Archiv: Breonna Taylor

14.03.2021 - 13:58 [ ]

A Year After Breonna Taylor‘s Killing, Family Says There‘s ‚No Accountability‘

The Louisville incident unfolded during a botched narcotics raid, when officers forced their way into her apartment in the early morning hours of March 13, 2020. Taylor was not the target of the raid and the suspect police were searching for was not at Taylor‘s home.

A year after Taylor‘s death, none of the officers who fired their service weapons — a total of 32 rounds — face criminal charges directly over Taylor‘s killing.

14.03.2021 - 13:55 [ ]

Demos am Todestag von Breonna Taylor

Ein Jahr nach dem Tod der von Polizeikräften erschossenen Afroamerikanerin Breonna Taylor haben Hunderte Menschen Gerechtigkeit für die junge Frau und Reformen gegen Polizeigewalt gefordert.

26.09.2020 - 13:15 [ CNN / Twitter ]

„I think that there‘s a lot of covering up,“ says Lonita Baker, an attorney for Breonna Taylor‘s family, of the investigation into Taylor‘s death. „We‘re not giving up on state-level manslaughter or murder charges in the case… There‘s sufficient probable cause here.“

26.09.2020 - 13:10 [ Ben Crump, Trial Lawyer for Justice / Twitter ]

12 of Breonna Taylor‘s neighbors NEVER heard police announce themselves before breaking down her door. Did they get a voice at the Grand Jury proceedings? @KYOAG , if you have nothing to hide, release the transcripts so we know the FULL TRUTH of what was presented!

26.09.2020 - 12:55 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

Family of Breonna Taylor hold press conference in Louisville – watch live


Attorney Ben Crump, co-counsels Sam Aguiar and Lonita Baker, and the family of Breonna Taylor hold a press conference at Jefferson Square Park in Louisville, Kentucky

26.09.2020 - 12:55 [ Attorney General Daniel Cameron / Twitter ]

Read the press release from today’s announcement regarding the completion of the investigation into the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor, and the Grand Jury’s decision:


26.09.2020 - 12:48 [ ]

Breonna Taylor‘s family, lawyers blast Daniel Cameron over lack of charges in her death

Palmer‘s attorneys, Ben Crump, Lonita Baker and Sam Aguiar, specifically called on Cameron to release the grand jury transcript and recording to show what evidence and recommendations he presented.

„What we also want is for you to quit dodging the question. You were asked at the press conference (Wednesday): Did you make a recommendation“ to the grand jury, Baker asked. „You refused to answer. Answer the question: Did you even present any charges regarding Breonna Taylor to the grand jury?“

26.09.2020 - 12:44 [ ]

USC Law professor, students react to Breonna Taylor indictment


Jasmine Caruthers is one of the two students helping Miller and said she had mixed emotions on the decision.

„Part of me was happy that the Taylor family was going to get compensated because they have been through so much. Another part of me was extremely sad because at the end of the day you can‘t put a price tag on someone‘s life,“ said Caruthers.

24.06.2020 - 13:22 [ ]

Protests Propel Charles Booker in Close Kentucky Senate Race Against Establishment-Backed Amy McGrath

“A lot of y’all have been yelling out Breonna’s name,” Booker said from the stage. “She hung out with my cousin T.J., and when he was murdered, she was there. And her death, her killing, felt like losing him all over again. And we stood up in the streets because we had no other choice.”

Kentucky voters weren’t meant to have a choice. Not long after Amy McGrath pulled off an upset victory in her House Democratic primary in May 2018, her phone rang. It was Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic minority leader, with more than just congratulations. No matter how the general election goes, Schumer told McGrath, we want you to be our candidate for Senate against Mitch McConnell in 2020, according to a McGrath 2018 campaign aide.

13.06.2020 - 11:46 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

This is the issue w/ many “reforms”: yes, you can pass certain laws, but the problem is police *breaking the law.* Murder is already illegal, but the officers who killed Breonna Taylor STILL haven’t been arrested. Taking on that abuse of power often takes major political risk.

12.06.2020 - 04:04 [ NBC News ]

Louisville city council unanimously pass ‚Breonna‘s Law‘ to ban no-knock warrants

The unanimously passed ordinance, which still needs to be approved by the mayor, bans any search warrant that does not require police to announce themselves and their purpose at the premises. It requires any Louisville Metro Police Department or Metro law enforcement to knock and wait a minimum of 15 seconds for a response.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer vowed to pass the ban as “soon as it hits my desk.”

