Archiv: Tom Perez

08.03.2020 - 17:49 [ Dawn Papple / ]

If Joe Biden Wins The Nomination But Suffers Cognitive Decline, The DNC Could Get Their Coronation Afterall

Consider how the Democrats fill vacancies on their tickets:

“Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.”

So, to be clear, the vacancy would be decided by Tom Perez (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Steny Hoyer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Jim Clyburn (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Chuck Schumer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Dick Durbin (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), and the DGA will decide on their own who will be our Democratic nominee.

12.02.2020 - 13:27 [ ]

Tele-voting gets a veto


“We concur with the advice of the DNC’s security experts that there is no tele-caucus system available that meets our standard of security and reliability given the scale needed for the Iowa and Nevada caucuses and the current cyber-security climate,” says Tom Perez, Lorraine Miller, and Jim Roosevelt, of the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee, in a joint statement.

11.02.2020 - 11:10 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party chairman ‚disappointed‘ by Perez‘s caucus criticism

“Obviously I was very disappointed by the chairman’s comments,” Price told reporters at a press conference after he was asked whether Perez had thrown him and the Iowa Democratic Party “under the bus.” “You know this has been a full partnership with the DNC this entire time.”

“What I will say is we’ve got a job to do and that is to finish up this process,” he continued. “There’s going to be a time to assign blame, but I will tell you the DNC has been a partner in this process up to, including and after caucus night.”

11.02.2020 - 11:03 [ Real Clear Politics ]

DNC Chairman Tom Perez Blames Iowa Democratic Party For Caucus Disaster: „What Happened Was Unacceptable“


During an interview on CNN Friday morning, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez sidestepped blaming the national party for the mess that happened during Monday‘s Iowa caucus, saying: „Well, again, the Iowa Democratic Party runs the caucus. Okay? And they — what happened was unacceptable.“

08.02.2020 - 10:27 [ WSWS:org ]

Democrats seek to suppress Sanders victory in Iowa

Iowa state Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price said that he was prepared to order a recanvass, but only if requested by one of the campaigns, not by Perez, who has no actual authority to order the review. None of the campaigns has yet requested a recanvass, and it is not clear that any of them will, since those candidates who finished below the top two, including Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Amy Klobuchar, want the public to forget about Iowa as quickly as possible.

08.02.2020 - 10:15 [ ]

Demokraten wollen Sanders Sieg in Iowa totschweigen

Der Vorsitzende der Demokraten von Iowa, Troy Price, erklärte sich bereit, eine Überprüfung anzuordnen. Diese müsste allerdings von einem der Wahlkampfteams beantragt werden, da Perez keine Befugnis dazu hat. Bisher hat keines der Wahlkampfteams eine Überprüfung beantragt. Es ist unklar, ob es dazu kommen wird, denn die Kandidaten, die auf die zwei Bestplatzierten folgen, (darunter Warren, der ehemalige Vizepräsiden Joe Biden und Senatorin Amy Klobuchar) wollen die Vorwahl in Iowa so schnell wie möglich aus dem Gedächtnis der Öffentlichkeit verbannen.

06.02.2020 - 21:38 [ Jennifer Winn (Precinct Caucus Chair for Hawarden) / Twitter ]

Hawarden & Reading Precincts caucused in the same room. I ran the event for both precincts, though they aligned and counted delegates separately. Reading was reported on Tuesday- Hawarden is not reflecting. Only difference? #BernieWon my precinct. @TomPerez LET OUR VOTES REFLECT!

06.02.2020 - 21:00 [ ABC News ]

DNC Chairman Tom Perez calls on the Iowa Democratic Party to ‚immediately‘ begin a recanvass

Polk County Democrats Chairman Sean Bagniewski later confirmed to ABC News that the DNC had been calling precinct chairs and asking for results — meaning the national party committee is actively engaging in calling the leaders of each precinct in order to verify the results.

And one Democratic official was told that the DNC was „taking over“ the accounting. The official said that to their knowledge, this has never happened before.

06.02.2020 - 20:52 [ Tom Perez (Chairman of the DNC) / Twitter ]

Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.

06.02.2020 - 18:46 [ Bloomberg ]

Buttigieg Faces Tough Battle to Repeat Iowa Feat in Later States

The once-improbable path for Pete Buttigieg to in the Democratic presidential nomination hinged on a strong performance in the Iowa caucuses.

06.02.2020 - 18:45 [ CNN ]

This is why Pete Buttigieg did well in Iowa


CNN‘s John King explains why 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg leads more experienced politicians in the Iowa caucuses.

06.02.2020 - 18:44 [ CNN ]

Pete Buttigieg claimed victory in Iowa before any results were reported


„So we don‘t know all the results, but we know by the time, it‘s all said and done, Iowa you have shocked the nation. Because by all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious,“ Buttigieg told the crowd in comments that drew criticism online.

