Archiv: Anshel Pfeffer

16.07.2023 - 07:10 [ Haaretz ]

Protest’s Lesson for Anti-occupation Left: Mobilize Israelis, Not International Community

This has brought them deserved admiration in the small bubble of the Western human-rights industry and helped with much-needed funding, and has done absolutely nothing to change the dismal situation on the ground, which has steadily gotten worse.

The plaudits and platforms abroad have not resulted in any pressure on successive Israeli governments to change their policies. Not one foreign government or major financial body has changed its policies towards Israel as a result.

15.01.2023 - 14:14 [ Anshel Pfeffer / Haaretz ]

The Tel Aviv Protest Was a Success, but It’s Only the First Test in a Long Struggle

But this protest still has no leader. The official leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, wasn’t even there and the smaller opposition figures were greeted with politeness at best, but with no great excitement. There were even some angry shouts towards Labor leader Merav Michaeli.

13.06.2021 - 17:03 [ Anshel Pfeffer אנשיל פפר / Twitter ]

Boring party statements now. Starting with concentrated sycophancy from Likud’s Yoav Kisch

Netanyahu does a little walkabout in the plenum, glad-handling Likudniks. Interestingly, he ignores Nir Barkat whose already launched his own unofficial Likud leadership campaign.