12.06.2020 - 04:00 [ ]

Louisville police release the Breonna Taylor incident report. It‘s virtually blank

Mayor Greg Fischer was less forgiving, issue a statement Wednesday night calling the released report „unacceptable.“

„Full stop. It’s issues like this that erode public confidence in LMPD’s ability to do its job, and that’s why I’ve ordered an external top-to-bottom review of the department,“ he said. „I am sorry for the additional pain to the Taylor family and our community.“

30.05.2020 - 21:11 [ @ShaggyBull / Twitter ]

Hmm, so no one with LMPD. Who did the shooting? State police? Mercenaries? Vigilanties? Please investigate! #Louisville


30.05.2020 - 21:08 [ Demforever / Twitter ]

Who did the shooting is the big question! ‘Shots fired, we have shots fired’: Listen to Louisville reporter’s harrowing live broadcast — 7 wounded


29.05.2020 - 13:09 [ Mark Mikofski / Twitter ]

Outrageous! #BreonnaTaylor was an aspiring EMT, police killed her in her own home after a „no-knock“ warrant for someone already in custody in a different house miles away. And we‘re only hearing about this colossal f*kup 2 months later?


29.05.2020 - 12:46 [ WLKY News Louisville / Youtube ]

911 call from Kenneth Walker: ‚Somebody kicked in the door, shot my girlfriend‘

911 call from Kenneth Walker: ‚Somebody kicked in the door, shot my girlfriend‘

29.05.2020 - 12:45 [ CNN ]

Attorney for Breonna Taylor‘s boyfriend releases audio of 911 call after her shooting death

Taylor was shot at least eight times in March when three officers entered her Kentucky apartment by force to serve a search warrant in a narcotics investigation. The department said the officers announced themselves and returned Walker‘s gunfire.

29.05.2020 - 12:40 [ ]

What we know about Breonna Taylor‘s boyfriend and why charges against him were dropped


The warrant, signed by Jefferson Circuit Judge Mary Shaw the day before police entered the home after midnight, had a „no-knock“ provision, meaning that police could enter Taylor‘s house without first identifying themselves as law enforcement.

Police can seek a „no-knock“ entry if there is a reasonable suspicion that knocking would be dangerous, futile or inhibit the „effective investigation of the crime,“ LMPD‘s policies state.

In this case, police have said it was necessary because „these drug traffickers have a history of attempting to destroy evidence, have cameras on the location that compromise detectives once an approach to the dwelling is made, and have a history of fleeing from law enforcement.“

29.05.2020 - 12:38 [ New York Times ]

F.B.I. to Investigate Shooting of Breonna Taylor by Louisville Police


Louisville police officers fatally shot Breonna Taylor, 26, after midnight on March 13 at her home during a narcotics investigation. Officers knocked on the door several times and announced their presence, before forcing their way into the home, the Louisville police said. They were immediately met by gunfire, and Ms. Taylor’s boyfriend shot an officer in the leg, the police said.

29.05.2020 - 12:05 [ Greg Fischer, Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky / Twitter ]

I urge protesters, as Breonna Taylor’s family said tonight, to say her name. But let’s not see anyone else get hurt. Let’s work together for peace, justice & for Breonna & all of Louisville.

29.05.2020 - 12:00 [ New York Times ]

7 People Shot at Louisville Protest Over the Death of Breonna Taylor

Of those reported injured in the demonstration, two were taken for surgery and five were in good condition, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said early Friday morning. Mr. Fischer said no officers discharged their weapons and that the violence came from within the crowd.

29.05.2020 - 11:45 [ WHAS11 / Youtube ]

Protesters shake LMPD vehicle, loud bangs heard during demonstration

Protesters rock LMPD vehicle back and forth. Shortly after, the crowd begins to disperse when loud bangs are heard.

29.05.2020 - 11:33 [ NEW WORLD MEDIA / Youtube ]

Louisville Breonna Taylor Killing Sparks PROTEST (SHOTS FIRED)


29.05.2020 - 11:11 [ Molly / Twitter ]

meanwhile in Louisville Ky.. 7 protesters were shot. crazy to think this is the world we live in.

29.05.2020 - 11:05 [ zach / Twitter ]

7 people shot in Louisville. Nobody seems to know who did the shooting. Anxiety wins.

29.05.2020 - 11:04 [ ]

7 shot at Louisville protest over fatal police shooting

Meanwhile, live video from downtown Louisville around 12:30 a.m. showed some protesters behind makeshift wooden barricades, which appeared to be made out of picnic tables spray-painted with the words “You can’t kill us all.” Police in body armor and face shields held batons and lined up around Louisville City Hall. They appeared to fire rubber bullets and deploy tear gas canisters, fogging the air and inducing coughs among the remaining members of the crowd.