und traf Beamte des Staatsrats.

15.05.2018 - 22:15 [ KBS ]

Nordkoreanische Delegation besucht China

Nordkorea hat nur eine Woche nach dem Spitzentreffen zwischen den Staatschefs beider Länder eine Delegation nach China geschickt.

Am Montag wurde eine Gruppe von über zehn Nordkoreanern am Flughafen Peking gesichtet. Der nordkoreanische Botschafter in China, Ji Jae-ryong, empfing die Delegation.

08.05.2018 - 10:46 [ Yonhap ]

N. Korea committed to implementing inter-Korean summit agreements: Christian groups

„It was clear that the commitment we hear from the North and the leadership is not simply rhetoric, but (they) carefully analyzed and understood obstacles and (they recognize) that it will be a hard process that requires careful attention from others,“ Reverend Christopher Ferguson, the general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), said in a press conference.

He was part of the six-member Christian delegation that traveled to North Korea for a five-day trip ending Monday.