Archiv: axis of evil

20.10.2019 - 14:46 [ BBC ]

US expands ‚axis of evil‘


The United States has added Cuba, Libya and Syria to the nations it claims are deliberately seeking to obtain chemical or biological weapons.

06.05.2019 - 18:30 [ BBC ]

US expands ‚axis of evil‘


The United States has added Cuba, Libya and Syria to the nations it claims are deliberately seeking to obtain chemical or biological weapons.

04.11.2018 - 12:57 [ LA Times ]

Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable

(10.März 2002) WASHINGTON — The Bush administration, in a secret policy review completed early this year, has ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the „axis of evil“–Iraq, Iran, and North Korea–but also China, Libya and Syria.

In addition, the U.S. Defense Department has been told to prepare for the possibility that nuclear weapons may be required in some future Arab-Israeli crisis. And, it is to develop plans for using nuclear weapons to retaliate against chemical or biological attacks, as well as „surprising military developments“ of an unspecified nature.

06.04.2018 - 08:09 [ Washington Post ]

Saudi crown prince sees a new axis of ‘evil’ in the Middle East

(8.3.2018) In remarks reportedly made this week in a meeting with Egyptian newspaper editors, he pointed to a “triangle of evil” in the Middle East made up of Iran — Riyadh‘s perennial foe — Islamist extremist groups and Turkey. His rhetoric seemed to echo the notorious „axis of evil“ bluster of the George W. Bush administration.

The inclusion of Turkey raised eyebrows and sparked an angry backlash on Turkish social media.