Archiv: revoke the nation state law

26.07.2023 - 10:50 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Warum Netanyahus “Nationalstaatsgesetz” mit der israelischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung unvereinbar ist

(11. August 2018)

Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung von Israel und das “Nationalstaatsgesetz” der Regierung Netanyahu in der wörtlichen Gegenüberstellung.

28.12.2020 - 12:00 [ Haaretz ]

Israel’s High Court Judges Are Playing Dumb About the Nation-state Law

Amit knows very well that the principle of equality wasn’t omitted from the law by accident, nor is it just a coincidence that it’s impossible to find a Knesset majority for passing a Basic Law on Equality. He knows that discrimination against Arabs in Israel isn’t just a by-product of the nation-state law but its main purpose – that discrimination is the essence of the law: enshrining Jewish superiority and Arab inferiority.

So why did Amit fake intimacy with Jabareen and inquire about his feelings as if he were a guidance counselor rather than a Supreme Court justice, and as if the only change that had occurred was in the lawyer’s emotions rather than Israel’s Basic Laws?

22.12.2020 - 23:44 [ Ben Reiff / Twitter ]

Arab MK Yousef Jabareen presented a petition at the Supreme Court today against the Nation-State Bill, on behalf of the Joint List and the NGO Adalah. Upon leaving he was harassed by Likud supporters chanting “death to terrorists”. They are the face of this racist law.

18.12.2020 - 08:45 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Attorney-General to High Court: Don’t overturn unity gov’t

It was unclear whether the High Court could ever strike down a quasi-constitutional basic law, he said. In any event, if it were possible, it would need to be a far more extreme law, implying something criminal or actively undermining democracy, he added.

Furthermore, Mandelblit rejected the notion that the coalition was abusing or ignoring the will of the voter by forming coalitions they had vowed not to form.

14.08.2018 - 18:26 [ Ronald Lauder / New York Times ]

Israel, This Is Not Who We Are

Its Declaration of Independence guarantees “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex,” as well as a guarantee of freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture.

Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, Zeev Jabotinsky, David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir always emphasized the need to combine Jewish nationalism with universal humanism. So now, when Israel’s government appears to be tarnishing the sacred value of equality, many supporters feel it is turning its back on Jewish heritage, the Zionist ethos and the Israeli spirit.

14.08.2018 - 18:21 [ Haaretz ]

Ronald Lauder Warns Israel: Nation-state Law Will Harm Ties With World Jewry

World Jewish Congress chief and former Netanyahu confidant urges Israeli leaders to ‚rethink their destructive actions‘ in New York Times op-ed

12.08.2018 - 15:44 [ 972+ magazine ]

Tens of thousands of Palestinians and Jews protest Nation-State Law

(12.8.2018) “We are not going to rest after this incredible protest,” Barekeh continued. “We are marking the beginning of the way and there is no way back until the law is rescinded. Our struggle will be here, a popular parliamentary and democratic struggle for Arabs as well as Jews.”

“I came to France from Morocco when I was 10 years old,” Eva Illouz told the crowd. “Although I was Jewish and from Morocco, I went to the same schools as the French, and my teachers gave me grades just like the French. I felt that I wasn’t defined by my origin or religion. As a girl I felt deep in my bones the meaning of living in a country where I am treated as an equal.”

12.08.2018 - 09:45 [ ]

Arab protesters say not enough attended thousands-strong anti-Nationality Law protest

Approximately 20-25 thousands people showed up in solidarity against the law, a number in which Agbariyah expressed disappointment.

“I expect that out of a million-and-a-half Arab citizens, at least 200,000 should turn up. It is unacceptable if we don’t manage to bring the Arab public to this protest,” Agbariyah complained. “Arab Knesset MKs have to get the crowds into the street. Committees, mayors of mixed cities, mayors of Arab cities—everyone should be uniting as one.”

12.08.2018 - 09:36 [ Haaretz ]

Tens of Thousands Gather in Tel Aviv for Nation-state Law Protest Led by Israeli Arabs

Tens of thousands of demonstrators protesting the nation-state law gathered in Tel Aviv Saturday night in the wake of last week‘s mass march, which drew tens of thousands of Israelis to protest in solidarity with the country‘s Druze community.

Demonstrators marched from Rabin Square to the plaza of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, which began at 8:00 P.M. Protesters gathered at Rabin Square. A rally under the name „Abolish Nation-state Law – Yes to Equality“ took place after the march.

11.08.2018 - 19:20 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Live: Arab Israelis rally in Tel Aviv against Jewish nation-state law

Arab Israelis gather in Tel Aviv‘s Rabin Square on Saturday, August 11, to demonstrate against the new Jewish nation-state law.

11.08.2018 - 19:18 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا ‏ / Twitter ]

Tens of thousands are gathering RIGHT NOW in Tel Aviv‘s Rabin square in to protest the #NationStateLaw, in what appears to be the THE LARGEST JEWISH-ARAB DEMONSTRATION IN HISTORY OF ISRAEL. This is our answer to the racist government.

11.08.2018 - 11:23 [ @HPollinGalay / Twitter ]

This Saturday night, no one in Israel goes to the movies. Everyone goes to the demonstration to revoke the #nationstatelaw. If you happen to be abroad (for the moment or forever) donate to off-set the cost of buses, permits, and *awesome clip* below.