Archiv: Miri Regev

06.01.2024 - 23:53 [ ]

Combative security cabinet meeting on post-war Gaza uncovers coalition‘s crisis

Israel‘s War Cabinet gathered overnight on Friday to discuss the future of the Gaza Strip after the nation‘s war against Hamas ends. The meeting was reportedly cut off after lawmakers clashed with the defense establishment over the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) investigation of the mistakes leading to the October 7 tragedy that had previously been promised to start after the Israel-Hamas war.

Miri Regev, Minister of Transport and Road Safety, pointed out that the decision over the probe had been made without lawmakers‘ knowledge and argued that the army should be fully focused on the combat in the moment.

04.08.2023 - 18:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Mafioso Ministers Gave Israelis a Foretaste of Tyranny

When cabinet ministers, under the leadership and guidance of the prime minister and justice minister, two human demons who have taken over the state, insult and denounce the High Court of Justice merely for hearing petitions (which it could end up rejecting), Israel can no longer be seen as a democratic, liberal state. Nor is it Jewish, because what Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir and Eliyahu and Strock represent is not Judaism. It is messianism, racism and degradation.

02.04.2023 - 18:45 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Israel‘s Miri Regev admits gov‘t will restart judicial reform after Passover

„As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, the reform was only put on [temporary] hold and there is a [known] date for the next session – immediately after Independence Day we are continuing with the legislation,“ she said.

She even claimed that „Netanyahu paused [legislation] to allow for negotiation, but if there will be none, we will bring it [back up] for reconfirmation.“

27.11.2019 - 10:00 [ ]

Thousands rally against Netanyahu indictment as PM steps up pressure

At least 8000 gather at Tel Aviv Museum of Art holding banners, slamming the attorney general and state prosecutors in a demonstration against Israel leader‘s corruption charges; ‚Rule of law isn‘t above the law,‘ says PM backer Miri Regev

08.07.2018 - 15:33 [ ]

Miri Regev: Eine Rassistin in Israels Regierung – auf den Spuren Kahanes

(8.10.2015) Am 23. Mai 2012 auf einer Großdemonstration gegen afrikanische Kriegsflüchtlinge heizte die damals bereits Likud- und Knesset-Abgeordnete mit ihrem Ausruf „Die Sudanesen sind ein Krebs in unserem Körper!“ die Stimmung zum Siedepunkt an. Daraufhin rannten tausende Israelis stundenlang auf der Suche nach dunkelhäutigen Menschen in Tel Aviv umher, griffen diejenigen an, die sie in die Finger bekommen konnten und zerstörten ihr Eigentum. Zunächst bestritt Regev daher, die rassistische Aussage getätigt zu haben. Allerdings bezeugten Videoaufnahmen das Gegenteil, woraufhin sie sich dazu bekannte.
Dazu sei jedoch ebenfalls gesagt, dass sich die Knesset-Abgeordnete im Nachhinein für ihre Worte entschuldigte – bei Krebspatienten. Sie habe die Krankheit in ihrem Inneren nicht mit Sudanesen vergleichen wollen, sondern lediglich das Phänomen ihrer Ausbreitung. In einer ausführlichen Videobotschaft teilte sie überdies mit, dass es nie ihre Absicht gewesen sei, afrikanische Kriegsflüchtlinge – in ihrem Wortlaut „Eindringlinge“ – mit menschlichen Wesen zu vergleichen.

08.07.2018 - 15:20 [ Italy in Israel / Twitter ]

Vice Premier and Minister of Interior @matteosalvinimi expressed „solidarity to the Israeli colleague Minister of Culture and Sport @regev_miri, because it is not possible that hatred, threats and violence could block even a peaceful sport event“. #Israele #Argentina
