Daily Archives: 3. Oktober 2023

03.10.2023 - 11:55 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Europol will Chatkontrolle-Daten unbegrenzt sammeln


Europol wünscht sich ungefilterten Zugang zu Daten der Chatkontrolle, um KI-Algorithmen zu trainieren. Das geht aus internen Dokumenten hervor, die wir veröffentlichen. Zwei ehemalige Beamte der EU-Polizei wechselten zur US-Organisation Thorn, die massiv für das geplante Gesetz lobbyiert.

03.10.2023 - 11:00 [ World Economic Forum / Weltwirtschaftsforum ]

World Economic Forum Launches Coalition to Tackle Harmful Online Content

(29 Jun 2021)

· Leaders in Australia, the UK, Indonesia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Singapore and other public and private sector members have come together to collaborate and share best practices to reduce the spread of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, violent extremist and terrorist content, and health misinformation

03.10.2023 - 10:30 [ Elander & the News / Twitter ]

OFCOM – UK broadcasting regulator, gained extensive new powers of censorship and news control, under the Online Safety Bill, which it wrote in conjunction with the unelected WEF! The CEO of Ofcom is also a member of the WEF Global coalition for digital safety. Just saying
