Archiv: Geoffrey Cox

14.09.2020 - 19:57 [ ]

Boris Johnson accuses the EU of putting a ‚revolver on the table‘ during trade talks by threatening to block GB food exports to Northern Ireland as he tries to win over Tory rebels who are against his plans to tear up parts of the Brexit divorce deal

– Sajid Javid and Geoffrey Cox have both said they cannot support PM‘s proposal

25.09.2019 - 17:22 [ Daily Mail ]

‚This is a DEAD Parliament‘: Furious Attorney General Geoffrey Cox dismisses calls to quit over his advice that prorogation was legal as he rages that ‚turkey‘ Jeremy Corbyn won‘t be able to prevent election forever

– Boris Johnson has cut short trip to New York in wake of Supreme Court ruling
– Speaker John Bercow has reopened Parliament saying prorogation ‚expunged‘
– Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has been defending his advice on the suspension
– He accused MPs of ‚immorally‘ blocking an election to resolve the Brexit crisis
– The PM has demanded election after Parliament suspension was declared illegal
– MPs are back in Westminster plotting to sabotage government‘s Brexit strategy

25.09.2019 - 17:20 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Cox: This Parliament is a Disgrace!

“This parliament is a dead parliament. It should no longer sit. It has no moral right to sit on these benches… This parliament is a disgrace. They could vote ‘no confidence’ at any time, but they’re too cowardly.”

25.09.2019 - 17:17 [ BBC ]

Parliament: Government ‚acted in good faith‘ over suspension, says Cox

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox told MPs he was „disappointed“ at the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court that the suspension was unlawful, but respected the judgement.

He then launched a blistering attack on MPs for being „too cowardly“ to hold an election, calling them a „disgrace“.

04.04.2019 - 09:39 [ ]

We‘re not selling out! Cabinet Remainers pave the way for a soft Brexit deal with Corbyn as Hammond floats a second referendum and Cox defends customs union – but up to 15 MORE of May‘s ministers could quit

Last night Mr Hammond risked a Tory backlash as he said a ‚confirmatory referendum‘ – on Mrs May‘s deal versus Remain – was a ‚perfectly credible proposition.‘

And her Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has also made the case for a customs union compromise, insisting it was ‚not some kind of sell-out‘.

12.03.2019 - 15:17 [ Ed Conway, @SkyNews Economics Editor / Twitter ]

In case you missed it on @skynews a moment ago, here’s the story of the pound (vs €) since Mon. Up, up, up and then down very sharply following the AG’s legal opinion. Back to where it started, with a bump

12.03.2019 - 14:32 [ ZDF Studio London ‏/ Twitter ]

Noch schlechtere Nachrichten für #May. Die Einschätzung der Brexiteer-Anwälte ist raus, der speziell für die Hardliner und die DUP wichtig ist. Und sie raten den Deal abzulehnen. @ZDFheute @ReporterZDF

12.03.2019 - 14:29 [ Ross Kempsell, Political Editor @talkRADIO ‏/ Twitter ]

ERG lawyers not backing deal – here’s their advice Dup sources say not backing either It’s not getting through tonight

12.03.2019 - 14:24 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Brexit ‘Star Chamber’ Advises MPs Against Voting For the Deal

The ‘Star Chamber’ of Brexit lawyers have delivered their own verdict on Theresa May’s revised deal following Geoffrey Cox’s fatal advice earlier, concluding that it does not meet the tests the Government set itself.

12.03.2019 - 14:08 [ BBC Politics ‏/ Twitter ]

The legal risk of #WithdrawalAgreement „remains unchanged“ but MPs face a „political judgement“ about whether to enter into those arrangements – Attorney General Geoffrey Cox makes Commons statement #Brexit latest

12.03.2019 - 13:03 [ ]

ForexLive European morning FX news wrap: Pound falls as May‘s Brexit deal is in jeopardy

UK‘s Barclay: There is no set end date to the Irish backstop
Cox‘s advice: Legal risk remains unchanged that UK would have no lawful means of exiting arrangement

12.03.2019 - 12:26 [ Thomas Colson / Twitter ]

Geoffrey Cox‘s new legal advice on the backstop is VERY bad news for the PM. He says „the legal risk remains unchanged“ that there is no way the UK can unilaterally exit the backstop. Almost no way DUP or ERG can back the deal now.

12.03.2019 - 12:22 [ Kevin Doyle, @independent_ie ‏/ Twitter ]

So has the last 24 hours all been a big hoax??? Geoffrey Cox seems to think so. He says the legal risk remains „unchanged“. The likelihood of the UK being ‚trapped‘ in the backstop has reduced BUT there‘s still „no internationally lawful means of exiting“. #BREXIT

12.03.2019 - 12:21 [ Stuart Taylor ‏/ Twitter ]

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox „the legal risk remains unchanged“ #WithdrawalAgreement #Brexit

12.03.2019 - 12:17 [ Faisal Islam, @SkyNews Political Editor ‏/ Twitter ]

The world hinges on the word of the Attorney General. It doth arrive:

05.12.2018 - 16:51 [ ]

Theresa May Accused Of ‘Misleading’ Public Over Brexit Deal As Secret Legal Advice Reveals ‘Indefinite’ Link To EU

Theresa May has been accused of “concealing” the downsides of her Brexit deal after secret legal advice revealed that the UK could be “indefinitely” tied to the EU.

