Archiv: Alaska

26.07.2021 - 17:23 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Alaska: Dual use

Von Alaska aus könnten die USA in beide Richtungen – gen Arktis und in den Indo-Pazifik – Macht entfalten, so der neue US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin zur Bedeutung des US-Bundesstaates.

28.04.2021 - 21:43 [ KBS ]

USA wollen 18 Milliarden Dollar in Entwicklung neuer Abfangrakete investieren

Die Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg berichtete am Dienstag (Ortszeit), dass ein von Lockheed Martin und Northrop Grumman geführtes Team mit 13,1 Milliarden Dollar, die vom Pentagon bereitgestellt würden, an der Systementwicklung arbeiten werde. Die Entwicklung werde voraussichtlich 2026 abgeschlossen. Es würden insgesamt 31 Einheiten, darunter zehn für Tests, hergestellt.

29.03.2021 - 12:31 [ ORF ]

Reichster Mann Tschechiens tödlich verunglückt

Auch Kellners Konzern, die PPF Group, bestätigte den tödlichen Unfall.

17.03.2021 - 23:42 [ The Hill ]

US-China tensions run high ahead of critical meeting

Blinken will also arrive in Alaska following his first trip abroad engaging U.S. allies Japan and South Korea, part of the administration’s strategy to approach the Chinese from a position of strength in lockstep with key allies in the region.

10.03.2021 - 19:29 [ The Hill ]

Top Biden officials to meet with Chinese in Alaska

Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are expected to travel to Japan and South Korea next week, in what will be the first overseas trip for senior Biden officials.

17.08.2020 - 16:39 [ The Hill ]

Trump administration finalizes plan to open up Alaska wildlife refuge to drilling

“The Trump administration’s so-called review process for their shameless sell-off of the Arctic Refuge has been a sham from the start. We’ll see them in court,” said a statement from Lena Moffitt, The Sierra Club’s senior director of its Our Wild America campaign.

27.05.2020 - 04:00 [ Courthouse News Service ]

49th State Is First to Fully Reopen After Pandemic Closures

Retail stores, restaurants, gyms, museums and churches were allowed to reopen statewide on Friday for the long weekend, while Anchorage, the state’s most populous city, phased into a 100% opening on Monday. Alaska entered what officials dubbed as phases three and four of its five-phase reopening plan simultaneously at 8 a.m. Friday.

27.04.2020 - 19:09 [ Fox News ]

Tennessee, Mississippi, Montana reopen some businesses following other states easing coronavirus restrictions

The moves to reopen follow in the steps of Georgia, Oklahoma, and Alaska, which on Friday began loosening lockdown restrictions on businesses despite health officials warning the gradual return to daily life might be happening too soon.

26.04.2020 - 13:13 [ the Hill ]

Several states starting to reopen this weekend

In Tennessee, Gov. Bill Lee (R ) said on Monday that “the vast majority of businesses” will be allowed to reopen when the state’s stay-at-home order expires on April 30, and as of Friday state parks and dine-in restaurants were allowed to open with reduced capacity. Tennessee was one of the last states to issue a stay-at-home order.

13.03.2020 - 01:13 [ KINY ]

Federal court rules against old-growth Tongass logging plan

Eight conservation organizations, represented by the nonprofit environmental law firm Earthjustice, challenged the logging plan on the grounds that, among other claims, it had violated the National Environmental Policy Act, which gives people a say in government actions that will affect their communities.

14.08.2019 - 02:36 [ Paul Craig Roberts / ]

Buchstäblich Gold über Leben

Alles, was der Kapitalismus in Amerika noch zu plündern hat, sind die Nationaldenkmäler und Wälder sowie die geschützten ökologischen Gebiete.

Die Auslagerung von US-Jobs war ein Akt des Selbstmords der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

14.08.2019 - 02:32 [ Common Dreams ]

‚Gold Over Life, Literally‘: How Trump Forced Reversal on Mining Project EPA Scientists Warn Could Destroy Alaskan Salmon Ecosystem

So Trump meets Alaska‘s governor in his airplane and agrees to push through a goldmine that had been stopped b/c it will devastate salmon habitat. This at a time that orcas are already starving death. Salmon carry entire ecosystems on their backs. Gold over life, literally. — Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) August 9, 2019