Daily Archives: 14. November 2023

14.11.2023 - 19:16 [ theNewsMinute.com ]

More than 4600 children among the 11180 deaths in Gaza strip

Out of the total deaths, 4,609 were children and 3,100 were women, with more than 28,000 others injured, said Ismail Al-Thawabteh, Director of the Gaza government‘s media office, in a press conference at Shifa Medical Complex.

14.11.2023 - 19:00 [ ORF.at ]

Israel: Kontrolle über mehrere Hamas-Regierungsgebäude

Die israelische Armee hat eigenen Angaben zufolge die Kontrolle über mehrere Regierungsgebäude der islamistischen Hamas in Gaza-Stadt übernommen. Dazu gehörten das Parlament und Gebäude der Polizei, erklärte das israelische Militär heute.

14.11.2023 - 18:55 [ Times of Israel ]

IDF proclaims it has captured Hamas parliament, government seat and police HQ

The military said that troops of its 7th Armored Brigade and Golani Infantry Brigade captured several Hamas governmental sites in the Gaza City neighborhoods of Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal.

Among the locations captured by the troops were the Hamas parliament, the government complex, and the police headquarters.

14.11.2023 - 18:51 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Gaza: Unlawful Israeli Hospital Strikes Worsen Health Crisis

– The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently unlawful attacks on medical facilities, personnel, and transport are further destroying Gaza’s healthcare system and should be investigated as war crimes.

– Concerns about disproportionate attacks are magnified for hospitals. Even the threat of an attack or minor damage can have massive life-or-death implications for patients and caregivers.

– The Israeli government should end attacks on hospitals. The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the ICC should investigate.

14.11.2023 - 18:35 [ UN News / Twitter ]

The UN paid tribute to its fallen staff working in #Gaza. 101 humanitarian workers from @UNRWA died on duty since October 7, 2023

14.11.2023 - 18:16 [ Marina Medvin / Twitter ]

After throwing grandes into the bomb shelter where these men were hiding and after blowing off their limbs, Palestinian terrorists kidnapped the severely injured Israelis into Gaza. #October7

14.11.2023 - 10:28 [ @z_00pIz 9h / Twitter ]

Peace activist Vivian Silver, former board member of B‘Tselem, cofounder of Women Wage Peace, and member of Road to Recovery & rozana has passed away due to the massacre on the 7th. May her memory be a blessing, and serve as a reminder of what we should strive for; peace & unity.

14.11.2023 - 10:17 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Medical teams demonstrated at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younes, expressing solidarity with their colleagues in northern Gaza, a plea emerges: „Today, we witness our colleagues facing a siege to death in Shifa, Indonesi & Quds Hospital. We urgently call upon the world to intervene”

14.11.2023 - 10:10 [ @BaigsonAuction / Twitter ]

Presenting you Hannah Abutbul, former Israel TV actress and digital content creator aka the girl who performed in the viral doctor video discouraging people from going to hospitals and asking them to run away from Palestine. She didn‘t bother to change her glasses. Pathetic!! Israel is digging its own grave by fake propaganda it still think world is pre 2010 #IsraelLies #IsraelPropaganda

14.11.2023 - 09:39 [ Robert Mackey, Open-source, visual investigation and explanatory journalism / Twitter ]

1. I can report that 3 Doctors Without Borders/MSF staff currently at Shifa Hospital said today they‘ve never seen the woman in this apparently fake video which was viewed +12 million times before being deleted from an Israeli gov‘t account. This closely echoes a 2011 hoax …

2. In 2011, the Israeli gov‘t shared a YouTube video by a man who claimed to be an Israeli gay rights activist who said he was discriminated against by Gaza flotilla organizers. The video was exposed as a hoax and @jonronson set out to find the actor in

3. 3. The actor refused to say who made the video but as I reported at the time it was boosted by @DavidSaranga an Israeli diplomat who taught students to promote Israel online with guerrilla marketing. Saranga is now director of digital diplomacy @IsraelMFA.

4. As @marcowenjones reports, the anti-Hamas video supposedly recorded in a Gaza hospital this week was shared by an official Israeli government account for communicating with Arabic speakers — before being deleted amid widespread suspicion that it was fake.

14.11.2023 - 08:24 [ Reuters ]

Biden says Gaza hospitals ‚must be protected‘

U.S. President Joe Biden said hospitals in the Gaza Strip must be protected and he hoped for „less intrusive“ action by Israel as Israeli tanks advanced to the gates of the besieged enclave‘s main hospital.

Israeli tanks have taken up positions outside Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza City‘s main medical centre, which Israel says sits atop tunnels housing a headquarters for Hamas fighters who are using patients as shields.