The DUP, SNP and Tory Brexiteers reacted with fury as the confidential advice by Attorney General Geoffrey Cox laid bare that the country would be trapped in a possible customs union for “many years”.

05.12.2018 - 16:48 [ Tom Harwood / Youtube ]

Legal Advice is Devastating for the Prime Minister

05.12.2018 - 16:41 [ ]

Read the full Brexit legal advice document (don‘t worry, it‘s only six pages)

These six pages are the source of the battle that saw MPs find the Government in contempt of Parliament for the first time in modern history.

05.12.2018 - 16:35 [ Sun ]

THE TRUTH‘S OUT: EU could keep Britain locked in customs union FOREVER even if Brexit talks completely break down, according to secret legal advice PM tried to hide

Buried in the small text it confirms that even if Britain is still negotiating with the EU years later and both parties think talks have broken down, then the UK still can‘t get out of the customs union backstop

05.12.2018 - 16:30 [ BBC ]

Brexit: Release of full legal advice sparks political row

Newly published documents show the PM was told an arrangement designed to prevent a hard Irish border could last „indefinitely“ and the UK could not „lawfully exit“ without EU agreement.

The Democratic Unionists said this would be „devastating“ for the UK.

But Mrs May rejected SNP claims she has misled Parliament on the issue.

05.12.2018 - 12:27 [ ]

House of Commons: Wednesday 5 December 2018

Oral questions – Wales

Prime Minister‘s Question Time

Ten Minute Rule Motion – Immigration (Time Limit on Deportations)

Tulip Siddiq MP (Hampstead and Kilburn, Labour)

Debate – Section 13 (1)(b) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Day 2)

05.12.2018 - 12:25 [ Simon Deane-Johns ‏/ Twitter ]

Can‘t wait to see the legal advice at 11:30 – Tories clearly terrified: took it to a vote, first government to be guilty of contempt of Parliament, Cox blubbing in Parliament, failed to release it immediately, Leadsom promising MPs will regret… popcorn time!

04.12.2018 - 20:32 [ ]

Unterhaus fügt Mays Regierung schwere Niederlage zu

Generalstaatsanwalt Geoffrey Cox hatte die Weigerung noch am Vorabend im Unterhaus damit begründet, dass eine vollständige Vorlage „dem öffentlichen Interesse“ entgegenstünde und Staatsgeheimnisse offenbaren würde. Daraufhin hatten aufgebrachte Abgeordnete eine Debatte über Parlamentsmissachtung angesetzt.

04.12.2018 - 20:08 [ Cathrin Kahlweit / Sü ]

Brexit: Der Souverän begehrt auf

Wenige Tage vor der Entscheidung des britischen Parlaments über den Brexit-Vertrag hat die Regierung von Theresa May eine große Zahl von Abgeordneten verärgert.
May wollte ihre Zusage, ein juristisches Gutachten zum Brexit-Vertrag in voller Länge zu veröffentlichen, wieder rückgängig machen.
Dagegen begehren die Abgeordneten nun auf – und sorgen so für eine Sternstunde der Demokratie.

04.12.2018 - 19:08 [ Clare Hepworth, Socialist Trade Unionist / Twitter ]

MPs have voted in favour of the #ContemptOfParliament motion ! MY GOODNESS This is unprecedented in modern times ! The Legal Advice will now be published.

04.12.2018 - 18:39 [ ]

UTTER CONTEMPT: Government forced to hand over ALL Brexit legal advice after humiliating Commons defeat sees it found in contempt of Parliament for first time ever

The full details on the hated Brexit deal will come out tomorrow, laying bare the extent of how awful Mrs May‘s agreement really is

04.12.2018 - 18:36 [ ]

Government agrees to publish FULL Brexit legal advice after it is dealt a humiliating defeat as MPs vote to hold ministers in contempt of Parliament

– MPs hold ministers in contempt of Parliament for the first time ever today
– Theresa May lost the vote by 311 to 293 in a humiliating defeat for Number 10
– Commons leader Andrea Leadsom said the full advice will be published now
– Caved amid fears minsters could be suspended just as crunch Brexit vote held
– Labour, SNP, Tory rebels and DUP joined forces to inflict the historic defeat
– PM had told Cabinet ministers are defending an ‚important point of principle‘

04.12.2018 - 18:28 [ ITV News ]

MPs vote on the contempt of Parliament motion in the Commons | ITV News

Streamed live 53 minutes ago

04.12.2018 - 18:14 [ Sky News ]

Government found in contempt of parliament for first time in history

Six parties – including Labour and the DUP – claim ministers are in contempt, despite denial from the Conservatives.

