Archiv: FBI raid on Donald Trumps Florida home 08-08-2022

16.08.2022 - 05:56 [ ]

DOJ says unsealing Trump warrant affidavit would jeopardize investigation

Federal prosecutors submitted a court filing opposing any efforts to unseal the document laying out probable cause for the search. The filing came just days after they agreed to release a copy of the warrant itself as well as a receipt listing the materials that were seized during the search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

16.08.2022 - 05:49 [ US House Committee on the Judiciary ]

Dear Director Wray: The FBI’s unprecedented raid of President Trump’s residence is a shocking escalation of the Biden Administration’s weaponization of law-enforcement resources against its political opponents.

(August 15, 2022)

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from our most senior law-enforcement officials in the executive branch. We will settle for nothing but your complete
cooperation with our inquiry.

Under the Biden Administration, the Justice Department has shattered public confidence in the equal application of justice. The Department has filed politically motivated lawsuits against Republican-led states on policies disfavored by the Biden Administration, artificially inflated domestic violent extremism statistics to advance the Biden Administration’s political narrative, used counterterrorism resources to target parents at school board meetings opposed to policies supported by the Biden Administration, and selectively prosecuted and investigated political opponents of the Biden Administration. These actions not only undermine the stated mission of the Department, they violate the most fundamental tenets of our country.

16.08.2022 - 05:44 [ ]

House Judiciary GOP seeks White House, DOJ and FBI documents on Mar-a-Lago search

“The FBI’s unprecedented raid of President Trump’s residence is a shocking escalation of the Biden Administration’s weaponization of law-enforcement resources against its political opponents,” read the letters led by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), ranking member on the committee. “We will settle for nothing but your complete cooperation with our inquiry.”

The Republicans seek communications “referring or relating” to the decision to execute and seek the search warrant.

16.08.2022 - 05:09 [ Fox News ]

Trump says FBI seized three of his passports during raid, calls search an ‚assault on a political opponent‘

Sources told Fox News that, due to attorney-client privilege, Trump’s team asked the Justice Department for their position on whether they would support a third party, independent special master to review those records, but sources told Fox News that the DOJ notified Trump‘s team that they would oppose that request.

The Justice Department and the FBI declined to comment.

10.08.2022 - 11:55 [ Fox News ]

GOP Rep. Banks says Trump ‚fired up‘ after FBI raid, ‚made up his mind‘ on 2024: ‚Going to like his decision‘

As for Trump’s plans with regard to a 2024 White House run, Banks said the former president told the group that he „has made up his mind.“

„He said we are going to like his decision and it is only a matter of time before he will make that decision known,“ Banks told Fox News, adding that Trump „enjoyed encouragement“ from RSC members Tuesday to „get the decision out sooner rather than later.“

10.08.2022 - 11:16 [ Fox News ]

Former Trump official Michael Caputo blasts FBI‘s Mar-a-Lago raid: ‚Full-blown constitutional crisis‘

„America is in a full-blown constitutional crisis. The American people have endured a slow, creeping attack on our nation. I had a front row seat in the Russia hoax, and I‘ve watched it get steadily and methodically worse ever since,“ Caputo said.

„With this militant raid on President Trump‘s home, we have become Russia. The FBI is the KGB. I should know. I‘ve seen them both in action and I see no difference at all,“ he said.

10.08.2022 - 11:11 [ New York Times ]

Representative Scott Perry says the F.B.I. seized his cellphone.

“My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents and friends. None of this is the government’s business,” Mr. Perry said. “As with President Trump last night, D.O.J. chose this unnecessary and aggressive action instead of simply contacting my attorneys. These kinds of banana republic tactics should concern every citizen.”


It was not immediately clear why the F.B.I. had seized Mr. Perry’s phone. A spokeswoman for the congressman did not respond right away to a follow-up question, and the Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

10.08.2022 - 10:31 [ ]

FBI Raid On Trump Smacks Of Banana Republic Tactics

Not since the Elian Gonzalez moment have I felt this disgusted with the American system of government. I am spitting furious. Why? The Trump raid is true Banana Republic stuff. It should not happen in America.

10.08.2022 - 10:22 [ ]

Alyssa Farah Griffin says FBI may have ‘handed’ Trump the presidency

Griffin, in an appearance on CNN’s “New Day,” said she hoped the investigation is about more than Trump not complying with certain archiving laws and is more significant, or the Department of Justice (DOJ) “handed” Trump the Republican nomination and possibly the next presidential election.

“If it’s seen as some sort of massive overreach and not something incredibly serious, this is a very good day for Donald Trump,” she said.

10.08.2022 - 10:08 [ Washington Post ]

The FBI goes after Trump again, and this time, it has really blundered

The unprecedented FBI search of former president Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Fla., home might go down as one of the most catastrophic mistakes in law enforcement history — one already widely seen by Republicans as an act of political retribution by a bureau whose relentless pursuit of Trump has destroyed its credibility. It also makes it far more likely that Trump will win the GOP nomination and take back the White House in 2024.