Archiv: Ha Noi / Hanoi (city)

10.09.2023 - 17:24 [ ]

Việt Nam, US upgrade ties to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace, Cooperation, and Sustainable Development

The move followed talks between General Secretary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyễn Phú Trọng and US President Joe Biden at the headquarters of the CPV Central Committee in Hà Nội.

Biden is in Việt Nam for a two-day State visit at the invitation of the Vietnamese Party leader.

10.09.2023 - 17:12 [ ]

US President Joe Biden arrives in Hà Nội for State visit

US President Joe Biden arrived at Nội Bài International Airport in Hà Nội on Sunday afternoon, starting a two-day State visit to Việt Nam at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam Central Committee Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

05.03.2019 - 21:08 [ KBS ]

Südkoreas Atomunterhändler besucht USA für Diskussionen nach Hanoi-Gipfel

Das Außenministerium in Seoul teilte mit, dass Lee Do-hoon, der Sondergesandte für Frieden und Sicherheit auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, am Dienstag zu einem dreitägigen Besuch nach Washington aufbreche. Er werde dort mit seinem Ansprechpartner Stephen Biegun zu Diskussionen zusammenkommen.

01.03.2019 - 13:53 [ Donald J. Trump, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten / Twitter ]

Great to be back from Vietnam, an amazing place. We had very substantive negotiations with Kim Jong Un – we know what they want and they know what we must have. Relationship very good, let’s see what happens!

01.03.2019 - 13:39 [ Yonhap ]

N. Korean leader to leave Hanoi on Saturday morning: source

Kim has stayed at his luxury hotel without issuing any public message in person since the summit.

The country‘s foreign minister, Ri Yong-ho, instead held a sudden late-night press conference and said his regime demanded partial sanctions relief for its dismantlement of the Yongbyon nuclear complex in the negotiations.

01.03.2019 - 13:04 [ Reuters ]

North Korean leader Kim and Trump to continue talks to resolve problems discussed at Hanoi: KCNA

The two leaders saw that efforts and proactive measures taken by both sides to ease tension, propel peace and bring about complete denuclearization on the Korean peninsula has been gravely meaningful in encouraging trust between them and fundamentally changing the distrust and inimical relationship that had continued between the two countries for decades, KCNA said.

01.03.2019 - 12:49 [ Fox News ]

Kim Jong Un willing to sit down with Trump again, North Korea state media says

Nevertheless, North Korean state news agency KNCA‘s report Friday offered an upbeat takeaway of the meeting, saying both leaders walked away with a deeper commitment to forging ties between the two historically hostile nations.

01.03.2019 - 12:44 [ CNN ]

Trump‘s presidency turns into the art of the no deal

(1.3.2019) „So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway,“ Trump tweeted.
CNN‘s Kevin Liptak reported that top aides had told Trump a deal was tough to reach in Hanoi, but the President had harbored hopes that he could turn the tables. He was dismayed to find that the North Korean leader was so inflexible.

01.03.2019 - 05:08 [ Vox ]

Read the full transcript of Trump’s North Korea summit press conference in Vietnam

… Unfortunately, we didn’t get all the way that ultimately made sense for the United States of America. I think chairman Kim was hopeful that we would. We asked him to do more. He was unprepared to do that, but I’m optimistic. I hope our teams will get together in the days and weeks ahead and work out. It’s a very complex problem. We have said since the beginning this would take time…

01.03.2019 - 03:09 [ KBS ]

Seoul sieht dennoch bedeutsame Fortschritte in Hanoi

Seoul nehme zur Kenntnis, dass beide Spitzenpolitiker durch lange und tiefer gehende Gespräche das Verständnis für die Position des Gegenübers vertieft hätten. US-Präsident Trump habe gute Aussichten bescheinigt, indem er seinen Willen für weitere Gespräche und eine optimistische Einschätzung zum Ausdruck gebracht habe.

28.02.2019 - 12:23 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ein möglicher Grund warum Nordkorea weiter auf seinen Nuklearwaffen hockt

Der Hanoi-Gipfel von U.S.-Präsident Donald Trump und Nordkoreas Staatschef Kim Jong-un ist vorzeitig beendet. Trumps anschließende Pressekonferenz sprach diesbezüglich einige Bände: Nordkoreas Staatsführung drückt sich um die Denuklearisierung, die sie im Gegenzug zur Aufhebung der U.N.O.-Sanktionen und einem Friedensvertrag zu liefern hat. Dazu gehört auch, endlich die in ihrem Besitz befindlichen Nuklearwaffen (Atombomben, Wasserstoffbomben, etc) herauszurücken.

Warum aber macht dies Nordkorea nicht?

28.02.2019 - 10:13 [ Fox News ]

Trump‘s full press conference after Kim Jong Un summit in Vietnam

The White House has announced that no agreement was reached in Trump‘s summit with Kim Jong Un. The President will brief the media before departing Hanoi.

28.02.2019 - 10:07 [ New York Times ]

Trump-Kim Summit Updates: ‘Sometimes You Have to Walk,’ Trump Says as Talks Collapse

• President Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, failed to reach a deal on denuclearization during their second summit meeting in eight months. “Sometimes you have to walk,” Mr. Trump said after the talks broke down.

