Archiv: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

28.04.2021 - 14:21 [ Dave deCamp / ]

Blinken Warns African Countries Against Doing Business With China

The US views China‘s infrastructure projects as a threat to American influence

28.04.2021 - 14:15 [ Dave deCamp / ]

Blinken warnt afrikanische Länder vor Geschäften mit China

Biden hat die Beziehung zwischen den USA und China als einen ideologischen Kampf zwischen „Demokratie“ und „Autokratie“ dargestellt.

22.04.2021 - 08:09 [ France24 ]

Deadly car bombing in Pakistan targets hotel hosting Chinese ambassador

The province is home to the newly expanded Gwadar deepwater port that is key to a planned $65 billion investment in China’s Belt and Road Initiative economic corridor.

22.04.2021 - 07:43 [ Reuters ]

Australia says it cancelled state deals on China’s Belt and Road over ‘national interest’

Mahuta on Thursday repeated comments that New Zealand valued the Five Eyes security alliance – which also includes Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States – but questioned whether it was the right platform for New Zealand to speak out on human rights issues.

27.03.2021 - 19:28 [ Dave DeCamp / ]

Biden will Infrastrukturprojekt als Konkurrenz zu Chinas Belt and Road

Die „Belt and Road“-Initiative ist ein ehrgeiziges Projekt, das 2013 von Peking ins Leben gerufen wurde. Es erstreckt sich von Ostasien bis nach Europa, und die meisten der europäischen und NATO-Verbündeten Washingtons sind an dem Projekt beteiligt. Die Trump-Administration riet ihren Verbündeten davon ab, sich an dem Projekt zu beteiligen, hatte damit aber keinen großen Erfolg.

24.01.2020 - 02:00 [ NIKKEI Asian Review ]

Beijing-backed Pakistan port opens as hub for Afghanistan trade

Gwadar port in southern Pakistan recently began handling cargo bound for Afghanistan. While undoubtedly a positive development for the $50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, experts say the economic sustainability of the Chinese-managed port remains far from certain.

05.08.2019 - 17:59 [ Xinhua ]

China, Iraq to boost cooperation, bilateral ties in various fields

Salih added that „Iraq attaches great importance to developing relations with China.“

He said that „Iraq is willing to continuously strengthen exchanges at all levels, deepen the strategic integration of each other‘s development strategies, enhance strategic cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and promote the new strategic partnership between Iraq and China,“ according to the statement.

19.03.2019 - 13:18 [ Reuters ]

Italy PM Conte seeks to reassure EU, U.S. over China deals

Conte told parliament that a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed with President Xi Jinping hooking Italy up to China’s Belt and Road infrastructure initiative “do not remotely put into doubt our euro-Atlantic alliance”.

13.03.2019 - 16:23 [ Xinhuanet ]

Chinese ambassador urges more financial cooperation between China and Britain

Liu made the appeal at a dinner hosted by Britain‘s 48 Group Club and the China Chamber of Commerce in Britain. He said that in recent years, financial cooperation between China and Britain has enjoyed strong growth.

20.11.2018 - 04:36 [ NDTV ]

Trade Deal With China A „Mistake“, Maldives Set To Pull Out: Lawmaker

The Maldives is among a number of small countries where China has invested billions of dollars building highways and housing as part of its Belt and Road Initiative. Through that initiative, Beijing hopes to improve trade and investment flows with much of Asia and parts of the rest of the world.

18.11.2018 - 02:01 [ Samoa Observer ]

P.M. Tuilaepa and President Xi in talks

Twenty-four hours after the meeting between the Chinese president and the Pacific leaders, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told the 2018 APEC CEO Summit in Port Moresby that America does not want countries in the Indo-Pacific region to fall into the Chinese debt diplomacy, and instead choose U.S. development financing.

“We don’t drown our partners in a sea of debt. We don’t coerce or compromise your independence. We do not offer a constricting belt or a one-way road,” he said, before announcing that the U.S. will partner with Australia and P.N.G. to build a naval base on Manus Island IN P.N.G.

22.10.2018 - 10:04 [ ]

China-India cooperation can be global yardstick

China-India cooperation is also in line with each nation‘s international strategy. The change in the international landscape has motivated developing countries to engage in multilateral cooperation and seek more say when it comes to protecting their own interests. China and India are both in favor of free trade. Down the road, they will need better coordination and more support from each other on issues such as the multilateral trade system and WTO reform.

11.10.2018 - 13:07 [ Guangming Online ]

Belt and Road Initiative bolster China-Tajikistan ties, says ambassador

Cooperation between China and Tajikistan continues to rapidly develop and score results under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Ambassador to Tajikistan Yue Bin said.(…)
Tajikistan is the first country in the world to have signed a memorandum with China on building the Silk Road Economic Belt, and Dushanbe pledged to strengthen the synergy between its national development strategy that centers around industrial development and the China-proposed initiative.

15.06.2018 - 19:37 [ Diplomatic Courier ]

Indo-U.S. Relations Dilemma: CAATSA

The Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj has made it clear that India only follows UN sanctions and does not recognize the unilateral sanctions by the United States.(…)
The push for a waiver by the U.S. Secretary of State might be a face-saving grace as America’s reliability as a global power and the unpredictable nature of the current U.S. administration is questioned.(…)
Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Russia and Mrs. Swaraj meeting with her counterpart from Iran is not necessarily a shift but adhering to India’s unequivocal stand on not relenting to these unilateral sanctions directly or indirectly.

31.03.2018 - 17:39 [ Asia Times ]

Great Game struggle for control of strategic port

The Port of Bizerte is now caught in the middle of an ongoing US/China rivalry, with President Donald Trump reasserting US geopolitical leadership against Chinese President Xi Jinping’s aggressive Belt and Road Initiative, which has seen China expand to strategically sensitive areas such as Djibouti on the Horn of Africa and the Port of Piraeus in Nato member Greece.

27.03.2018 - 02:08 [ Pepe Escobar/Asia Times ]

Will the Putin-Xi era supersede the Western liberal (dis)order?

The strengthening of what should be viewed as the Putin-Xi era could not but render Western liberals – and neoliberals – absolutely livid.
Capitalist interests have always believed their own propaganda narrative, which directly links capitalist expansion with the inevitable spread of democracy.
Critical thinking is, at last, debunking it as a grand illusion.