Archiv: Oracle (corporation)

29.12.2022 - 13:03 [ Techdirt ]

TikTok Admits It Used App Data To Spy On Journalists To Try To Find Source Of Leak

Either way, in October, we again wrote about another story by Baker-White, now at Forbes, talking about how ByteDance appeared to use TikTok data to try to spy on certain US citizens, though the details were vague. As we said at the time, this seemed like the sort of thing that should spur people to pass a comprehensive federal privacy law, not that that’s happened. Instead, we’ve just been getting more and more performative nonsense focused exclusively on TikTok, rather than on the underlying problem.

Now, Baker-White has the third piece in this trilogy that ties them all together. Apparently one of the US citizens ByteDance was trying to spy on… was Baker-White herself, and it was because of the original Buzzfeed article, as the company sought to track down how the initial info was leaked. It’s quite a story and you should read the whole thing, though here’s just a snippet.

01.03.2022 - 09:52 [ Norbert Häring ]

Digitale Impfpasskontrollen werden Dauereinrichtung: In Deutschland, USA, Kanada und der ganzen Welt

Die Impfnachweisinitiative VCI, zu der unter anderem Microsoft, Salesforce und Oracle gehören, hat bereits betächtliche Fortschritte zur Erreichung ihres Ziels gemacht, den Code für einen weltweit interoperablen, digitalen Immunitätsnachweis bereitzustellen. Nach einem Bericht des Magazins Forbes hat bereits die Hälfte der US-Bundesstaaten die SMART Health Card der VCI eingeführt oder steht kurz davor.

Neben Flugreisen wird ein Immunitätsnachweis bei vielen Veranstaltungen verlangt, in den USA zunehmend ausschließlich digital. Auch im Bundesland Berlin wird nur noch die digitale Variante des Impfnachweises anerkannt, ebenso in manchen europäischen Ländern.

08.12.2019 - 13:18 [ ]

Case against Netanyahu includes billionaire witnesses


Mandelblit’s indictment listed 333 potential witnesses, including Milchan and Packer, as well as U.S. casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a longtime supporter of Netanyahu, and Oracle Corp. co-founder and chairman Larry Ellison. Cosmetics heir Ron Lauder, another longtime Netanyahu associate, and British-American billionaire Len Blavatnik, also appear on the list.