Archiv: David Friedman

22.06.2020 - 09:31 [ ]

Trump Administration to Hold ‘Decisive’ Meeting on Israeli Annexation

According to Israeli media, the US president will be joined by senior White House adviser Jared Kushner, the architect of the US Middle East peace plan; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; National Security Adviser Richard O’Brien; lead negotiator Avi Berkowitz; and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who will reportedly fly back to Washington on Sunday following tête-à-têtes with Netanyahu and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz.

21.06.2020 - 10:28 [ ]

Report: Top Trump officials to hold two key meetings to discuss Israel‘s annexation plan

According to Channel 13, participants at the meetings on Monday and Tuesday will include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Adviser Richard O’Brien, Avi Berkowitz, Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations and Jared Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law, in addition to the US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who will fly in from Jerusalem.

09.05.2020 - 06:38 [ ]

Amb. Friedman: Asking Israel to give up its ‚biblical heartland‘ is ‚unreasonable‘

Israel‘s withdrawing from the West Bank city of Hebron is an absurd proposition tantamount to the idea of the United States abandoning the Statue of Liberty, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told Israeli media Friday.

Speaking to Israel Hayom, Friedman stressed the importance to Israel of Jewish communities outside the large settlement blocs in Area C of the West Bank, which is widely expected to remain under Israeli control.

10.07.2019 - 11:23 [ ]

Holy War? Pompeo Preaches to Pro-Israel Christian Confab

The Secretary of State took his case against Iran to the Evangelical faithful, making it a matter of religious life, or death.

10.07.2019 - 11:19 [ ]

Iran deal was ‘the worst diplomatic debacle in American history’ — John Bolton to CUFI

„Last June, we announced our withdrawal from the hypocritical Human Rights Council, which shielded the world’s worst human rights violators while devoting most of its time to condemning Israel; a thriving democracy. (Applause) We are also reevaluating U.N. peace-keeping missions, including those involving Israel to ensure support for effective, accountable, and efficient operations. We will not allow bureaucratic inertia to keep the United States in international organizations or agreements that undermine U.S. interests and values. (Applause)

For these reasons, in September of last year I announced that the United States would not fund, support, or cooperate with the International Criminal Court, or ICC (Applause). The ICC, which asserts near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country without their consent. As I said then, the ICC is flawed to its core and we will let it die on its own.“ Applause)

10.07.2019 - 11:14 [ ]

Trump sending top officials to speak to pro-Israel evangelicals conference

Pence, Pompeo, Bolton as well as ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, the top U.S. Middle East negotiator, will speak Monday and Tuesday at the conference taking place in Washington D.C. Such a broad array of top senior foreign policy and security officials is rare for pro-Israel groups.

09.07.2019 - 06:25 [ Haaretz ]

Religious Fanatics Have Hijacked America‘s Israel Policy. And They‘re Not Even Evangelicals

Trump‘s extremist, maverick pro-settler envoys, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, aren‘t resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They‘re fueling it – and Congress should investigate

06.07.2019 - 14:44 [ Bloomberg ]

U.S. Duty-Free Magnates Give Millions to Israeli Settlements


Friedman, Florida Sen. Rick Scott, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, evangelical preacher John Hagee, conservative TV host Mike Huckabee and Netanyahu‘s son, Yair, have been among the many politicians and VIPs to attend parties at Simon Falic‘s Jerusalem home.

The Falics also support American politicians, both Democratic and Republican. Since 2000, they have given over $1.7 million to pro-Israel politicians, including Trump, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

09.06.2019 - 13:49 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Ambassador Says Israel Has Right to Annex Parts of West Bank

Israel has a right to annex at least some, but “unlikely all,” of the West Bank, the United States ambassador, David M. Friedman, said in an interview, opening the door to American acceptance of what would be an enormously provocative act.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to begin annexing Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a move that would violate international law and could be a fatal blow to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

06.04.2019 - 23:51 [ Reuters ]

Trump says he made Golan Heights decision after a quick history lesson

Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition gathering in Las Vegas, Trump said he made the snap decision during a discussion with his top Middle East peace advisers, including the U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

“I said, ‘Fellows, do me a favor. Give me a little history, quick. Want to go fast. I got a lot of things I’m working on: China, North Korea. Give me a quickie,” Trump said to laughter from the Las Vegas crowd.

07.06.2018 - 19:13 [ Jason Ditz / ]

US Ambassador Slams US, Israeli Media for Gaza Coverage

That might be a bigger deal, as Haaretz is a major Israeli newspaper, and having a foreign ambassador to Israel publicly condemning an Israeli paper for criticizing an incident that happened inside Israel is likely a diplomatic faux pas, and further presents the US role within Israel as politically aligned with one faction’s narrative.

07.06.2018 - 18:48 [ Jason Ditz / ]

US-Botschafter kritisiert US- und israelische Medien wegen Gaza-Berichterstattung

Das könnte eine größere Sache sein, da Haaretz eine große israelische Zeitung ist, und einen ausländischen Botschafter in Israel zu haben, der eine israelische Zeitung öffentlich verurteilt, weil sie einen Vorfall in Israel kritisiert hat, ist wahrscheinlich ein diplomatischer Fauxpas und stellt außerdem die Rolle der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Israel als politisch auf die Erzählung einer Fraktion abgestimmt dar.

23.05.2018 - 19:34 [ Sputnik ]

US Embassy in Israel Seeks Apology for Israeli Group’s Third Temple Photo Stunt

Achiya reacted to the embassy‘s statement swiftly, saying that the man who presented the picture acted on his own behalf.

„We wish to thank the ambassador Mr. David Friedman and the staff members for their professionalism and courtesy… regretfully the entire event was marred by a cheap political act, the responsible staff member was identified and apologizes and we will deal with the matter internally in the organization,“ Achiya said in its statement.

23.05.2018 - 19:31 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Pictured With Controversial Image of Jerusalem Third Temple Replacing Muslim Mosques

It was unclear at the time whether Friedman noticed that the image was doctored and whether he was endorsing it or not. A U.S. Embassy official told Haaretz they have demanded an apology from the organization „for allowing one of their staff to present this controversial image to the ambassador during the visit.“

A statement issued by the embassy later said that Friedman „was not aware of the image thrust in front of him when the photo was taken. He was deeply disappointed that anyone would take advantage of his visit to Bnei Brak to create controversy.“

14.05.2018 - 17:52 [ ]

David Friedman: Der Mann hinter der US-Botschaftsverlegung

Die feierliche Einweihung seines neuen Arbeitsplatzes wird für ihn zu einem Moment des persönlichen Triumphs: David Friedman hatte sich bei US-Präsident Donald Trump für die Verlegung der Botschaft in Israel stark gemacht. Und ab Montag wird er nun der erste US-Botschafter sein, der seinen Amtssitz nicht in Tel Aviv, sondern in Jerusalem hat.