Archiv: Shell plc (corporation / UK)

17.04.2023 - 10:42 [ Fortune ]

Saudi Arabia’s national oil company raked in a record $161 billion profit last year, as the Ukraine war and OPEC+ drove a 46% increase


Aramco boosted its dividend — a crucial source of funding for the Saudi Arabian government — to $19.5 billion for the final quarter, up 4% from the previous three-month period.

US and European peers such as Chevron Corp. and Shell Plc also reported blowout earnings and are returning billions of dollars to shareholders through larger dividends and buybacks. Aramco, until now, has instead focused on using its extra cash to increase output.

12.03.2023 - 20:29 [ ]

Saudischer Ölkonzern Aramco meldet 161 Mrd. Dollar Gewinn

Der saudi-arabische Ölkonzern war erst 2019 an die Börse gegangen. Er ist das zweitwertvollste Unternehmen der Welt nach Apple. 2022 meldeten auch fünf weitere Ölgiganten Rekordgewinne: Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP und TotalEnergies.

03.03.2023 - 18:40 [ ]

Big Oil to take centerstage at Houston meet as markets, alliances shift

The war in Ukraine sparked a rally in crude oil and fuel prices that led to record industry profits, prompting the U.S. government and others to accuse Big Oil of profiteering and for Britain and some other governments to impose windfall taxes on energy companies.

23.02.2023 - 20:22 [ New York Times ]

What Exxon and Chevron Are Doing With Those Big Profits

(Feb. 1, 2023)

The variables that will determine oil companies’ profitability this year are largely out of their control — in both supply and demand. The war in Ukraine could expand or not; a recession in the United States and Europe could be deep or averted entirely. Prices for fuels, and inflation generally, will largely depend on how events play out.

23.02.2023 - 19:48 [ Forbes ]

Shell Reports Record Profits As Oil Giants—Including Exxon, Chevron—Cash In On Sky-High Prices After Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

(Feb 2, 2023)

Shell reported an annual profit of nearly $40 billion in 2022, the highest in the firm’s 115-year history.

The figure is more than double the $19.3 billion the firm reported in 2021 and far greater than its previous record of $31 billion in 2008.

14.02.2023 - 07:48 [ Forbes ]

Shell Reports Record Profits As Oil Giants—Including Exxon, Chevron—Cash In On Sky-High Prices After Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

(Feb 2, 2023)

Shell reported an annual profit of nearly $40 billion in 2022, the highest in the firm’s 115-year history.

The figure is more than double the $19.3 billion the firm reported in 2021 and far greater than its previous record of $31 billion in 2008.

11.02.2023 - 05:27 [ Forbes ]

Shell Reports Record Profits As Oil Giants—Including Exxon, Chevron—Cash In On Sky-High Prices After Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

(Feb 2, 2023)

Shell reported an annual profit of nearly $40 billion in 2022, the highest in the firm’s 115-year history.

The figure is more than double the $19.3 billion the firm reported in 2021 and far greater than its previous record of $31 billion in 2008.

30.05.2022 - 12:40 [ ]

Geschlossene Tankstellen, unterbrochene Kraftstoffversorgung nach Entscheidung der Regierung

Nach Angaben von Blikk hat Shell mehrere seiner Tankstellen in Ungarn geschlossen und begründet dies mit Versorgungsproblemen.