Archiv: Martin Selmayr

16.07.2019 - 10:23 [ ]

EU-Spitzenbeamter Selmayr gibt Posten auf

Der 48-jährige Vertraute des scheidenden EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker war 2018 unter umstrittenen Umständen zum höchsten EU-Beamten befördert worden. Die EU-Bürgerbeauftragte hatte das kritisiert und das Europaparlament seinen Rücktritt gefordert.

Von der Leyens Ankündigung gilt als Zugeständnis an die kritischen Abgeordneten.

17.03.2019 - 11:01 [ ]

Revealed: EU war-gaming for fall of May’s government

According to the minutes, the European commission’s secretary general, Martin Selmayr, who is known as a master of strategy, asked: “Imagine that they have a new Brexit secretary or prime minister – what then? Article 50 has been agreed and the process has ended. It must be clear that the starting point is not a renegotiation of the withdrawal agreement.”

12.03.2019 - 13:08 [ Briefings for Brexit ]


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”

Albert Einstein apparently said. By that yardstick, the Prime Minister and the EU are are completely off their rockers.

12.03.2019 - 03:58 [ Kevin Doyle / Twitter ]

#BREAKING View from Dublin: 1. Withdrawal Agreement is unchanged 2. Joint statement is a legal interpretations of what’s in the WA (agreed by both sides) 3. Unilateral statement is UK talking to themselves.

Mood in Gov Buildings described as “calm”. #Brexit

12.03.2019 - 03:56 [ Faisal Islam, @SkyNews Political Editor ‏/ Twitter ]

basically Government now hinges on whether its own Attorney General will unilaterally declare that Government’s unilateral declaration that it can unilaterally trigger an exit process from the backstop (subject to arbitration) now means the backstop will not “endure indefinitely”

12.03.2019 - 03:40 [ Guido Fawkes ]

All Eyes on DUP Now: May pulls a unilateral declaration out of the hat

May’s statement is here, the EU’s here – review them yourself. We await Cox’s legal review and the decision of the DUP critics tomorrow. If the DUP give it the thumbs up most Tory rebels will follow suit. The ERG’s lawyers are unlikely to be enthusiastic – that is already priced in. Guido suspects those Tory MPs that want to avoid the hell that will follow a delay to Brexit – for whatever reason – will choose to believe the rabbit is real.

12.03.2019 - 03:37 [ BBC ]

Brexit: We have secured what MPs asked for, says May

UK Prime Minister Theresa May says she has secured „legally-binding changes“ to allay concerns over the Irish border backstop.

Speaking after last-ditch talks in Strasbourg, she called on MPs to back her „improved“ Brexit deal in a meaningful vote on Tuesday.

05.02.2019 - 05:42 [ Spectator ]

There’s more than meets the eye to Selmayr’s backstop slapdown

MPs from the Commons Brexit committee were in Brussels this morning meeting with Martin Selmayr, the commission’s secretary general. Some of those present reported that they left the meeting believing the UK would be able to secure legally-binding concessions on the issue of the backstop.

However, on seeing this account reported, Selmayr has taken to social media to put forward a different account of what took place.

31.01.2019 - 11:26 [ Nadine Dorries / Twitter ]

How was Selmayr otherwise known as ‘The Monster of Brussels’ appointed to lead the negotiations with the U.K? Apparently, no one knows.

Martin Selmayr is taking over the Brexit negotiations – and that’s bad news for Britain | Coffee House

14.01.2019 - 08:51 [ ]

Greg Hands: “The power is with us.” The two EU officials who want to punish Britain, crafted the deal – and claim they are winning.

(8.1.2018) Much attention has focused on Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxemburger EU Commission President, and Michel Barnier, the Commission’s French chief Brexit negotiator.

But most Brussels commentators maintain that Brexit details are determined by their respective number twos: Martin Selmayr (Chief of Staff to Juncker since 2014, and – controversially – General Secretary of the European Commission since March 2018) and Sabine Weyand, deputy to Barnier.

Both happen to be German. Indeed, Die Welt, the leading German daily, early on in the negotiations did a feature titled ‘The top German players in the Brexit poker game’, with a certain pride, on their central role in the coming talks.

29.11.2018 - 11:24 [ Tony Tassell ‏/ Twitter ]

“The power is with us,” said Martin Selmayr, according to one note of a “sherpa” meeting on Friday – from an analysis by @alexebarker on why the EU thinks it has leverage on future trade talks with UK after #Brexit


29.11.2018 - 10:39 [ ]

The Martin Selmayr affair displays the breathtaking arrogance of Brussels

(4.9.2018) The Martin Selmayr affair, which reveals much about attitudes to power and accountability at the top of the EU, is both depressing and depressingly familiar.

29.11.2018 - 10:36 [ ]

Martin Selmayr: EU-Parlament kritisiert „putschartige Aktion“

(16.4.2018) Der Ausschuss räumte aber auch ein, dass die Annullierung der Ernennung Selmayrs juristisch schwierig ist. Er forderte daher zugleich die EU-Kommission auf, ihre Beförderungsregeln zu ändern, damit Bewerbungsverfahren in Zukunft „offen und transparent“ ablaufen.

29.11.2018 - 10:35 [ ]

EU Parliament backs resolution criticising Selmayr appointment – but falls short of demanding his resignation

(18.4.2018) The non-binding text adopted in Strasbourg on Wednesday says ……..

29.11.2018 - 10:24 [ Tagesschau,de ]

Personalie Selmayr: Vernichtende Kritik von EU-Ombudsfrau

(4.9.2018) Selmayr, damals Kabinettschef von EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker, war nach einem Bewerbungsverfahren im Februar zunächst zum Vize-Generalsekretär der EU-Kommission berufen worden. Nur Minuten später beförderte das Kollegium der Kommissare den 47-Jährigen direkt zum Generalsekretär, als Juncker überraschend den Rückzug des Amtsinhabers Alexander Italianer bekannt gab.

29.11.2018 - 10:18 [ ]

‘Monster’ at the Berlaymont

For a true believer in democracy, Martin Selmayr runs the European Commission not as some curator of debate but like the merciless hand of a king, who will stop at nothing to protect his vision of the realm: Europe, united and free.

Make that an extremely heavy hand. Or maybe an armored bulldozer.

29.11.2018 - 10:01 [ ]

‚THE POWER IS WITH US‘: Brussels vows to bully Britain into submission during trade deal talks

Jean-Claude Juncker’s fearsome right-hand man Martin Selmayr told Member States they have little to fear because “the power is with us”.

The Commission’s top civil servant delivered the boast at a meeting of EU leaders’ top advisors in Brussels last week.

21.11.2018 - 08:38 [ Kleine Zeitung ]

Brexit-Deal: „Monster und dunkle Mächte“ in Brüssel

(18.11.2018) In Brüssel sind aus Raabs Sicht „dunkle Mächte“ am Werk. So sei ihm von Diplomaten berichtet worden, innerhalb der EU-Kommission werde Nordirland als „Preis“ bezeichnet, den London für den Brexit bezahlen müsse. Das sei „total unverantwortlich und rücksichtslos“, sagte er. Dahinter stecke wohl der deutsche Martin Selmayr, Generalsekretär der EU-Kommission, der in britischen Medien als „Monster von Brüssel“ bekannt ist.