Der Anteil der Menschen, die glauben, dass Russland eine große Bedrohung für die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist, ist so gering, dass er fast nicht messbar ist.
Daily Archives: 23. Juli 2018
Europas Hilfspolizisten (II)
„Wir sind italienische Seeleute. Wir haben 2000 Jahre Zivilisation hinter uns, und wir tun diese Dinge.“
Süd- und Nordkorea wollen Rückführung von Gebeinen von Zwangsarbeitern in Japan anstreben
Das Projekt werde als zivile Bewegung durchgeführt. Man werde die Unterstützung und Kooperation der Weltgemeinschaft einschließlich Japans anstreben, hieß es.
Kim Hong-gul und der Vizechef des nordkoreanischen Pendants zum KCRC Yang Chol-sik werden die Leitung des Komitees übernehmen. Der Ausschuss wird sich aus jeweils drei Personen aus beiden Koreas zusammensetzen.
A Rocket has not been launched by North Korea in 9 months. Likewise, no Nuclear Tests. Japan is happy, all of Asia is happy. But the Fake News is saying, without ever asking me (always anonymous sources), that I am angry because it is not going fast enough. Wrong, very happy!
North Korea wants US to make ‚bold move‘ towards peace before denuclearization, source says
If the US is unwilling to replace the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War with a permanent peace that would ensure the survival of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un‘s regime, Pyongyang will likely not proceed further with denuclearization talks, the source said.
The establishment of a legally binding peace treaty would require the approval of two-thirds of the US Senate.
Maas: Deutschland nimmt Weißhelme auf
„Es ist ein Gebot der Menschlichkeit, dass viele dieser mutigen Ersthelfer nun Schutz und Zuflucht finden, einige davon auch in Deutschland“, sagte Maas der „Bild“-Zeitung (Montagsausgabe).
Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014
(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)
12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.
UN Peacekeepers Observe IDF Interacting With Al Nusra in Golan
(4.12.2014) UN troops monitoring the 1974 ceasefire between Israel and Syria have witnessed interactions between members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Al Nusra Front who have taken over a large part of the Golan Heights.
Syria‘s White Helmets apologize for Mannequin Challenge video
(25.11.2016) An RFS spokesperson told CNN the group wanted to use the hashtag to „reach the western audience“ and „show them part of the Syrian suffering.“
Syria Civil Defence (SCD) respond to RFS video on mannequin challenge
(23.11.2016) This video and the related posts were recorded by RFS media with Syria Civil Defence volunteers, who hoped to create a connection between the horror of Syria and the outside world using the viral ‚Mannequin challenge.‘ This was an error of judgment, and we apologize on behalf of the volunteers involved.
White Helmets‘ bizarre ‘mannequin challenge’ in Syrian warzone
(22.11.2016) The video that shows members of Syria’s White Helmets partaking in the popular ‚Mannequin Challenge‘ with an injured man, was first posted online by the Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office (RFS), an anti-Assad media outlet. #MannequinChallenge was in the video’s title along with ‚edge of death.‘ The video was not shared on the White Helmets‘ social media pages and has since been removed from RFS social media.
(22.1.2017) I was in East Aleppo during its final liberation from Nusra Front-led extremism and during the lead up to Christmas until the 27th December. I witnessed the emaciated civilians arriving at the Jebrin registration centre to receive food, hot drinks and medical treatment. Medical treatment that the Nusra Front dominated, extremist groups, had refused them. We saw a young boy whose foot was missing, he told us that he had received no attention for his wounds prior to arriving in Jebrin. He had been injured in a terrorist mortar attack on the district he had been living in.
I was in East Aleppo between the 9th and the 14th December when the majority of the districts were liberated. Every civilian I spoke to said the White Helmets were effectively Nusra Front‘s civil defence. Some said they „occasionally“ helped civilians but then qualified by adding that their priority was the „armed groups“.
Whitewashing the White Helmets – Peter Ford
Former Ambassador to Syria 2003 – 2006, Peter Ford responds to the UK Government statement by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt on “exceptional” Israeli evacuation of the UK/US Coalition intelligence construct, the White Helmets:
Foreign Ministry: Smuggling hundreds of “White Helmets” by Israel in cooperation with other states discloses their support to terrorism
The source added ”Israel has always lied claiming that it doesn’t have a relation to the war waged on Syria, yet it has smuggled hundreds of members of the “White Helmets” terrorist organization and of the leaders of other armed terrorist organizations in cooperation with the governments of the US, Britain, Jordan , Germany and Canada and this has uncovered the support provided by these states to the terrorist groups in their aggression against the Syrians and in destroying the infrastructure in Syria under false pretexts.
