Archiv: Hassan Rouhani

12.04.2021 - 23:10 [ ORF ]

Russlands Außenminister zu Gesprächen im Iran

Inmitten der Bemühungen um eine Rettung des internationalen Atomabkommens mit dem Iran ist Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow morgen in Teheran zu Besuch. Auf dem Programm stehen Gespräche mit Präsident Hassan Rouhani und Außenminister Javad Zarif.

07.04.2021 - 11:49 [ ]

Iran sees new chapter in JCPOA revival – President Rouhani

„We are witnessing a new chapter in revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, all (signatory) countries of the deal are gathered in Vienna in different combinations including P4+1 with Iran and P4+1 and the US or in any other form today united voice is heard,“ said Hassan Rouhani

27.03.2021 - 18:02 [ France24 ]

China and Iran sign 25-year strategic cooperation agreement

The Chinese and Iranian foreign ministers on Saturday signed a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two allies in a ceremony carried live on state television.

04.01.2020 - 22:01 [ Anadolu Agency ]

Qatar foreign minister to visit Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif held talks in Tehran on Saturday with his Qatari counterpart Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, according to the official IRNA news agency.
The Qatari minister is expected to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during the visit.

08.08.2019 - 04:01 [ Al-Monitor ]

Rouhani takes fire from hard-liners for defending nuclear deal

In the speech, Rouhani defended the phone call with his then-American counterpart Barack Obama in 2013 as the right decision that accelerated the success of the nuclear negotiations.

21.04.2019 - 21:45 [ Dawn ]

Prime Minister Imran Khan reaches Iran for 2-day official visit

The premier made a stopover in Mashhad before proceeding on to Tehran. Ali Reza Razm Hussaini, the governor general of Khorasan-e-Razavi province, received the prime minister upon arrival at the Shahid Hasheminejad International Airport.

25.09.2018 - 23:16 [ Reuters ]

Rouhani says Iran wants no war, sanctions, threats, or bullying

Rouhani, in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, said the United States had waged “economic war” against Iran by reimposing unilateral sanctions, which were lifted under the country’s 2015 multinational nuclear deal in return for Tehran curbing its nuclear program.

25.09.2018 - 14:44 [ Press TV ]

World community should stand up to US violations of intl. law: Iran president

Rouhani made the remarks in meetings on Monday with world leaders on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. In a meeting with his Bolivian counterpart, Evo Morales, Rouhani emphasized the need for both the Iranian and Bolivian nations to put up resistance to American interventionism and unilateralism.

09.08.2018 - 03:04 [ Press TV ]

US reimposition of bans on Iran wrong, unlawful: North Korean FM

In a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran on Wednesday, Ri Yong-ho said Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the subsequent reimposition of the bans that had been lifted based on the multilateral agreement are wrongful and in contravention of international regulations.

03.07.2018 - 21:05 [ Press TV ]

US will never be able to stop Iran oil exports: Rouhani

Since the US president pulled Washington out of the historic nuclear deal, European countries have been scrambling to ensure that Iran gets enough economic benefits to persuade it to stay in the deal. The remaining parties have vowed to stay in the accord.

05.06.2018 - 11:35 [ ]

Cooperation can help ease and avoid impact of US move in Iran nuclear deal

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is reportedly scheduled to visit China later this week to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit along with his Chinese and Russian counterparts. This event will offer a chance to promote collaboration after US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Iran nuclear deal.

19.05.2018 - 16:13 [ ]

Istanbul hosts historic meeting between Rouhani, King Abdullah ‎ ‎

The last similar meeting occurred in 2003, during the King Abdullah’s visit to Tehran, the first visit by a Jordanian monarch to Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, where he held meetings with Iranian officials, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mohammad Khatami.

14.05.2018 - 09:33 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

President in a phone call with British PM:

Dr Rouhani also referred to the upcoming meeting of foreign ministers of Britain, France, Germany, Iran and European Union foreign policy chief on Tuesday and expressed hope that the meeting would secure Tehran’s interests by saving the JCPOA.

Describing the nuclear deal very important for peace and security of the region, he stressed that the US was responsible for the consequences of anything that happens to the JCPOA.

“In the JCPOA, the two parties have obligations and it is not acceptable that only one party lives up to its commitments,” Rouhani added.

He also referred to the significant role of the three European countries in saving the JCPOA and described Europe’s stances against US’ secondary sanctions a brave move that could maintain Europe’s position and global credit.

09.05.2018 - 07:15 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

JCPOA lost 1 out of 5+1/I instructed FM to meet with other 5 countries soon/JCPOA to stand if other sides meet Iran’s goals/People mustn’t worry; we knew from long ago that Trump isn’t trustable

Speaking in a televised address to the people on the JCPOA, President Hassan Rouhani said: “As verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has lived up to all its commitments and tonight, it was revealed who the unfaithful is”.

He continued: “Today, we saw what we were reiterating from 40 years ago, and that is Iran is a country that lives up to its commitments and the United States is a country that has never done so”.

“In the past 40 years or even before that, history tells that Americans have had a hostile approach towards the great Iranian nation and the nations of the region; from the coup in Iran against the legal government of Dr Mosadeq to their interference in the affairs of the past regime, supporting Saddam and attacking Iran’s passenger plane and killing innocent people and what they have done against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and the Middle East and North Africa and against other peoples of the world”.

He also referred to the US’ withdrawal from the JCPOA and continued: “In fact, this was a confirmation of what they have been doing in the past months in another way”.

06.05.2018 - 12:06 [ President of the Islamic Republic of Iran ]

President addressing the large gathering of people in Sabzevar:

Speaking at the large gathering of people in Khorasan Razavi‘s Sabzevar city, President Hassan Rouhani said that all political groups and people are united against Trump and the Zionist Regime, adding: “ We proved to the world that the people of Iran are the people of peace“.

„We don‘t favour war and tension, but will strongly defend our rights“, said the President adding: “ The US will not be able to do anything against the Iranian nation“

Stating that „from months ago, the necessary instructions have been issued to the Atomic Energy Organisation and economic sectors,“ Dr Rouhani said: „We are ready for any decision about the JCPOA“.