Archiv: Benghazi

02.08.2020 - 10:47 [ Fox News ]

Susan Rice: 5 things to know about Biden‘s possible Democratic VP contender

Rice served as a foreign policy aide to Michael Dukakis in the 1988 election, to John Kerry in his 2004 campaign and to former president Barack Obama. She served in the Clinton administration in various capacities, first on the National Security Council from 1993 to 1997 and then as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1997 to 2001. Since 2002 she has served as a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution focusing on foreign policy.

In 2008, Rice was nominated by Obama to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and became national security adviser in 2013.

26.03.2020 - 19:17 [ ORF ]

EU-Staaten einigen sich auf neue Libyen-Marinemission

Laut dieser sollen die Schiffe nicht im zentralen Mittelmeer, sondern deutlich weiter östlich eingesetzt werden, fernab der Fluchtrouten, etwa vor Bengasi und dem Sueskanal.

16.01.2020 - 22:42 [ Tagesschau ]

Maas in Libyen: Haftar will Waffenstillstand einhalten

„Er hat zugesagt – unabhängig davon, dass er die Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung Anfang der Woche in Moskau nicht unterschrieben hat – den Waffenstillstand einzuhalten. Das ist außerordentlich wichtig“, sagte Maas nach einem dreistündigen Gespräch mit Haftar im libyschen Bengasi.

10.04.2019 - 20:39 [ Moon of Alabama ]

Libya – From Ghaddafi To Hafter

In March 2011 the United Kindom, France and the U.S. set out to destroy the government of Libya. Muslim Brotherhood militia and al-Qaeda aligned forces, equipped by Qatar and supported by Britain, took the easten city of Benghazi. The U.S. airforce destroyed government troops on the ground and helped the militants to capture and murder Muhammar Ghaddafi. Chaos ensued as various tribal forces, local militia and Islamists fought over control of the cities and the spoils.

07.04.2019 - 12:10 [ Middle East Monitor ]

France commends the Libyan National Army’s ‘great progress’ in the south


The French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian lauded the “great progress” made in southern Libya by Libya’s National Army Chief Marshal Khalifa Haftar, pointing out at the same time that there is no military solution to the Libyan crisis.

Le Drian said during a visit to the Libyan capital Tripoli that “significant progress has been made in the south of the country in countering terrorist groups, organised crime groups and foreign armed groups, which have heightened instability in the region for a long time,” according to AFP.

07.04.2019 - 11:30 [ Libya Observer ]

EU ambassadors meet Haftar in Benghazi, voice concern about human rights, intl. law violations


The EU delegation in Libya issued a statement saying the ambassadors and representatives of the European Union, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden met with Haftar to reaffirm the EU’s support to the efforts of UN SRSG Ghassan Salame towards ending the transitional phase which Libyans have been living through since the February revolution, and to urge all parties to rally behind these efforts to ensure the success of the National Conference which will convene in Ghadames next month.