Archiv: Internet Society (organization)

24.09.2022 - 23:55 [ ]

EU’s contempt for encryption puts all Europeans at risk

Every Internet user will find themselves more easily surveilled by the state and other actors. For Central and Eastern Europeans, where analogue surveillance and political retaliation were conducted within their lifetimes, the proposal would be a depressing rollback of the freedoms hard-won by previous generations.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community, abuse survivors, refugees, and minority groups that are the targets of discrimination or attack, will no longer find refuge on the Internet. Professions such as journalists, who depend upon encryption to keep themselves and their sources safe, will be less able to investigate corruption and criminality. The murders of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in recent years are a reminder of the high stakes for reporters who are exposed.

19.10.2021 - 08:18 [ Internet Society ]

Make the Switch on Global Encryption Day – 21 October 2021

Increasing the use of end-to-end encrypted platforms not only keeps you and the people you love safe from hackers and thieves, but also improves the security of the Internet as a whole. That is why this Global Encryption Day every person, business and organization should make the switch to using strong encryption.

Global Encryption Day is an opportunity to tell governments around the world that protecting and strengthening encryption is crucial to making the Internet safer for their citizens. It will send a message to governments to abandon plans that will weaken encryption, and the Internet as a whole, by granting law enforcement agencies special powers to access your private data on encrypted platforms.

19.10.2021 - 08:10 [ ]

Global Encryption Coalition

Encryption safeguards the personal security of billions of people and the national security of countries around the world.

However, some governments and organisations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a dangerous precedent that compromises the security of billions of people around the world.

The Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) was founded in 2020 by the Center for Democracy & Technology, Global Partners Digital and the Internet Society and now has over 200 members.