Archiv: security guarantees / Sicherheitsgarantien

15.03.2022 - 20:24 [ Newsweek ]

Volodymyr Zelensky Says Ukraine Won‘t Join NATO

Media outlet Nexta quoted Zelensky as saying: „We realized that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. We understand this, we are adequate people.“

„Kyiv needs new formats of interaction with the West and separate security guarantees.“

07.08.2021 - 20:24 [ ORF ]

Haitianische Justiz findet keinen Richter für Präsidentenmord

Die infrage kommenden Juristen haben demnach Angst um ihre Sicherheit und die ihrer Familie.

30.06.2019 - 10:16 [ Motoko Rich, NYT Tokyo bureau chief ‏/ Twitter ]

Question: will sanctions stay on? Trump: „they’re staying on. I’m looking forward to taking them off. ..i don’t like sanctions being on this country. „

29.06.2019 - 07:12 [ Yonhap ]

Putin: N. Korean leader says security assurance is a key corresponding step for denuclearization

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made it clear that security assurance is his key demand in terms of corresponding measures for denuclearization, Russian President Vladimir Putin told South Korean President Moon Jae-in during their talks here Saturday.

30.07.2018 - 15:45 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

N. Korea, U.S. likely to look for common ground on denuclearization, security guarantee

From here on, it‘s expected that North Korea and the U.S. will focus on finding a middle ground between the U.S. giving the regime a security guarantee through measures like ending the Korean War… and Pyongyang taking steps to denuclearize. This week, the foreign ministers of the two Koreas, the U.S., and China will all be attending the ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore.

11.06.2018 - 11:04 [ KBS ]

US-Beamter: Entscheidung über Zeitplan für Sicherheitsgarantien und Denuklearisierung heute erwartet

Laut einem Mitglied der US-Delegation für den USA-Nordkorea-Gipfel am Dienstag in Singapur werden beide Seiten heute den Entwurf für eine Einigung ausfertigen.

14.05.2018 - 09:14 [ KBS ]

Seoul begrüßt mögliche Investitionen der US-Privatwirtschaft in Nordkorea

Ein leitender Beamter des Präsidialamtes sagte am Montag Reportern, je zügiger das Verfahren der USA sei, die Investitionen zu erlauben, desto besser sei es. Wie auch immer die eventuelle US-Wirtschaftshilfe für Nordkorea genannt werde, handele es sich im Wesentlichen um die Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas im Gegenzug für Sicherheitsgarantien für sein System.

08.05.2018 - 12:07 [ Global Times (China) ]

US, North Korea should create friendly backdrop for summit

Pyongyang has offered to halt nuclear tests and taken steps to assuage tensions in inter-Korean ties. Washington also took a step forward by agreeing to the Trump-Kim meeting. Given the huge divide and mistrust between the US and North Korea, a summit is needed to break the deadlock.

As the US takes the strategic upper hand, naturally North Korea has worries. Washington needs to be more proactive if the two sides want to build trust. The US and North Korea, bracing for the summit, must go forward. Otherwise there will be more political risks for Washington.

19.04.2018 - 17:55 [ New York Times ]

North Korea Removes Major Obstacle to U.S. Negotiations, South Says

“The North Koreans did not present any conditions that the United States could not accept, such as the withdrawal of American troops in South Korea,” Mr. Moon told newspaper publishers in Seoul on Thursday ahead of his planned April 27 summit meeting with Mr. Kim.

“They only talk about an end to hostilities against their country and about getting security guarantees,” he said.