06.02.2020 - 18:04 [ Jennifer Winn (Precinct Caucus Chair for Hawarden) / Twitter ]

This is insane, still no reporting on my precinct here in NW Iowa. We are not a satellite location, we are a precinct of less than 100 people! #BernieWonIA #WTFIDP

06.02.2020 - 17:36 [ New York Times ]

Iowa Caucus Results Riddled With Errors and Inconsistencies

The results released by the Iowa Democratic Party on Wednesday were riddled with inconsistencies and other flaws. According to a New York Times analysis, more than 100 precincts reported results that were internally inconsistent, that were missing data or that were not possible under the complex rules of the Iowa caucuses.

06.02.2020 - 17:33 [ Jerrod A. Laber / Twitter ]

so, wait…still no Iowa results?

06.02.2020 - 14:59 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Nothing that I can remember has damaged faith and credibility in US democracy like what happened in the Iowa Democratic Party caucus.

06.02.2020 - 13:30 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The Myth Of Incompetence: DNC Scandals Are A Feature, Not A Bug

The Iowa caucus scandal has continued to get more egregious by the hour, with new revelations routinely pouring in about extremely suspicious manipulations taking place which all just so happen to disadvantage the campaign of Bernie Sanders in the first Democratic electoral contest of 2020. By the time you read this article, there will likely have been more.

06.02.2020 - 13:15 [ Christopher Wagner / Twitter ]

Video confirmation

06.02.2020 - 13:12 [ Jordan / Twitter ]

THERE YOU HAVE IT….@cnn just reported the @DNC is “running the show” on the release and handling of the #IowaCaucus results. It now makes perfect sense why results have been released this way…which just so happened to make @PeteButtigieg look like the winner for 2 days

05.02.2020 - 19:51 [ Caitlin Johnstone / ]

DNC Completely Loses Public Trust In Its Primary Process On Very First Day

After a 2016 presidential primary race riddled with scandals, all of which worked against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of anointed establishment favorite Hillary Clinton, the 2020 Democratic presidential primary elections officially began with a massive scandal working against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of an establishment favorite.

The 2020 Iowa caucuses turned out to have been designed to depend on the use of a new, untested app with extensive ties to establishment insiders and to the Pete Buttigeig campaign, and because of problems using this app as of this writing we are still waiting on the full results of the election.

05.02.2020 - 18:37 [ ]

DNC chair Tom Perez under fire for Iowa disaster, favoritism for billionaire oligarch Bloomberg

Calls for Tom Perez to step down as the head of the Democratic National Committee grew louder Tuesday in the aftermath of the Iowa caucus fiasco in which party mismanagement of the process delayed the results from Monday night‘s contest and left the 2020 Democratic presidential primary in disarray.

05.02.2020 - 11:35 [ ]

New Details Show How Deeply Iowa Caucus App Developer Was Embedded in Democratic Establishment

Acronym, which includes a hybrid model of a 501(c)4 entity that does not disclose donors and a Super PAC that does, has been a favorite for deep-pocketed Democratic donors. Donald Sussman, the founder of Paloma Partners, and Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, each donated $1 million to Acronym last year. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg gave $500,000. Investor Seth Klarman, once a major donor to Republican causes, gave $1.5 million to Acronym.

05.02.2020 - 10:33 [ ]

Maker of glitchy Iowa caucus app has Democratic Party ties

But business and tax records show ACRONYM and Shadow are registered at the same Washington, D.C., street address, which belongs to a WeWork co-working location. Shadow CEO Gerard Niemira previously served as the chief operating officer and chief technology officer at ACRONYM, according to an online resume.

And on Sunday, McGowan tweeted pictures from a birthday celebration that included her husband and Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party.

04.02.2020 - 22:00 [ The Guardian / Twitter ]

Iowa caucus chaos: Democrats to release partial results later today – live coverage

29.01.2020 - 12:23 [ ]

Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments

The Sanders campaign unsuccessfully sought to have Frank removed from the rules committee in 2016, describing him as an “aggressive attack surrogate for the Clinton campaign.”

And Podesta, a longtime Washington political consultant and Clinton confidant, is viewed with contempt by some on the left. One of Podesta’s hacked emails from 2016 showed him asking a Democratic strategist where to “stick the knife in” Sanders, who lost the nomination to Clinton that year after a divisive primary contest.

27.01.2020 - 08:31 [ ]

DNC’s Tom Perez nominates regime-change agents, Israel lobbyists, and Wall Street consultants to rig the game against Bernie

With Sen. Bernie Sanders surging in the polls, DNC chair Tom Perez has put forward a cartoonishly neoliberal cast of foreign policy hacks and corporate lobbyists to sabotage his nomination.

23.12.2019 - 15:36 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

It‘s Very Hard Being Tom Perez

Tom Perez a little trooper. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

20.02.2019 - 17:47 [ CNN ]

DNC chair excited about what he calls ‚unprecedented‘ 2020 primary debate format

(15.2.2019) To qualify for the first two debates, candidates must meet 1% or more in three separate, DNC-approved polls and rake in campaign donations from at least 65,000 unique donors, with a minimum of 200 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.