Syrien verurteilt Rettung von Weißhelmen durch Israel
Die syrische Regierung hat die jüngste Rettung Hunderter Mitarbeiter der syrischen Zivilorganisation Weißhelme aus dem Bürgerkriegsland durch Israel verurteilt. Die Operation enthülle die terroristische Natur der Organisation, sagte ein Sprecher des syrischen Außenministeriums der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur SANA. Es handle sich um eine Aggression Israels, aber auch der Beteiligten USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Kanada und Jordanien gegenüber dem syrischen Volk.
The Unavoidable Obstacle to LGBT Equality, Religious Pluralism and a Liberal Israel: It’s the Occupation, Stupid
The new threat to the status quo, remote as it may be, stems from the hope – or the danger, as far as the establishment is concerned – that this is not a solitary incident, but a cascading call to arms for secular Israelis to rise up against their oppressors. That the rage over surrogacy, which has already expanded to a general demonstration of support for the LGBT community, won’t stop there, but will keep on gathering energy and momentum and turn into a mass protest movement against Orthodox tyranny, the „Iranization“ of Israel and the notion of Jewish superiority as the guiding light of Netanyahu’s coalition.
That the despondent enlightened majority will snap out of its depression, open its windows and yell, like Howard Beale in the movie „Network“ “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. There will be changes.”
Today, I Am Ashamed to Be an Israeli
Yet, nothing has really changed since 2004. Instead, we now have a law that confirms the Arab population as second-class citizens. It therefore is a very clear form of apartheid.
I don’t think the Jewish people survived for 20 centuries, mostly through persecution and enduring endless cruelties, on order to now become the oppressors, inflicting cruelty on others. This new law does exactly that.
Die Israelis töten einfach weiter Menschen, stehlen Land
Dahinter verbirgt sich eine bestimmte Logik. Die israelische Regierung will das Westjordanland annektieren. Sie will die arabische Bevölkerung herausholen und durch jüdische Siedler ersetzen. Sie betreibt diese Politik langsam, vorsichtig, aber konsequent.
Es ist eine grausame Politik, eine verabscheuungswürdige Politik, und doch hat sie eine gewisse Logik. Wenn Sie dieses abscheuliche Ziel wirklich erreichen wollen, sind die Methoden vielleicht ausreichend. Aber das gilt nicht für den Gazastreifen, den niemand annektieren will. Dort sind diese Methoden pure Torheit.
Das bedeutet nicht, dass die gesamte israelische Politik gegenüber den Palästinensern insgesamt weiser ist. Das ist sie nicht.
Binyamin Netanyahu und seine handverlesenen dummen Minister haben keine Politik. So sieht es aus. Tatsächlich haben sie eine nicht deklarierte Agenda: die schleichende Annexion des Westjordanlandes.
Montenegro defends itself after Trump calls tiny nation ‚aggressive‘
„Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend it from attack?“ Carlson inquired.
Trump responded: „I‘ve asked the same question. Montenegro is a tiny country with very strong people. … They are very strong people. They are very aggressive people, they may get aggressive, and congratulations, you are in World War III.“
Join the Campaign for Peace
Our country‘s destructive policy of pursuing interventionist regime change wars, no matter the deathly cost or consequence, has left our veterans and communities here at home neglected and facing extreme hardship. Now more than ever we must speak out for peace.
Reject the neocon, interventionist foreign policy establishment and join our campaign for peace.
The American people are sick of our failed regime change wars. They are sick of paying the price for counterproductive wars that have taken lives & resources away from our communities while undermining our security. Join me in fighting for peace.
Arab lawmakers tossed out after they tear nation-state bill in protest
EU Foreign Policy Chief to Meet With Israeli Arab Lawmakers
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini will meet a delegation of Israeli Arab lawmakers, headed by Joint List head Ayman Odeh in Brussels on September 4. This is the first time Mogherini would be meeting with Israeli Arab lawmakers.
Trump Threatens Iran on Twitter, Warning of Dire ‘Consequences’
President Trump threatened Iran late Sunday, warning of severe “consequences,” as rhetoric between the two countries’ presidents escalated dramatically.
President speaking at the meeting of heads of Iranian missions abroad:
Latest US plot an attempt to tire Iranian nation/Foreign policy the most important issue after national security/You can‘t incite Iranian people against Iran‘s security, interests/Iranian nation won‘t be anybody‘s slave/Americans must get that peace with Iran the mother of all peace, war with Iran the mother of all wars/Intimidation makes us more united; we‘ll definitely defeat US
Rouhani: Peace with Iran will be mother of all peace, war with Iran will be mother of all wars
“Mr. Trump! We are men of honor and [have been] the guarantors of the security of the region’s waterway throughout history. Don’t you want to play with the lion’s tail! It will be something [for you] to regret,” he said.
‘You declare war on Iranians and speak of support for them?!’
The US has recently launched “an offensive of speeches and online communications meant to foment unrest” among ordinary Iranians, according to Reuters.
On Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was scheduled to give a speech titled “Supporting Iranian Voices” to opponents of the Islamic Republic in California.