Archiv: deselections

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

08.09.2019 - 11:56 [ Daily Mail ]

Theresa May leads fight to reinstate Remainer rebels as she emerges as the leading critic of Boris Johnson‘s ‚brutal‘ decision to purge 21 Tories

Mrs May has raised the issue directly with Party chairman James Cleverly and Chief Whip Mark Spencer on behalf of the group that includes former Chancellor Philip Hammond, ex-Justice Secretary David Gauke and Tory grandee Ken Clarke.

She approached Mr Cleverly behind the Speaker‘s Chair in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening to raise concerns about the legality of blocking any of the rebels from being candidates at the next Election.

08.09.2019 - 11:46 [ Daily Mail ]

Rogue Tories plot with Liberal Democrats: Rebel MPs stripped of the whip for voting against Boris Johnson‘s Brexit policy on verge of agreeing Election pact with Jo Swinson‘s party

Under the plan, if the rebels are not allowed back into the party, the Liberals and the Greens would not put up a candidate against MPs Rory Stewart, Sam Gyimah, Margot James and Dominic Grieve.

In return, if they were to beat the official Tory candidates and win election to the Commons, they would agree to take a ‚soft whip‘ from the Liberals, meaning they would vote with Ms Swinson‘s party on selected issues.

09.06.2019 - 11:35 [ gerard peter anthony ‏/ Twitter ]

via @GuidoFawkes David Gauke now facing a vote of no confidence in his constituency. Gauke is the first Cabinet Minister in this Parliament who is being threatened with deselection. The wheel is turning against those that have tried to stop Brexit.

01.06.2019 - 17:32 [ Guido Fawkes ]

+++ Philip Lee No Confidenced +++

The second referendum backing Tory MP has so alienated members of his constituency association that he didn’t even turn up at the Bracknell Conservative Association’s Special General Meeting. Unsurprisingly they voted that they had no confidence in Philip Lee.

01.06.2019 - 17:29 [ Bracknell News ]

Bracknell Conservative Association pass motion of no confidence in Phillip Lee MP

BRACKNELL MP Phillip Lee has been deselected after Tory members voted at a meeting of the Bracknell Conservative Association (BCA) on Saturday, June 1.

This comes after a petition with 53 members’ signatures was received by the BCA entitled ‘the Bracknell Conservative Association has no confidence in Dr Phillip Lee MP as the Conservative member of Parliament for the constituency of Bracknell’.

11.05.2019 - 07:16 [ ]

Former Cabinet minister Dominic Grieve faces deselection vote next month from Tory activists furious over Brexit

Mr Grieve, the chairman of Parliament‘s intelligence watchdog, has been heavily criticised locally for his efforts in the House of Commons to frustrate attempts to take the UK out of the European Union.

Now 66 local activists – more than the 50 required under the party’s rules – have submitted a formal notice calling for a deselection vote at a special general meeting.

02.05.2019 - 17:55 [ ]

Fiona Onasanya becomes first MP to be kicked out of Parliament by voters

She is the first MP ever to be removed by the recall process, introduced by David Cameron in 2015.

Some 19,261 people signed the petition – 27.64% of those eligible to take part and well above the 10% threshold for a recall.

04.04.2019 - 08:27 [ Leave.EU / Twitter ]

The „Conservatives“ who voted to block Brexit this evening. Are you a Conservative member in one of these constituencies? Sign up to our deselection campaign below and help us oust the Remainers!

Support us at

31.03.2019 - 17:01 [ Spiked ]

Quit your weeping – Dominic Grieve deserves to be de-selected

Guess what, MPs: if you defy the democratic will, the demos will punish you.

30.03.2019 - 11:42 [ ]

EXPLAINED: How to deselect a Tory MP

(11.2.2019) According to the Conservative party constitution, all sitting members of parliament have to apply in writing to their local executive council if they wish to be selected again to fight the next election. They can do that at any time during a parliament

30.03.2019 - 11:39 [ Sky News ]

Remain MP Dominic Grieve suffers no confidence vote

He backs a second referendum and last week said Mrs May‘s attack on parliament for blocking her Brexit deal left him „never more ashamed to be Conservative“, adding: „I could have wept.“

The chairman of the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association, Jackson Ng, said the no confidence motion was passed at the association‘s annual general meeting on Friday evening.