04.12.2018 - 18:12 [ Labour Whips / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Extraordinary, the Government have been defeated and go down in ignominy as being the first Government found in contempt of Parliament. Theresa May’s in contempt and incompetent Govt must now publish the full and final legal advice from the Attorney General. Lost by 4

04.12.2018 - 14:25 [ BrexitCentral ‏/ Twitter ]

Jonathan @Isaby on @BBCRADIOKENT: „Today we‘ve got the government being accused of contempt of parliament – well these people campaigning for another referendum are in contempt of the British people and the democratic process“

Listen to the rest here:

04.12.2018 - 14:07 [ Stephen Doughty, Member of Parliament / Twitter ]

Attorney General finally turns up to chamber looking like he’s been finishing his lunch off… extraordinary. #Brexit #Contempt

04.12.2018 - 14:02 [ Emma Ross-Thomas / ]

Brexit Bulletin: In Contempt?

Today in Brexit: May’s big Brexit debate is overshadowed by more parliamentary guerrilla tactics.

04.12.2018 - 13:44 [ Labour Whips / Twitter ]

There are no statements or UQs today. We expect the contempt of Parliament debate to start around 1245/1300.

04.12.2018 - 13:34 [ Cathrin Kahlweit / ]

Großbritannien: Die Schlammschlacht um den Brexit beginnt

Andererseits hatte Labour schon vor der Rede angekündigt, man behalte sich vor, die Regierung mit einer archaischen Regel unter Druck zu setzen, die höchst selten angewendet wird und in etwa der „Missachtung des Gerichts“ in Strafprozessen gleicht.

04.12.2018 - 13:17 [ Stephen Doughty, Member of Parliament / Twitter ]

Busy day ahead – don’t remember seeing a contempt motion before Parliament before! Well done @Keir_Starmer @NickTorfaenMP @labourwhips for forcing this crucial issue. Outrageous behaviour by Tory Government. #Brexit #Contempt

04.12.2018 - 13:05 [ ]

House of Commons: Tuesday 4 December 2018

Meeting started at 11.30am

04.12.2018 - 12:56 [ BBC Parliament ‏/ Twitter ]

Today‘s Commons motion on contempt of Parliament – @DArcyTiP looks at what it might mean

04.12.2018 - 12:45 [ ]

House of Commons: Monday 3 December 2018

Speaker Statement

04.12.2018 - 12:44 [ ]

‚Arguable case‘ the government is in contempt of parliament over Brexit legal advice, says speaker John Bercow

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has said there is an „arguable case“ that the Government committed contempt of Parliament over the legal advice on Brexit.

Senior MPs from six parties wrote to Mr Bercow asking him to begin contempt proceedings against the Government after full publication of the attorney general‘s findings was withheld „in the public interest“.

03.12.2018 - 08:59 [ ]

Theresa May’s Brexit vote could be scrapped as Government plans to reopen talks with EU in hope of further concessions

THERESA May’s crunch Brexit vote in the Commons next week could be abandoned, The Sun can reveal.

Government whips have discussed plans to seek further concessions from the EU before putting the deal to MPs.

03.12.2018 - 08:03 [ BBC ]

UK faces constitutional crisis over Brexit legal advice, Labour warns

Ex-foreign secretary Boris Johnson has joined calls for its publication, which critics say could sink the PM‘s deal.

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox will make a statement about it on Monday.

He is set to publish a reduced version of the legal advice – despite calls from MPs from all parties to publish a full version.

02.12.2018 - 17:38 [ Times ]

Revealed: Brexit legal advice could sink Theresa May

Senior ministers say the prime minister is refusing to publish the advice because it contains a stark passage that makes clear the UK could end up locked in a “backstop” arrangement with the European Union.

In a letter to cabinet ministers last month, the contents of which have been disclosed to The Sunday Times, Geoffrey Cox declared: “The protocol would endure indefinitely.”

02.12.2018 - 17:35 [ ]

Britain could end up trapped in Brexit backstop ‘indefinitely’, attorney-general warns

The documents, which have been seen by the Cabinet, have been withheld from MPs despite parliament demanding their publication in full.

In a letter, obtained by the Sunday Times, Geoffrey Cox said of the controversial Brexit ‘backstop’: “The protocol would endure indefinitely.”

24.11.2018 - 09:15 [ ]

Cabinet Brexiteers are gambling on a managed No Deal – and there‘s a good chance their bet will pay off

Jeremy Hunt, Geoffrey Cox, Liam Fox, Andrea Leadsom, Chris Grayling, Michael Gove: all are known to be in despair about the fate of Brexit – but none have resigned. To their critics, they embody the Tory spinelessness that led to this mess; the “pizza plotters” who can eat together, but not much more.

14.11.2018 - 05:08 [ Reuters ]

UK PM May‘s five senior ministers will back Brexit deal: The Sun‘s political editor

The British cabinet will meet at 1400 GMT on Wednesday to consider the draft withdrawal agreement after Britain struck a draft divorce deal with the European Union.