Archiv: Weihnachten / Christmas

25.12.2024 - 17:00 [ Vatikan ]


May the sound of arms be silenced in war-torn Ukraine! May there be the boldness needed to open the door to negotiation and to gestures of dialogue and encounter, in order to achieve a just and lasting peace.

May the sound of arms be silenced in the Middle East! In contemplating the Crib of Bethlehem, I think of the Christian communities in Palestine and in Israel, particularly the dear community in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is extremely grave. May there be a ceasefire, may the hostages be released and aid be given to the people worn out by hunger and by war. I express my closeness to the Christian community in Lebanon, especially in the south, and to that of Syria, at this most delicate time. May the doors of dialogue and peace be flung open throughout the region, devastated by conflict. Here I also think of the Libyan people and encourage them to seek solutions that enable national reconciliation.

25.12.2023 - 22:50 [ ]

Papst erteilt feierlichen Weihnachts-Segen – Ruf nach Frieden

Eindringlich rief der Papst in seiner Urbi-et-Orbi-Botschaft dazu auf, sich für Frieden einzusetzen. „Er komme bald in Israel und Palästina, wo der Krieg das Leben dieser Völker erschüttert. Ich umarme sie alle, insbesondere die christlichen Gemeinschaften in Gaza und im gesamten Heiligen Land. Ich trauere im Herzen um die Opfer des verabscheuungswürdigen Angriffs vom 7. Oktober und erneuere meinen dringenden Appell für die Freilassung derjenigen, die noch immer als Geiseln festgehalten werden. Ich flehe darum, dass die Militäroperationen mit ihren entsetzlichen Folgen unschuldiger ziviler Opfer eingestellt werden und dass man etwas gegen die verzweifelte humanitäre Situation unternimmt, indem man das Eintreffen der Hilfslieferungen ermöglicht.“

Franziskus richtete den Scheinwerfer aber über das aktuelle Gaza-Drama hinaus auf die Zukunft der Menschen und Völker im Nahen Osten. „Man schüre nicht weiter Gewalt und Hass, sondern führe die palästinensische Frage zu einer Lösung, und zwar durch einen aufrichtigen und beharrlichen Dialog zwischen den Parteien, der von einem starken politischen Willen getragen wird und von der Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft.“ Der Vatikan wirbt für eine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung Israel/Palästina und für einen international garantierten, freien Zugang zu den Heiligen Stätten.

25.12.2023 - 22:28 [ ]

Pope: May Christmas bring peace to our world and turn sorrow into joy

Following the birth of the Saviour came the slaughter of the innocents, the Pope recalled, and he remembered the innocents, the „little Jesuses“ of today, who are victims „in their mothers’ wombs, in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war.“

We must say „yes“ to peace and „no“ to war the Pope decried, as every war marks „a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly.“ He also called for a „no“ to weaponry given that with human weakness we can often end up using it for war sooner or later.

Peace is even more difficult, he observed, „when arms production, sales, and trade are on the rise“ and public funds spent on arms can come at the expense of bread for the hungry. He decried „the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war.“ And these must be brought to light, „talked about and written about,“ he emphasised, since many have no idea how much of their public funds are being spent on weapons, whereas they should be informed.

25.12.2023 - 22:22 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

The most infelicitous holiday message you will ever see: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu references „babies burnt alive“ in an apocalyptic admonition posing as a Christmas greeting #omg

06.01.2023 - 10:17 [ ]

Putin kündigt 36-stündige Feuerpause an, Ukraine lehnt ab

Putin forderte die Ukraine auf, ebenfalls eine Waffenruhe zu erklären. Die Ukraine lehnte das bereits ab. Selenskyi sprach von einem „Trick“: Moskau wolle damit vorrückende ukrainische Truppen in der Ostukraine aufhalten und mehr eigene Soldaten dorthin bringen.

05.01.2023 - 17:20 [ ]

Russia calls for a 36-hour TRUCE in Ukraine from noon tomorrow to mark Orthodox Christmas

He ordered his defence minister Sergei Shoigu to introduce the ceasefire along the entire line of contact, the Kremlin reported.

The call for a ceasefire followed an earlier proposal by Russia‘s spiritual leader Patriarch Kirill for an Orthodox Christmas truce this week.

25.12.2019 - 17:53 [ Camillo Mac Bica / ]

Christmas: A Casualty of War

I remember being far from home, family, and loved ones. Thrust into an alien and hostile land I didn’t even know existed. Christmas dinner choppered in to a desolate LZ. The space on the chopper where the cold turkey and warm beer had been, quickly filled with the still-warm bodies of comrades who had experienced their last Christmas.

01.12.2018 - 22:44 [ SPACE ]

The Small Comet 46P/Wirtanen Flies Close By Earth Next Month! Here‘s What to Expect.

As you read this, a small comet is on its way toward making a very close pass of Earth in mid-December — its best appearance over a period of four centuries.

01.12.2018 - 22:21 [ teleSUR ]

Prepare for Meteors, Comets, Stellar Nights in December

Meteor showers, comets, and planets will dance across December skies and stargazers will want to be prepared, astronomists say.