Archiv: Hungerstreik / hunger strikes

04.05.2024 - 08:47 [ USA Today ]

Encampment raid at NYU, hunger strike at Princeton as campus battles rage across US: Live updates

Arrests piled up at several colleges, 14 Princeton University students launched a hunger strike, and police raided an NYU encampment Friday in the latest battles on college campuses that have pitted university officials against their own students over the war in Gaza.

19.01.2024 - 23:48 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

#New: Eli Shtivi, father of Idan, 28, a volunteer photographer at the Tribe of Nova rave, who was taken hostage by Hamas on October 7, has begun a hunger strike in front of Netanyahu‘s seaside villa in Caesarea.

10.05.2023 - 06:45 [ Amira Hass / Haaretz ]

Adnan’s Lone Strike Exposed the Difficulties of Collective Palestinian Struggle

(May 4, 2023)

But this time around, Adnan wasn’t put in administrative detention. It seems the Israeli military apparatus had learned a lesson: It was unwilling to relinquish its ability to repeatedly deny his freedom, separate him from his family and upset their life. But this time, the military apparatus indicted him, not for terrorism or the use or possession of a weapon, but for membership in an illegal organization and incitement. Had he pleaded guilty, he’d probably have been sentenced to a year or a bit more in prison.

But Adnan decided to challenge the facade of normalcy of the Israeli military legal system. This is a system that has unlimited power to deny the freedom of thousands of Palestinians to speak, express an opinion, participate in a meeting, welcome a released prisoner, receive a phone call or accept a donation for education or medical treatment for the children of prisoners or killed activists.

10.05.2023 - 06:38 [ Times of Israel ]

Otzma Yehudit says it’s ending boycott of government after launch of Gaza operation

The party added that it hoped the new aggressive approach “will be maintained for the long term.”

The operation was launched early Tuesday morning when the IDF assassinated three senior members of the Islamic Jihad terror group, killing at least 13 people. The bombings came days after Gazan terrorists led by Islamic Jihad fired 104 rockets at Israel in response to the death of an alleged senior member of the group who had been on hunger strike in Israeli prison.

03.05.2023 - 01:04 [ sebastian usher / Twitter ]

#Palestinians #Israel : „We do not want bloodshed, we do not want rockets to be fired…” – widow of Khader Adnan speaks after her husband’s death after 87 days on hunger strike in Israeli detention


03.05.2023 - 01:00 [ Haaretz ]

Palestinian Hunger Striker’s Death Could Lead to New Wave of Attacks in Israel

dnan was well known in the West Bank because of his activities with Islamic Jihad, his many stretches in prison and his long hunger strikes. In 2012, he almost died during a hunger strike in protest of an extended period of imprisonment without charges. He was released from prison at the last moment, and managed to partially recover.

This time, he went back on a hunger strike in February after being imprisoned again. The Shin Bet said that over the years Adnan used his civil political activities as a cover for his support for the terrorist activities of his organization. He denied these claims and described himself as a political person who was battling the Israeli occupation.

05.11.2020 - 22:11 [ Al Jazeera ]

„Alarming“: UN experts worried by health of jailed Saudi activist

Al-Hathloul, 31, was arrested along with about a dozen other female activists in May 2018, just weeks before Saudi Arabia lifted a decades-old ban on female drivers.

19.08.2020 - 13:38 [ teleSUR ]

Mapuche Leader Celestino Córdova Agrees to End Hunger Strike

Today‘s agreement also includes the possibility for Indigenous people in jail to apply to Work and Education Centers. Furthermore, it says that the Public Criminal Defense Office will review the requests for precautionary measures such as preventive detention or house arrest.

18.08.2020 - 11:59 [ teleSUR ]

Chile: Mapuche People Call for Actions Against Capitalism

„We support the machi Celestino Cordova‘s struggle and all the Mapuche political prisoners,“ the Indigenous organization added.

They are heroes „who demand the vindication and autonomy of our territory. Together we will resist our real historical enemies,“ CAM announced.

02.08.2020 - 09:28 [ Portal ]

Hungerstreik in Chile: Mapuche-Gefangene fordern ihre Rechte ein

Der Konflikt zwischen den Mapuche und dem chilenischen Staat bewegt das Land seit langem. Die Mapuche-Aktivisten fordern mehr Autonomie, kritisieren die Ausbreitung von Forstunternehmen in der Region und die zunehmende Militarisierung, während der Staat wachsende Gewalt beklagt.

12.07.2020 - 16:10 [ Portal ]

Chile: Gesundheit von Mapuche-Anführer wegen Hungerstreik im Gefängnis stark gefährdet

Dieser Hungerstreik reiht sich ein in die jahrzehntelangen Proteste der Mapuche, welche die Rückgabe ihrer Territorien, Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung fordern. Sie machen in Chile circa zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung aus.