• Mr. Trump said Mr. Kim was willing to close some but not all nuclear sites in North Korea in exchange for the lifting of all international sanctions.

• The leaders were scheduled to have lunch together and sign a joint agreement, but those plans were abruptly called off.

28.02.2019 - 10:06 [ ]

Donald Trump storms out of summit early and CANCELS planned lunch after Kim Jong-un demands sanctions are lifted without giving up nukes

The White House today insisted talks between the pair would continue in the future despite the talks breaking down early and a joint agreement signing ceremony being scrapped

28.02.2019 - 00:57 [ KBS ]

Präsident Moon: Heute ist ein sehr bedeutender Tag für Frieden und Gedeihen

Moon nimmt von Mittwochnachmittag bis Donnerstagabend keine offiziellen Termine wahr. Beobachter in Seoul gehen davon aus, dass sich Moon für eine mögliche Vermittlerrolle bei Nordkorea-USA-Gesprächen hinter den Kulissen bereithalte.

27.02.2019 - 18:45 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

#TrumpKimSummit #HanoiSummit #2차북미정상회담 [2019 NORTH KOREA-U.S. SUMMIT HIGHLIGHT] FULL HIGHLIGHT, DAY1


27.02.2019 - 15:19 [ Hanoi Times ]

Foreign visitors amazed at Hanoi amid second US – North Korea summit

That Hanoi has been chosen to host the second summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korea`s leader Kim Jong Un has become not only a focus of local and international media, but also a common topic of foreign visitors these days.

27.02.2019 - 15:00 [ ]

Donald Trump und Kim Jong-un beginnen Gespräche in Hanoi

Kim und Trump werden morgen zu einem Einzeltreffen und einem erweiterten Gipfeltreffen zusammenkommen. Ihre bilateralen Einigungen sollen als so genannte „Hanoi Erklärung“ veröffentlicht werden. Im Anschluss an das Gespräch werden beide eine gemeinsame Pressekonferenz geben.

Große Aufmerksamkeit richtet sich darauf, ob und wie beide Spitzenpolitiker die grob umrissene Einigung beim ersten Gipfel auf eine Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas konkretisieren. Ein weiteres Augenmerk liegt darauf, ob ein formales Ende des Koreakriegs (1950-53) erklärt wird.

27.02.2019 - 14:40 [ NBC News / Youtube ]

Special Report: President Trump meets with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi

President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un meet in Vietnam for a second round of talks, focusing on Kim’s nuclear arsenal.

27.02.2019 - 10:39 [ Viet Nam News ]

PM Phúc meets US President Trump in Hà Nội

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc met with US President Donald Trump in Hà Nội on Wednesday.

The Vietnamese Government leader warmly welcomed the US leader for the second DPRK-USA summit and bilateral activities with Việt Nam.

27.02.2019 - 07:06 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

Prospective participants at Kim-Trump social dinner

Watchers say,… since only the closest aides will take part in the greeting and dinner, the two countries will have a frank discussion on denuclearization and corresponding measures. Adding to that speculation is the fact that the hawkish U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton, who also arrived in Hanoi on Tuesday,… ISN‘T a member of these talks.

27.02.2019 - 06:52 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]


▪ Leaders of North Korea and U.S. to have sit-down meeting Wednesday evening

27.02.2019 - 02:11 [ KBS ]

Südkoreas Parteien wünschen sich Erfolg beim zweiten Nordkorea-USA-Gipfel

Die Fraktionschefs teilten weiter mit, sie hofften nachdrücklich, dass durch den Gipfel ein neuer Meilenstein für eine vollständige Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas und eine dauerhafte Friedensverankerung auf der koreanischen Halbinsel erreicht werden könne. Die Nationalversammlung der Republik Korea wolle die Ergebnisse des zweiten Nordkorea-USA-Gipfels aufmerksam verfolgen und auf die Situation danach überparteilich reagieren.

25.02.2019 - 05:47 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

S. Korea‘s presidential office says N. Korea and U.S. may agree on ending Korean War this week

President Moon Jae-in is also likely to discuss the upcoming Kim-Trump summit during his weekly meeting this afternoon with top aides at the Blue House. The president had previously ordered his chief secretaries to keep working hard to achieve denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. And with presidential spokesperson Kim Eui-kyeom even floating the possibility of a declaration of the end of the Korean War during this week’s summit, it is likely that President Moon may also make a statement in his meeting later today.

14.09.2018 - 05:17 [ KBS ]

Außenministerin betont beim WEF-Forum Wichtigkeit des nächstwöchigen Korea-Gipfels

Südkoreas Außenministerin Kang Kyung-hwa hat beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Hanoi die Wichtigkeit des Korea-Gipfels in der kommenden Woche unterstrichen.

Das Außenministerium in Seoul gab bekannt, Kang habe unter anderem die ASEAN-Staaten darum gebeten, auf dem Weg zur Friedensverankerung auf der koreanischen Halbinsel eine konstruktive Rolle zu spielen

13.04.2018 - 16:21 [ Viet Nam News ]

This is Hà Nội

With a population of more than 7.5 million, Hà Nội is a melting pot of all things great about Asia.

So Việt Nam News decided to showcase our capital and tell the world exactly what Hà Nội is.

Our dedicated team spent the last week capturing the sights, sounds, colours and characters of Hà Nội to bring you our very special production.