Daily Archives: 22. September 2022

22.09.2022 - 18:30 [ financebuzz.com ]

U.S. Net Worth Statistics: The State of Wealth in 2022

For the fourth quarter of 2019, total wealth in the U.S. was $111.04 trillion.

22.09.2022 - 18:18 [ ons.gov.uk ]

Total wealth in Great Britain: April 2016 to March 2018

The total net wealth of private households in Great Britain was £14.6 trillion in April 2016 to March 2018, an increase of 13% in real terms from April 2014 to March 2016, mainly because of increases in private pension and net property wealth.

22.09.2022 - 17:50 [ admin.ch ]

Vermögensbilanz der privaten Haushalte

Copyright Bundesamt für Statistik

22.09.2022 - 17:41 [ 20min.ch ]

Schweizer Nationalbank: Dank Leitzinserhöhung könnte es wieder Zinsen aufs Sparkonto geben

Um die Inflation zu bekämpfen, erhöht die Nationalbank den Leitzins und beendet damit die Zeit der Negativzinsen

22.09.2022 - 17:26 [ Reuters ]

SNB to join 75 basis point hike club on Sept 22, inflation yet to peak – Reuters poll

The ECB, for its part, is due to take its key interest rates significantly higher.

22.09.2022 - 17:02 [ MarketWatch.com ]

Bank of England lifts rates by a half-point after 5-4 vote

The Bank of England decided to lift interest rates by a half-point to the highest level since 2008 in a contested decision, as the U.K. central bank joins peers across the globe in trying to bring inflation down by quelling demand.

The vote was 5-to-4 to bring rates to 2.25%, with three members calling for a 75-basis-point hike while one voted for a quarter-point increase. It was the seventh consecutive rate hike for the U.K. central bank.

22.09.2022 - 16:45 [ AZfamily.com ]

How the latest Fed rate hike will affect your credit card bill

Collectively, Americans have nearly $900 billion dollars in credit card debt, and if you carry a balance, your bill is about to get more expensive, as the Federal Reserve raised its key interest rate for the fifth time this year. Currently, the average interest rate on a new credit card offer is more than 21%, according to LendingTree’s Matt Schulz. “You can expect that average to go up to over 22% in the next couple of months because banks don’t tend to waste a lot of time on raising rates when the Fed does,” Schulz said.

22.09.2022 - 16:28 [ ORF.at ]

Angst vor Schulden: US-Zinssprung mit weltweiten Folgen

Das Hauptproblem: Die hohen Zinssätze treiben den US-Dollar in die Höhe – zum Nachteil anderer Länder. Denn nicht nur Importe werden teurer, sondern auch die Bedienung von Krediten. Die straffe Geldpolitik der US-Notenbank bekommen daher vor allem einkommensschwächere Länder zu spüren, die sich während der Pandemie hoch verschuldet und ihre Kredite in US-Dollar aufgenommen haben – selbst aber keine Dollars verdienen.

22.09.2022 - 14:04 [ @Mephist13755568 / Nitter ]

In der Türkei braut sich der perfekte Sturm zusammen via @welt